Attending: Leeann Baldwin (Hermiston), Heather Estrada (BMCC), Valerie Gardner (Ontario Comm.), Molly Hamlin (Planetree Health), Darlyne Johnson (Ontario Comm.), Beth Longwell (Sage), Dea Nowell – Recorder (Umatilla Co. SLD), Laurie O’Connor (Harney Co.), David Sale (Sage), Sarah Samuels – Chair (Hood River Co. LD), Jenny Simpson (Nyssa), Perry Stokes (Baker Co. LD), Barbara Telfer (The Dalles/Wasco Co.), Christina Trunnell – Co-chair (TVCC), Katie Wallis (CGCC), Catherine Wick (Pendleton).
The meeting was called to order at 11:00 am by Sarah Samuels.
Discussion/Approval August 2014 Cataloging Committee Minutes: The August meeting adjourned at 11:20 am, not 12:20 [correction]. A motion was made to accept the minutes as corrected. Barbara Telfer seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as presented.
1. Introduction of David Sale, new cataloging specialist for Sage
David began on September 15th. He has been getting familiarized with Evergreen and doing some original cataloging for Union Carnegie PL. He has also been helping Beth with some training. He graduated with his Masters’ degree from Emporia State and was formerly the lead cataloger at Scappoose Public Library.
2. Cataloging levels and logins
David suggested that CAT3 level folks be promoted to CAT2 level if they have done the [Nebraska Library Commission] MARC21 training. He then read through the Cataloging Policy area regarding the levels. Sarah noted that she agrees with David. Laurie noted that in theory this should be adequate, however in reality it is not necessarily occurring — there are still a lot of problems occurring. Perry asked about feedback on errors. Laurie noted that there has been a lot of resistance by some. Barbara stated she would appreciate more training, even refreshers. Dea explained about Umatilla County’s use of temp records [the District handles the financial side of OCLC CatExpress use] and why these were included. Several noted that they do not create temp bibs at their library. Katie noted that she is hesitant to allow imports. It was stated that when implementation of cataloging permissions occurs this will assist with some of the errors, etc. David noted that he was surprised that implementation of cataloging permissions had not occurred prior to his hire. Sarah stated that according to a conversation she had had with Brent Mills that implementation was be held off until some patches that are coming with the next version (2.7) are installed. Beth confirmed this as they found a way for folks to get back to the menus without these patches in place. [Implementation is planned for November.] Catherine stated that she likes being able to use temps… and why can’t others do this, as it allows for business as usual instead of things sitting long term. Laurie noted that it would work well if we could figure out how to handle this across the consortium. Beth stated that if we are going to allow temp bibs they are going to have to relook at permission (something about menu and create records). There was further discussion about those who have no OCLC access, etc., and why some libraries need to do temp bibs. David noted that a lot of libraries don’t have anything other than CAT3 or less. He believes that those who have made the effort to get training be able to use it. Sarah noted that the libraries pretty much operate independently as far as cataloging. She suggested that we don’t add temps into the mix at this point if they are not already there. She asked David to keep his ears open and collect comments, etc., regarding this whole area as it is a good idea to work towards. As a clarification, it was noted that catalogers will each have individual logins and this will help with identifying specific problems.
[Action item: David Sale was asked to keep his ears open & collect comments, etc., regarding this whole area (temp bibs, etc.]
3. Training for levels and RDA
David has been drawing up a list of catalogers and their training. He has also been hearing a need for on-site training. He would like to prioritize his time, so he is thinking of beginning with level 3 catalogers. Meanwhile he is looking at RDA and RDA options to start with and also developing folks with higher level some more options (such as level 2) by possible adding 362 and 33X, etc., fields to the templates. Sarah asked if this was in addition to AACR2 templates or replacing them? There was a bit of discussion regarding this in terms of seeing hybrids already in the system using 997 field “RDA enriched”. David noted that he would let people know what they are and begin here. He is going to begin with edits to the Wiki this week by pulling Word documents into the browser window (more oriented towards workflow and permission levels, along with that there are going to be some videos). He will probably keep the documents on the Wiki as well. David asked about questions for levels, where are priority spots for training, problem libraries, etc. Please let him know. Sarah asked if there was a problem causing hybrid records? And how does Evergreen handle display of these pieces? Dea asked if with 2.7 if Evergreen would be displaying the 264 properly? Beth stated that the 264 should be displaying correctly now, if not please let Beth know with specific examples for correction. Sarah brought up concerns about authority records. It was decided to wait on this. David clarified that RDA options for training currently are ALA training beginning soon & Nebraska Library Commissions MARC21 training that has been updated to incorporate RDA in it.
