Cataloging Committee-February 4 2013

Cataloging Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 4, 2013 @ 11am (PDT)
(via telephone conference call)

Attending:  Heather Estrada (BMCC), Katrina Gaines (EOU), Darlyne Johnson (Ontario Comm.), Beth Longwell – System Administrator (EOU), Laurie O’Connor – Co-chair (Harney Co.), Dea Nowell – recording (Umatilla Co. SLD), Jenny Simpson (Nyssa), Barbara Telfer (The Dalles-Wasco. Co.), Christina Trunnell (TVCC), Godelieve Uyttenhove (Lake Co.), Catherine Wick (Pendleton), Ann Zuehlke – Chair (Hood River Valley HS).

The meeting was called to order shortly after 11 am by Ann Zuehlke.

Discussion/Approval December 2012 CC minutes:  There was no discussion.  Barbara Telfer moved to approve the December 2012 minutes.  Heather Estrada seconded the motion.  Ann noted the minutes were approved.

CC President report: Sage User Council meeting, “other topics” (Ann):  Ann stated that she went to the Sage User Council meeting [in January] and was pleased that they seem to be supportive.  She brought up the idea of formalizing committee attendance, not so much to exclude anyone, but to have a better idea of how many to expect at meetings, etc.  Buzzy Nielsen [Council Chair] will be working with Eric [Jensen], Circ. Comm. Chair, and herself to come up with a plan.  It has been placed on the back burner for the moment due to the hiring of the Sage Technical Support Specialist.  She also reminded everyone to make sure their signed MOU was turned into Buzzy by the 15th.

RDA subcommittee report: findings, timeline, training options, LTI (Katrina, Beth, Heather):  Heather reported that there isn’t much available online yet RDA is so new.  Most trainings that are available cost.  As for training all of our libraries, she doesn’t see it being anytime soon.  She is currently scheduled to take a 4-week class in April (through ALA), cost is about $150 (as an ALA member she got a $50 discount).  Lyrasis has some trainings for about $200 and the RDA Toolkit has some webinars monthly on using the Toolkit.  Beth noted that she had talked a while back about a group subscription to the RDA Toolkit.  A request was made for information on the ALA course in April to be sent out on the Sage-Cat list.
 [Action item: Heather will send info. about the ALA course in April to the Sage-Cat email list.]

Laurie O’Connor stated that regardless of what we find for training she is concerned with RDA hybrid records we’re currently seeing in Sage, RDA records changed with AACR2 rules.  Dea Nowell noted that this is not just an issue for our system, as she is seeing this other places too, like OCLC, etc.  Beth Longwell agreed.

Beth stated that she has signed Sage up for the free authority work (RDA) with LTI.  She also noted that she would like to send out some morsel sized bits about RDA.  She has signed up for training at OLA and is working to learn RDA ahead of that time.

Ann asked if there was anything new on the timeline for changeover.  The previous discussion had been not before Sept./Oct.  Heather stated that she suspects at this time that we might have to write our own training as there isn’t a whole lot available at this time.  Christina Trunnell noted that she has done some coursework on RDA already and would be willing to share the materials she has.  Christina further stated that she likes the idea of small pieces and would be willing to write up some.  The question then turned to how often should we send these types of things out – monthly, every 2 weeks?  Some discussion ensued.  Dea noted that she feels monthly might be too far apart and thus it may not stick well.  Heather said she thinks something like how Dea went around would be good.  Ann suggested may be monthly or so and then have a follow-up meeting time with Q&A, etc.  Christina will start April 1st sending something out weekly with intention of some sort of site visits or meetings over the summer.  Several thought this was a great idea.
[Action item: Christina will start April 1st sending out RDA weekly info. with intention of some sort of site visits or meetings over the summer.]

LSTA funding: 2013 Carryover funds; application for 3 year cataloging development (Laurie):  Laurie stated in the interim since the last meeting, the State Library notified us that they had some LSTA carryover money to spend.  So Laurie got the word out and Buzzy got information to the State Library as to what Sage could utilize.  There has been no decision made at the State Library yet.  Laurie went on to state that she hasn’t done anything yet in terms of talking to Ann Reed at the State Library regarding applying for a LSTA grant (2-3 yr.) as January was a busy month.  She could pick it up at this point, but has concerns regarding the grant — including administration/managing of the grant at this point.  There was some discussion regarding this.  It was noted that we would need to get a weigh-in from the User Council and that we would need to have a library be the lead on the grant as Sage isn’t a legal entity on its own.  Ann will email Buzzy, with a cc to Beth regarding this.
[Action item: Ann will email Buzzy, with a cc to Beth regarding applying for 2-3 year LSTA grant.]

