Sage Council-September 16 2014

Sage Library System User Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, Sep 16 2014, 10.00a – 12.00p (11a-1p MST)

Minutes prepared by Perry Stokes, Sage Chair
: Perry Stokes (Baker), Beth Longwell (Sage), Ryan McGinnis (La Grande); David Sale (Sage), Ann Zuehlke (HRVHS), Mary Finney (Pendleton), Debbie Lind (Wallowa), Denine Rautenstrauch (Enterprise); John Schoppert (CGCC); Brent Mills (Sage); Linda Stahl (Planetree); Buzzy Nielsen (Hood River); Delia Wallis (Hermiston); Teresa Chandler (Elgin); Dea Nowell (UCSLD); Darlyne Johnson (Ontario); Cheryl Hancock (Harney)
I. Opening comments & roll call- Stokes
Stokes called the meeting to order at approximately 10:25 am. The meeting was delayed due to technical difficulties with videoconferencing. Participants dialed in by phone and introduced themselves; John Schoppert of CGCC was appointed to take minutes per the duties of Vice Chair.

A round of applause was given in appreciation of outgoing officers, Chair Buzzy Nielsen & Vice Chair Cheryl Hancock. Stokes thanked them for their outstanding work.

Another round of applause was given to recognize three prominent Sage members who recently retired: Sheila Dooley of The Dalles Wasco County Library, Bob Jones of Milton-Freewater, and Shannon Van Kirk of BMCC. Stokes said we look forward to welcoming their successors.
II. Additions/deletions from the agenda (ACTION)- Stokes
None stated.
III. Approval of June 17 & July 15 2014 minutes (ACTION)
Darlyne Johnson moved to approve minutes from both June 17 and July. Mary Finney seconded.
Motion passed.
IV. Open forum for the general membership- Stokes
No comments submitted.
V. Reports
i. Sage staff- Longwell/Mills
Longwell reported that the EOIN service for ILL will end November 1. She intends to obtain a price quote from OCLC to offer as alternative. Configuration of the Evergreen Fulfillment is deemed costprohibitive at $100,000 at last quote from Equinox.

The next Evergreen software upgrade to version 2.7 is expected to be released in the next couple of months. She will evaluate the upgrade and announce an installation date, if it appears significant and stable enough.

Longwell and Mills discussed current and completed work including KPAC holds, separating circulation and cataloging login permissions, ability to change pickup library on an active hold, Oregon State Library statistics, and Sage documentation site.
ii. Budget Committee / Financial Report- Clay/Longwell/Stokes
Beth is preparing membership invoices. Prompt payment will be needed so Sage does not run short of cash needed to operate. Stokes referred the council to a budget statement in the User Council packet dated 9/8/14 . He relayed that Baker County CFO Christine Hawes reports that the transfer of fiscal agency is going well. Though there have been numerous unanticipated technical challenges with setting up different payroll processes under BCLD’s umbrella Federal ID number, Hawes is accomplishing work required and establishing a routine.

Hawes & Stokes plan to meet with Beth soon to clarify
• membership invoicing & revenue deposit procedures
• LSTA grant funds disbursement requests
• the scope of various budget categories so she can correctly post billings
• Beth’s preference on how to make up a payroll deduction oversight for July (Beth was paid July 1 by EOU for June work. BCLD practice is to withhold the coming month insurance deductible at the first of the payroll. Since BCLD began issuing Beth salary beginning Aug 1 there is an insurance payment gap for July).
iii. Cataloging Committee- Samuels/Trunnell
Stokes introduced David Sale, the newly hired Cataloging Project Coordinator for the LSTA grant. EOU Pierce Library is graciously providing office space for David. His first day was Monday 9/15/14. David will be working with Beth to learn current cataloging practices and the Committee will want to schedule a meeting soon to strategize how to proceed achieving grant objectives. The committee will also need to determine how to utilize approximately $7,500-$8,900 surplus salary funds accumulated due to the 2.5 months hiring delay. Sale stated he is excited about the project and looks forward to working with the Cataloging Committee.
iv. Circulation Committee- Stokes
This committee is currently inactive. A new chair is needed since Erik Jensen of BMCC resigned from the office on Aug 7 2014. The committee last met May 9 2013. Stokes asked for volunteers or nominations. None were submitted. Stokes invited volunteers and nominations by email.
v. Courier Committee- Clay/Longwell
Longwell reviewed courier activities, including:
• trying to determine if the bag supply is adequate
• exploration of cardboard container options to protect fragile media items in courier
Some questioned whether purchase of protective cases would be a cost-effective strategy. More information is needed on the frequency, source and type of damage.
vi. Development Committee- Longwell/Mills
This committee is currently also without a Chair. Mills reported he is following developments of the new Evergreen Sequioa platform. Kent County Public Library was the first to debut Sequoia, which is a cloud-based Equinox hosted service. It may offer better ways of promoting new items.
vii. Governance Committee- Baldo
The Governance or Budget Committee needs to work on the procedure and pricing costs for new members to join Sage. Harney County currently has an LSTA grant under consideration which would bring Harney County schools into Sage. Members voiced concern about the labor involved with migrating or newly automating a significant number of new sites.
viii. Special committees
None active.
VI. Previous business
i. Sage IGA progress report- Longwell
Longwell reported that most members are confirmed to have submitted a signed revised IGA to date.

The deadline for submission is Sep 30 2014 for public library members. Academic and school members are allowed an additional month due to having just started back up with the new school year. Longwell will send a reminder notice with membership invoices to those that have not yet submitted a signed IGA.
ii. Circ login permissions progress report- Longwell/Mills
Longwell & Mills are making changes to Circ and Cataloging login permissions that may enhance services in some areas and prevent unauthorized activity in others. The project is ongoing. Members experiencing issues should submit a support ticket.
iii. Increasing checkout limit progress report- Longwell/Mills
At the July meeting, Nielsen proposed to increase the default checkout limit to 50 items. Mills agreed to distribute a survey to the general Sage membership. The task is still in progress.
iv. Phone conference platform- Stokes
Stokes reported that the Telecommunications budget line will soon be fully spent. No alternative has been found for the expensive TelSpan service which continues to be needed for various meetings.

Nielsen reported he will contact OLA about possible use of their GoToMeeting account for Sage video/teleconferencing. Stokes will obtain a quote on a GoToMeeting license for Sage from TechSoup.
VII. New business
i. Regular meeting times- Stokes
Regular Sage User Council meetings are scheduled for the 3rd Tuesday of every other month. After discussion the Council consensus was to remain with that schedule.
ii. Strategic Planning- Stokes
Stokes invited input from the Council on establishing some objectives & priorities for the coming year.
• Promoting new items
• Improving image display
• Reviving the Circulation Committee
VIII. Review of task assignments- Stokes
• EOIN alternative (Longwell)
• Membership invoices (Longwell)
• Survey about increasing checkout limit (Mills)
• New Sage members procedure / pricing (Governance Committee)
• Use of OLA GoToMeeting (Nielsen)
• GoToMeeting quote from TechSoup (Stokes)
IX. Agenda items for next meeting- Stokes
Pendleton was suggested as the host site for the November 18 meeting, weather permitting.
X. Adjournment- Stokes
Stokes adjourned the meeting at 11:22 am.