Sage Library System
Council Minutes
May 31, 2017
Present: Dea Nowell-UCSLD, Perry Stokes-Baker County Library District, Delia Wallis-Hermiston High School, Beth Longwell-Sage, Judith Mosier-BMCC, Terri Washburn-La Grande Public, Jeff Wavrunek-The Dalles-Wasco County, Laurie Nelson-Echo Public Library, Mary Mitchell-Arlington Public Library, Erin Wells-Milton Freewater Public Library, Jennifer Costley-Pendleton Public Library, Mark Rose-Hermiston Public Library, Kathy Street-Oregon Trail Public Library, Cecily Longhorn(sp?)-Stanfield Public Library, Members attending through GotoMeeting – Joyce McCurdy, Mary Reser, Ann Zuehlke, Robin Jeffrey, Denine Rautenstrach, Rachael Fox.
Minutes: Motion to approve March 21, 2017 minutes by Terry Washburn, 2nd by Delia Wallis. Approved by all.
Sage Passwords–as a best practice they should be reset once a year for staff and admin accounts. Perry asked if a list of staff accounts can be sent out to Directors. Directors will then oversee that passwords are changed. Perry asked about the possibility of ransom ware threat and Beth reassured that is not a threat for us. The password on the Sage Staff log-in. Erin will create a procedure and bring it to the next meeting.
Inactive Patrons—Discussion on the length of time that an expired account remains and when it would roll over to inactive. Standard loan rules states that an account expired for one year will be deleted from the database. Perry suggested that one year after an account expires after one year and rolls over to inactive after two years. Procedures for transferring a patron account to a new library were discussed. Beth could send out an annual report of inactive accounts and the individual libraries will delete those accounts. Beth could do a batch delete if requested. January was indicated as a good time for this. In one year the remaining inactive patrons from the previous year will be batch deleted by the System Admin.
Patron accounts that expire will remain expired for two years. After two years as expired the account will switch to inactive. Beth will send out a list of inactive patrons for individual libraries to review and delete or renew. After one year those remaining inactive patrons will be batch deleted by Beth, this will clean up the database.
Cat1 policy—Dea updated the policy based on the recommendations at the last meeting. The cataloging policy was created in 2012 and contained no training requirements for Cat1 level. A core competency chart was created. This document will be added as an addendum to the policy. Jennifer and Erin asked if language can be added to define what the options are if an applicant is denied training.
Motion-Perry moved to approve the Core Sage Cataloging Competencies, Cat1 Cataloging Level Requirements, and Application Form for CAT1 Cataloging Level with changes added for denial explanation. Kathy Street 2nd. Voted Yes by All
Douglas County—Beth was contacted by a task force representing Douglas County. The fee for all of the branches would be approximately $42,732, this would not include migration of records. This is an approximation based on population counts that were used. There has not been a formal request for membership. Recent communications from patrons have been received by Sage libraries for out of district cards. The consensus at this time was if it came to a vote today the answer would be no.But we need to work on a strategic plan that would address growth of Sage and tighten what the expectations and requirements are for new libraries.
Wallowa County Library—Possible closure of the County Library which is a Sage Member and serves both Troy and Imnaha.
Google Hotspots—The Dalles Wasco is circulating WiFi hotspots with funding from Google. They circulate 50 hotspot devices for three weeks at a time. They have had great success with this project. Originally they had a Verizon plan and later switched to AT&T.
Systems Update – Beth reported that she is working on Systems updates and Authority work in the system. The personnel committee is still working hard to replace Brent. There have been some candidates with computer experience. A possible consideration is changing the base qualifications. Beth is still covering the workload. Some projects have been set aside until a new hire is found. The possibility of contracting with Equinox was investigated and was found to be cost prohibitive. Plan B and Plan C have been considered. The Personnel committee will adjust the qualifications and continue to look and consider options.
Cataloging Committee – Dea reported that the mentor group has met twice and the cataloging committee has met once. The next mentor committee will focus on the book format for the standards. Duplicates in the system are being addressed.
Circulation Committee – Has not met. Typically, they meet every other month.
Courier Committee – The chair of the committee is no longer working in the district. The committee will continue to meet every other month. The Orbis Cascade (OC) courier vendor is being changed. They will offer package tracing. There will be Orbis Cascade training, and Beth will have a future training for OC packaging. This will affect the main OC hubs, ESDs, Baker County, Hood River… There will be an online form that will create barcodes for tracking. There will be updated procedures for OC items. The week of June 26 there will only be drop-offs for courier to allow for the switch in vendors. LSTA funds may be cut in the White House budget. These funds pay for 50% of Sage Courier service. LSTA funds for the upcoming fiscal year were approved.
Governance Committee — Did not meet.
Budget – There were some small changes made to the Sage User Council approved budget.
Nominating Committee – There will need to be a nomination committee formed. Dea proposed that a change be made in term length. This would allow the Council to have carry over in members. Erin will send out an email for open nominations and a vote email. Nominating Committee will be Kathy Street, Ann Zuehlke, and Mary Reser.
Adjourned 1:35 pm
Next meeting: July 18, 2017 10 am
Submitted by: Kathy Street