Pioneer User Council
September 23, 2003
At BMCC: Tom Hilliard, Ken Reading, Darcy Dauble, Marcia Richmond, Jackie Redinger
At EOU: Bob Jones, Carol Ann Thew, Beth Longwell, Patty Cutright, Carmen Wickan, Jo Cowling, Aletha Bonebrake
At TVCC: Pat Bradshaw, Jean Ruud
Absent: M’Lou Williams, JoLyn Wynn
Recorder: Aletha Bonebrake
1. Jo moved/Ken seconded a motion to approve the minutes as written; passed unanimously.
2. Agenda was approved as with addition of an LSTA grant update in Other category.
3. Committee Reports:
a. Cataloging Committee will be meeting in October.
b. Circulation Committee, presided over by Colleen from Malheur, has not yet set a meeting date; it will probably be by Polycom.
c. Courier Taskforce report was given by Carmen. The trial was a success; libraries will continue with all choices, with the caveat that anything going
to ORBIS needs to be in a padded envelope with an ORBIS label.
d. WebOPAC Design Committee has not yet met, but will meet soon.
Old Business
4. De-dup efforts: Beth reported that LaGrande is 2/3 done and will be finished soon,
Harney is 1/2 done and others are finished.
New Business
5. Election was held for Pioneer System Council Chair, 2003-04: Ken Reading was elected by unanimous voice.
6. Council Representation from all levels: Patty brought to the Council a concern among the 58 non-circulating libraries that they should have some representation on the Council as paying participants. Patty noted that the Council’s focus previously had been on establishing different levels of representation for the circulating libraries and had not addressed this issue. The Council concurred that representation for this group was appropriate. Discussion centered on the number of representatives for this group as a whole. Currently there are 10 full members; 2 representatives for the 4 level one libraries and 1 representataive for the 3 level two libraries, totalling 13 Council Members. Wallowa County, one of the non-circulating members, has recommended at least one and preferably two representatives for the non-circulating group. It was noted that adding two brings the total to 15, an odd number, of which a quorum would be 8. There was some concern about making sure a quorum is able to be reached at each meeting.
Pat moved/Jo seconded a motion to add 2 non-circulating library representatives to Pioneer User Council, with voting power, to be elected among themselves; passed unanimously, with Pat voting Jean’s proxy.
7. Wallowa County Library update: Patty reported that she and Beth had traveled to Wallowa to visit with Susan Palumski, the new Wallowa County librarian. Susan asked if they would bring to the Council a request that they not have to pay for EOIN and the Courier, since they are unique in the System in that they do not have a patron base; they asked if they might be considered an annex to Enterprise, adding that Ken could pay the bill for this year from what UCSLD owes Susan. Ken noted that he would be able to do that. Lively discussion followed:
· we need to take the long view – what will we do the next time this comes up?
· concern expressed that all Wallowa County libraries might think to have Enterprise handle all their EOIN and Courier, which would set a precedent
· if they don’t use the service, why would they pay?
· because it’s part of the deal.
· there are patrons at their stations so they are not, literally, without a patron base
· we all have to be held to the same standard at some point, that is, some kind of payment needs to be made to Pioneer.
· would we be willing to go for one year without EOIN and Courier than give them a timeline for paying?
· thinking of Nyssa, they were told they had to pay to participate
Decision was tabled until the next meeting.
8. Charge and objectives for Circulation Committee ideas were offered:
· decide what to do about duplicate patrons who don’t want to be
· do we give patrons a choice as to which card they may retain or do we force them to follow Pioneer guidelines, which need to be established.
· address the consistency of requirements for establishing I.D.
Council members were asked to send in more ideas in the next two weeks.
9. Create List monthly cleanup began at the end of August. No one reported any problems and said that they were pleased with the purging.
10. Create List workshop report was given by Beth. She said 7 people attended and it went very well. She has created a handout which will be on the Web. In October Noel Peden will give an EOIN workshop and Beth will give another Create List workshop over the Polycom.
11. Batch requesting report was given by Beth. She says this feature allows a patron to mark several items in a list, save that list and then request all in the list or those marked in one request. It is not yet turned on, but is ready to go. She said it is limited by the current limits set by each library on number of holds permitted; each library can set or change its own limit. The Council agreed to try this option; Beth will turn it on.
12. III Phase 3 features have been turned on by Beth for viewing. Beth recommends that each library be given the authorization to input and change its own data in the following areas: days open, hours open, patron block table, circulation text notice. Beth says that the System Administrator should retain control over editing of loan rules and the rule determination tables.
Bob moved/Tom seconded a motion to turn on the III features specified by Beth; passed unanimously.
13. Billing information was given by Shirley, as a reminder of the dates that had been established in May. The invoices to the schools have been mailed. The public libraries will be sent their bills the last week in October.
14. A Council calendar has been posted, showing the 3rd Tuesday of each month as Council meeting. Pat proposed that the Council place consideration of changing the frequency of the meetings on next month’s Council agenda.
15. LSTA grant update report was given by Patty. She said the grant proposal was sent on time but FEDEX failed timely delivery and that needed to be straightened out. The Advisory Committee met the previous Friday, and Monday Patty spoke with Ann Reed who said for the first time ever they had more money than applicants. Ann informed Patty, however, that for reasons that were not clear, the LSTA Advisory Committee said Pioneer only needed $250,000 and that the project would need to be completed in one year. Patty says she will appeal to the State Library Board, which meets October 19, but first she needs to find out what’s on Jim Scheppke’s mind in recommending these changes and let us know.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
The Council then went into executive session to perform the annual evaluation of Systems Administrator, Beth Longwell.