Sage Library System Council
Minutes of the Meeting held on the 16th of January 2007
Attendance: Karen Clay, Beth Longwell, Kim Tally, Louise Weeks, Aletha Bonebrake; via video: Carmen Wickam, Ken Reading, Jolyn Wynn; via phone: Marsha Richmond, Jackie Redinger, Marie Baldo, Jean Ruud, & Myra Emmons.
Recorder: Louise Weeks
Council Chair Marsha Richmond called meeting to order at 9:15 A.M.
1. Introductions
2. Agenda Review – Add Glitches
3. [Approval of Minutes] – not discussed
4. Committee Reports
a. Catalog Committee – none given
b. Circulation Committee – did not meet
c. Courier Committee – none given
5. Task Force Reports
a. Five Year Financial Plan – revised plan sent via e-mail
i. Increase and broaden Sage participation – No new requests at this time. Ken in the process of some of his sites in Circ. Beth spoke of the progress of Pilot Rock-early February training date. Helix is up and running. Weston Public will also be worked on this year.
ii. Courier Stabilization – We’ll need to check with Oregonian for date courier service is discontinued and come up with an alternate service. Jean is still receiving courier service. Aletha knows of a courier out of Baker City that makes the loop to Ontario, Huntington and Halfway.
b. Resource sharing – Complaints that title level holds were not getting filled. Beth thinks the problem was corrected last week. Location served table was messing things up, but thinks holds are now being filled quickly. Continue to let Beth know of problems.
Baker will be having a small branch in Sumpter next year. Also adding a “station” in Unity with no books, where they will be able to reserve and see what is available.
Cove School seems to be filling and receiving more.
Harney Co. circ. clerks are upset that there is request for a book without first checking to see if it is readily available first at their own site. Lake County is also having this problem. System doesn’t check due date, and if an item is checked out it will choose one that is currently available. We might need to increase amount of hours for the automatic transfer of requests from 72 hours when there are long weekends. Some holds did not get filled, but cancelled due to the holiday. Education is the best way… Teach your patrons that it is cost effective to check own library first. There is always some that want it immediately, but many will choose to wait until item is returned to local library. If Library prints out the hold and book is not pulled yet, another library that has the book in hand may fill the hold first. Beth will put verbage on test server and let you preview before posting on the online site.
Do we need to vote on the Five Year plan? Beth informed that the budget is not ready yet. Shirley and she are still working on the budget.
Old Business
6. Self – Checkout – Beth waiting for update quote from Innovative. As soon as the quote is received Beth will prepare the purchase order for Innovative. Hermiston Public Library is purchasing now, with potentially Pendleton, Baker, and Boardman in the near future.
New Business
7. Sage Budget – Beth asked for input regarding the budget. Should amounts from the five-year play be included? It was decided that we should include 3,000 for the server and site visit travel dollars. Sites need to see tentative figures to work on budgets for next fiscal year. Beth will coordinate with Shirley and work on the budget this week. The budget will be made available to the entire listserv for individual library planning purposes
8. Amazon Reviews – A link was added on test site. Not quite perfected. Anyone interested? EOU staff has an interest. Baker not sure, other than requests at desk. It is suggested having a button to go directly to Amazon site. Ken, Marsha and Jean definitely interested in seeing it. Considering opening into a new window as some people won’t know to hit the back button to return to the Sage site. Amazon is a commercial site and you can look into the book and get other people’s reviews. It also gives a summary of the plot.
9. Glitches and questions –
a. Crossed records – Jolyn spoke of two people with records that were totally crossed. Beth responded that Innovative fixed the problem that was discussed over the phone. When item was checked in, it was not removed, so when the next person checked out the item, it was still checked out to the first one.
b. Sometimes the check-ins are not being recorded. Sites can try turning the sound on to be able to hear the barcode being read. There is a variety of sounds for different functions, so staff can tell when a message box comes up when a barcode is scanned. Another cause is a locked record. This problem is inconsistent and hard to track down.
c. Interlibrary Loans –
i. How long do you keep the Click-n-ship receipts? This is up to the site, but not necessary to keep more than a month.
ii. Is there a standard policy procedure for interlibrary loans re: renewals? One renewal allowed.
iii. How about a video and audio policy, i.e. who loans and who doesn’t? This is not completely done-work is in progress. Plan to post on support website when it is complete.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15 am. Next meeting will be on March 20th, 2007.