Discussion future training opportunities/priorities, regional Sage Cat classes 2013 (Everyone!):  Barbara Telfer stated she would like to have a time or meeting where we can ask specific day-to-day types of questions — like what is…?  Maybe do this every couple of months or so.  Christina suggested that maybe the regional mentors could rotate this around.  Laurie noted that specific questions can be sent to mentors.  Barbara said she already does this and it is helpful, but would like to see more.  It was also suggested that maybe mentors could send out tips periodically – this being another way to handle something like this.  [Nothing specific was decided upon.]

Planning for ongoing Sage cataloging training (Christina):  Christina noted that her idea of developing our own training to take catalogers through is very slow going at this point, but she is working on it.  She would like to bring it to this group in a fairly unpolished form, as it is definitely bigger than a one-person task.  When asked if she was still working on this toward her degree project, she stated that she had been unable to connect with faculty on this in terms of timeline — so, no.  Her idea is to have a section for each level (like the 008, 100’s, 200’s, etc.) and also for each format (such as video, etc.)  Also noting the importance to the OPAC, patrons, etc., as understanding the basic background will be helpful.  It is very rudimentary at this point.  She is thinking about maybe sending something out to the group by Spring Break for feedback.  She would like to get this up and going by Spring next year.
[Action item: Christina will send something out regarding her ideas on this to the group by Spring Break for feedback.]

MARC21 certificates of completion (Christina and Laurie):  Christina noted that everyone should have been sent a certificate that completed the MARC21 video training.  A batch went out last week and another batch was sent this week, so everyone on the list should receive one shortly, if they haven’t already.  Beth asked about the list and wonder if a library that she had worked through the training with was on the list.  Laurie will send the spreadsheet to Beth on Thursday.
[Action item: Laurie will send the spreadsheet to Beth on Thursday (2/7/13).]

Report from System Admin: Evergreen issues, Authority Control, Weekly Tip, empty bibs, other Sage news (Beth): 
Evergreen issues:
Beth stated that she has been working on Evergreen performance issues.  EOU is going to be able to fund a new server, which they are hoping will help with speed, timing out, etc.  The existing server will become the dedicated reports server which will help with other issues as well, such as slowing down the overall system speed while a report is being run.

Authority control:
Beth noted that work load issues have kept her from getting the authorities loaded.  Hiring has also taken some, but she is hoping to pass off some daily things to the assistant soon, as she is under some pressure to get the authorities loaded before the next batch needs to be run.  [Noted earlier in meeting that Beth signed Sage up for the free RDA authority work by LTI.]

Blog tip [weekly tip]:
Beth noted that she sent out the first tip via email today on a blog posting regarding book images.  She is hoping to get back to the idea of weekly tips.

Empty bibs:
Beth noted that she is continuing to find and get rid of empty bibs.  She is also continuing to work on additional clean-up.  Laurie asked why are the empty bibs there?  Beth responded that initial settings didn’t auto-delete bibs, some libraries that have left system recently also have left behind some empty bibs.  She further noted that ebook records are more difficult to track down because of hidden item records.  Laurie asked if Beth had any idea how many empty bibs were on the sytem.  Beth responded that it is complicated because gov docs are also showing up on the lists being pulled.  Beth is planning to pull another report to see what’s left out there.  Laurie noted that she has been following this and is seeing a high percentage with nothing attached and she is searching by Harney Co.  Beth noted that there are currently some display issues with CGCC ebooks & that this is an ongoing Evergreen issue that has been reported.  Beth asked Laurie (& others) for examples.  Laurie noted that she has sent some, but will send more.
[Action item: Laurie (& any others) to send examples of empty bibs to Beth.]

Committee Housekeeping — formalizing structure of the committee (Ann):  Ann sent an email to Buzzy to see when Eric, Buzzy and herself can get together to talk more about this.

Items to discuss, report to Sage User Council March meeting:  Ann asked that people email her if anyone comes up with anything.  Laurie noted that she will try to get a hold of Buzzy regarding the 2-3 year LSTA grant proposal.
[Action item: Laurie will try to get a hold of Buzzy regarding the 2-3 year LSTA grant proposal.]

Next meeting: April 1, 2013, at 11 am (PST) – via the same number unless we hear otherwise.

Meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:12 pm (PST).