[Action item: David Sale will begin updating the Cataloging Support section of the Wiki to move some of the Word documents into the browser window (more oriented towards workflow and permission levels, along with some videos).]
4. Consistent cataloging errors to be addressed by Sage cataloging specialist
David asked for feedback on consistent cataloging errors. Barbara noted that often there are some basic pieces of records missing (such as in 008, etc.). Sarah asked if these were non-updated CIP records? Barbara noted that some, or perhaps a lot, are, yes. She also thanked Beth for adding libraries to the Z39.50 area, as it has been very helpful in finding records. Some things noted were: CIP upgrade, necessary changes for large print (which are being worked on), copy & pasting but not applying markup or not applying markup consistently, multiple format records – books + DVD, etc.
identification, prioritization, and measurement of progress
Christina noted that this is a major reason for doing the grant, duplicate bibs and clean-up (incomplete bibs), missing required elements. Beth noted that the LTI project cleaned up a lot, however there were reports generated of near-hits/misses that need to be worked on. We need training to avoid problems. David noted he could see use of more subject headings, genre headings, series headings (following through all formats). Christina noted that she has seen records that only have a title and author and nothing else. David noted he will work with Beth to pull reports and queries to find these types of things.
[Action item: David Sale will work with Beth Longwell to pull reports and queries to find the types of issues identified as issues.]
5. Tracking staff time spent on “catalog edits” — David
One of the LSTA grant objectives is reducing Sage system & cataloging staff time will spend by 75% correcting database records. David stated that we need a baseline in order to know if we are meeting this goal. We need to track and note the time out of day or week so we have an idea. Sarah asked about a timeframe. David asked for input from the grant writers, but suggested maybe 4 weeks. Perry stated that he thinks 4 weeks is good, whether we use full data or anecdotal.
[Action item: Catalogers need to track the time they spend for 4 weeks on correcting database records for a baseline number for measurement of objective of reducing staff time spent on database record.]
6. RDA Toolkit report
Beth noted that she gave information to ALA regarding the consortium for a quote, however she has not received a quote yet. In the meantime, she has suggested that an individual library set up a 30 day trial, followed 30 days later by another library, etc. She thought this was an honorable request regarding a group/consortium & didn’t want to violate any licensing agreements. Christina noted that she just called and talked to someone this summer regarding this when she was looking through the questions for consortial pricing as not everyone is going to be using it. The person she talked to suggested we just purchase a certain number of simultaneous users. It was suggested that we need to figure out how many simultaneous users we’d need and revisit the number as needed in the future. There was a discussion of starting with 3 simultaneous users, with the understanding that no one sits on the Toolkit (login, do your “thing”, log off). It was also suggested that if someone wanted to spend a large amount of time reading their way through the Toolkit or learning it that they could sign up for a 30-day trial. David noted that he plans to put some info. on the Wiki regarding basic RDA instructions. Beth will move forward with this.
[Action item: Beth Longwell will move forward with getting a subscription to the RDA Toolkit for Sage.]
7. Coding for large print books
Sarah asked if this was especially in reference to the 999 field subfield f being b? Beth responded, yes. The subfield f displays the icon for the format and provides a visual cue to patrons (& staff). This used to determine the search filtering as well, however that is no longer the case. For large print bibs they should be encoded as such: 999__ ‡eLarge Print ‡fb
[Action item: Catalogers should be encoding the 999 field for large print bibs as such: 999__ ‡eLarge Print ‡fb ]
8. Cataloging parts — Sarah
Sarah stated that Hood River staff would really like to see cataloging parts implemented as patrons get frustrated when they want a specific portion of a video series or season, for instance, via ILL and get something entirely different — say a different disc or only part of a season, etc. It has been on the agenda for a while now. [David noted that he agreed with implementing this.] Dea noted that part of the issue with getting this implement is that we’ve usually had this at the end of the agenda and run out of time to discuss it. Laurie stated that she would really like to see this occur, however we to post more about this ahead of time to give time for discussion with other staff, etc. Sarah noted she would move it up on the agenda for the next meeting.
[Action item: Sarah Samuels will try to get something posted to the list regarding cataloging parts .]
Laurie asked for an update on getting images to display. Beth stated that she has a fantastic quote and wants to get the money spent. It is for $739 for cover images & $1000 for annotations, table of contents, etc. She has contacted Buzzy [& Perry ?] regarding this and is waiting to hear back.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:31 pm (PDT).
Next meeting: Monday, November 3, 2014, at 11 am (PDT) – via teleconference.