Pioneer Council Meeting
January 21, 2003
Draft Minutes
Present: Aletha Bonebrake, Pat Bradshaw (video), Vicky Bruce, Jo Cowling, Darcy Dauble, Beth Longwell, Ken Reading, Marcia Richmond (speaker phone), Shirley Roberts (voting for Patty Cutright), Jean Ruud (video), Carol Anne Thew, Carmen Wickam, and Jolyn Winn (speaker phone).
Absent: Patty Cutright
Recorder: Jo Cowling
1. Approval of December minutes: Shirley clarified that in item 5.1 Cataloging Workgroup Report, ‘duplicates’ should change to ‘duplicate headings.’ Beth will correct in the web version. Minutes stand approved as modified.
2. Agenda Review: No change
3. Video conferencing update: Due to staff illness, Harney County was not able to participate via video, but will do so next month. BMCC plans to also use video next month. TVCC participated via video at this meeting, and quality and ease of use were excellent.
Courier update: Communications continue between all parties. Senvoy will visit Pioneer Bank’s headquarters in Baker City this month to discuss the proposal. Shirley hopes for a decision by January 31. Potential costs are $276 per pickup site, which are unattainable by most if not all sites. If the current plan for subsidized service falls through, Shirley anticipates a need for help from all council members in lobbying for support.
Matching of the word “pioneer” in consortium and bank names may be a marketing tool. Ken hypothesized that as Community Bank is a major competitor with Pioneer Bank in the Pendleton area, we may be able to use that tool, too. Shirley encouraged waiting for lobbying until the January 31 deadline is reached. Ken suggested pursuing a 12-month grant to assist in support of a courier while libraries phase in local support if current negotiations fail.
4. Courier taskforce: The taskforce will lead the continuing effort to develop policies and procedures for document delivery. Specific direction cannot be given until results of current negotiations are determined. Possible areas to coordinate are vehicles and drivers, charges, and frequency of delivery.
Possible taskforce members:
Tom or Mary from Pendleton Public or Bob from Milton-Freewater (Darcy will inquire); Pat Bradshaw; Carmen Wickam; Shirley Robers (ex-officio).
After January 31, Shirley will contact taskforce members to begin organization.
5. Membership criteria: Ken voiced concern that the certain current members (OTLD and Nyssa) may not be able to participate at proposed costs if the circulation lower limit is 10,001. The figure was arbitrarily decided upon in committee, and that 12,500, although also arbitrary, allows greater participation and logically relates to the upper limit of 25,000.
VOTE Ken moved/Shirley seconded to change Associate Level 1 circulation criteria to 12,501-25,000 and Level 2 circulation criteria to 0-12,500. Unanimous approval.
Circulation figures generated by the system are lower than those reported in State Library annual reports because of manual circ practices in libraries. Since system use is the theoretical basis of charging, system statistics should be used. New libraries will have to be judged according to OSL reports for the first year, but qualifications may change after a full year of system use.
Aletha questioned Associate Level 4 requirements for EOIN subscriptions. In Baker’s case, branches do not purchase EOIN access individually but go through the main branch. To cover any differences in organization of districts, Shirley will change wording from ‘subscribe to’ to ‘have access to.”
Use of terminology such as “DSL” and “T1” may not represent equal useful. Shirley and Beth will look into III requirements for telecomm speed, and bring recommended wording changes to next meeting.
6. Scoping lists: At this time, search screens are not logically organized. III can list scopes alphabetically at no charge. Several suggested changes in format were discussed.
CONSENSUS The council proposes to change the order to:
a. All Pioneer Libraries
b. 3-4 Regions (northeast, central east, southeast, Lakeview, etc.)
c. Alphabetically
Beth will solicit input from users for the next month, and will implement the change after the February meeting if input is not negative.
7. Realignment letters: Shirley will send Membership Criteria letters soon, due April 1, to be implemented July 1. Waited until after this meeting, knowing of possible changes as discussed in Agenda Item 5. Feedback will be given to current members ASAP for budgeting purposes.
8. Contractual needs: Shirley distributed the 1/16/03 “03-04 Budget” spreadsheet. Discussion focused on Lines 29-42. Line 34 should indicate that these charges are ongoing. Some questions came up concerning procedures, responsibilities, needs, and costs, but Darcy reminded the group that now is not the time to make decisions but to be presented with information. Ample discussion will occur before any decisions are made.
CONSENSUS Work will begin immediately on Line 42, Brief Records, by the individual libraries holding those records.
Beth will suggest a priority of the remaining tasks to be presented for discussion at the next meeting.
9. Membership and Governance Taskforce: Shirley reported on a recommendation to change the Systems Group into a Membership/governance taskforce, and distributed documents with a possible structure. Patty volunteers to chair the group.
Shirley reported that the Paiute Tribe, Jefferson County, Lake County, Umatilla Tribes, City of Vale, Grant County, Joseph High School, Arlington, Gilliam County, and Fossil Public Library show interest in becoming members. Shirley will send letters of intent, with cost spreadsheets, to interested libraries and to Crook County Library, requesting written intent to join or not join. Melanie Lightbody offers to write an LSTA grant to add the libraries to the system, and EOU will perform duties of budgeting and III negotiation.
10. Circulation Workgroup proposal: The council evaluated each item in the proposed standardized loan rules for items loaned to patrons outside of the home library.
VOTE Shirley moved/Pat seconded to accept standardized loan rules for items loaned to patrons outside their home libraries as amended at this meeting, and to encourage participating libraries to move quickly towards adhering to these standards. Unanimous approval.
11. Circulation Workgroup structure: Beth distributed “Draft Pioneer Library Circ Committee Structure” document, for discussion and possible action at the next meeting.
Agenda items for February 18 meeting:
· Update on courier
· Report on composition of Courier Taskforce
· Requirements for telecomm speed in Membership Criteria
· Prioritization of tasks for possible contractual services
· Membership/Governance Taskforce organization and duties
· Review and possible action on Circ Committee structure proposal