Sage Council-January 20, 2015

Sage Library System User Council Meeting minutes

Regular meeting Minutes of Jan. 20, 2015

Present: Perry Stokes (Baker PL), Ryan McGinnis (LaGrande PL), Marylou Martin (Sherman CPL), John Schoppert (CGCC), Dea Nowell (UCSLD), David Sale (Sage staff), Theresa Chandler (Elgin), Denine Rautenstrauch (Enterprise PL), Delia Wallis (Hermiston Library), Brent Mills (Sage staff), Cheryl Hancock (Harney CPL), Ann Hutchinson (Lake County LD), Mary Finney (Pendleton PL), Maggie Pando, Jeff Wavernuk, Amy Schoppert (The Dalles-Wasco Co. PL), Ann Zuehlke (HRHS), Debbie Lind (Wallowa PL), Beth Longwell (Sage staff), Linda Stahl (Plaintree HRC), Buzzy Neilsen (HRCL). 

1. Call to order & roll call

Chair Stokes called to order at 10:33 and noted attendees participating via GoToMeeting and phone.

2. Additions / deletions from from agenda (action)

There were no additions or deletions. Linda moved to approve, Mary Finney seconded. Motion passed.

3. Approval of Nov 18 2014 minutes (Action)

Debbie Lind added as attendee to the Nov. minutes. Ryan McGinnis moved to approve the minutes with corrections.  Theresa Chandler seconded. Motion passed.

4. Open Forum for the general membership

There were no comments.

5. Reports:

Sage Staff (Longwell/Mills)

Beth reported on the new Drupal website – – the new public and staff interface. If you want to log-in username is “test”, password is “test-2015”. Bare bones up and running, content still needs building. Brent has been working on the documentation, should be live soon. There will be drop down menus to landing pages; also available is an ability for posting and creating blogs, forums, and articles. This will centralize communications. Sage can also create here polls to the public.  This site will replace the wikispace. Hopefully, this site will be up by the end of February.

Because of technical difficulties at The Dalles-Wasco PL with the meeting hook-up, Brent sent his updates via email-[Included below for clarity]


– Sage Server Work

– Working with Beth and EOU IT to ensure health of servers and mitigate downtime.

– Beth and I are using project management software to better assign and delegate tasks to each other.

– Have applied security updates to our web servers.

Cataloging Logins

– Trial logins at CGCC have proved to be successful so far. Libraries wishing to try out the new cataloging logins can get in touch with Beth or I and we can get your tiered logins set up and tested.

– OPAC Changes

– The new logo has been enabled.

– The slider (on can currently be loaded, but only manually at present (possibly enabled after user catalog survey).

– Mobile OPAC changes.

– Test Server

– Currently upgraded to newest version of Evergreen, 2.7.2

– Training

– Have travelled to Fossil and am traveling to Klamath Falls along with Lakeview in February.

– With Beth, can now set up and discuss the Serials module for interested libraries.

– Get in contact with me If you’d like to set up a personalized training session for a run through of: Circulation, Cataloging, Reports, Admin functionality (directors, local sys admins). Remote meetings can be arranged through where I will give you a code so that we can share screens.

– Documentation Site

– is the live update site while it is being built up. If there is more information that you would to see or have added, please let me know and those can be migrated on. I’d be happy to receive comments.

– Cleanup

– Fixed copy locations that were set as “ “.

– Correcting Copy location ownership issues.

– Batch call number changes for some libraries.

– Hold Report

– I am now in charge of Perry’s monthly hold report. Expect to see the report for January’s holds sent out on February 1st.

– Extended the Checkout limit survey

– This will be sent out later today. It’s only 2 questions, so it shouldn’t take that long to complete. For the responses, please limit them to one per library so that we can get an accurate and fair tally.

6. Budget Committee & financial statement (Stokes/Longwell)

No questions about the financial statement.  Budget committee has met a few times and have come up with the membership fees and the projected expenses for the coming year. This is on the agenda later. 

7. Cataloging Committee (Samuels/Trunnell/Sale)

Nebraska Catalog Training has restarted this month, about 40 people have signed up. Further trainings will be available with forward dates available, and also in a self-administered module.  David has been doing weekly cataloging tips. Cataloging had a Dec. meeting, the cataloging survey was finalized for staff and patron cataloging users.

8. Circulation Committee (inactive)

No report.

9. Courier Committee (Longwell)

Beth is waiting for a quote from vendor for more bags. Fossil is now a drop site under Arlington drop site. More bags and labels forthcoming.

10. Development Committee (Longwell/Mills)

No report.

11. Governance / Personnel Committee (Stokes)

Discussed salary for Sage employees, decided to not go forward with a merit based increased, but opted for cost of living increase for Beth and Brent. Salary comparables and research will be coming in the future.

12. Special Committees

No reports.

13. Previous Business:

A.) OPAC Changes (Mills)

Sage logo put onto catalog. Slider bar forthcoming, waiting for survey completion. Series showing up earlier in search results.

B.) Increasing checkout limit (Longwell / Mills)

Survey results to be resent due to skewed results.

14. New Business:

A.) Catalog User Satisfaction Survey (action)(Samuels/Sale)

No discussion. John motions, Ryan seconds. Motion approved.

B.) Sage Budget (action) (Longwell/Stokes)

Cash on hand is $114,800. Combines both cash carry over and contingency funds. Membership dues are increasing 8% to cover projected costs. Schedule posted on wiki. Restricted grants are down due to reduced support from LSTA funding. Total resources – $407,000. Wallowa will be added to the budget (it’s missing) Perry will add it. Capital outlay remains the same. Budget to be approved at the March meeting.

C.) Financial Reporting / Council of Governments option (Stokes)

Recommendation from the BPLD auditor is to have Sage be an agency fund. That way Sage can be a part of the Baker monthly audit report but separated. This will not only keep Sage separated from BPLD funds but also also provide better scrutiny of Sage funds. Auditor also recommends Sage doesn’t set up as a council of governments – which Sage has groundwork for but would require setting up PERS, etc – as a legal entity. This would entail increased costs. The BPLD Auditor recommends agency funding. Dea moves to keep Sage as an agency funded entity, seconded by Beth, motion approved.

D.) Evergreen Conference (Neilsen)

Evergreen conference registration is open, it will be at Hood River Inn in Hood River, May 13 – 16. More information coming soon. Buzzy thought it would be a nice gesture to be a sponsor. Buzzy will bring more info about that later- sponsorship means Sage logo will be prominent at the conference. 

E.) Resource-sharing update (Clay/Longwell)

Beth is waiting for a quote from OCLC.

F.) Agenda items for nest meeting (Stokes)

  • Revisiting Sage budget for approval.
  • Sage sponsorship of Evergreen conference.
  • Results of catalog and checkout surveys.

G.) Review of task assignments (Stokes)

  • Review of surveys and help distributing them by everyone.
  • Perry will make corrections to Sage membership fees.
  • Buzzy will get on Sage Evergreen conference sponsorship.
  • Perry will craft agenda item for policy for Sage GoToMeeting use.

15. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 11:25, next meeting, March 17.

Meeting recording available – Soundcloud