Sage Council-July 18 2006

Sage Library System Council Meeting of 18 July 2006

Attendance: Shirley (Chair), Beth (Staff), Ken (Recorder), Bob, Myra, Marsha, Jackie, Marie, Jean, Darlene, Jo, Vicki, Carmen & Aletha.

Shirley called the meeting to order at 9:12 am

1.  Agenda Review – No additions

2.  Minutes of the Council meeting 12 May 2006 – Two corrections, 1) #6 Old Business should read “allowing patrons to choose pick up location on request form.” Approved.  2) # 12 A.B., add Darcy to Shirley.  Approved.

3.  Committee Reports 

Cataloging Committee – Aletha stepped down as Chair.  Katrina accepted balance of Aletha’s term until October election.  Committee met June 20, they are working through database cleanup, areas of cataloging non-compliance and other cataloging tasks.

Circulation Committee – Beth reported on efficiency of page slip changes; they are going to sample patron records without expiration dates to assess potential “dated” information issues; will shortly be sending out a survey to poll current ILL limits & rules, Chair is Christina (TVCC)

Courier Committee – Shirley reports that our permanent LSTA courier line item funding request for $17,500 is on the September LSTA Advisory Council agenda.  No guarantees.  Aletha and Shirley hope to meet with OSL Board member Doug Henrich from MF prior to this September meeting.  Jim Scheppke is recommending to us that the Sage Library System be represented on the 2010 Benchmark Review Committee to assist with statewide courier focus with E.O. perspective.  Shirley also reported that OSL has statistical issues that suggest some Sage libraries may not need a courier subsidy.  Shirley asked Aletha, Beth, Bob & Marie to meet 11 am, Tuesday, August 8 at EOU to give OSL a Sage statistical interpretation they can respond to.

4.  Task Force Reports

Five Year Financial Plan

Increase & Broaden Sage participation – Cove school has signed on with Sage circ with an August transition.  Helix Public Library will also transition to Sage circ in August. (Recorder’s note: Helix PL will be followed by Pilot Rock PL this fall and Weston PL the first of the year.  UCSLD will transition two libraries to Sage circ annually over the next several years).  Lake County ESD will probably not join Sage due to cost and will go with Follett.  Shirley sent the 1,500 – 2,000 volume Library of Western History and Culture in Joseph a $15,905 quote to join Sage.

Courier Stabilization – Shirley feels we have “arrived” but need to keep our providers in place.

When things settle down Shirley will propose another five year plan that would include personnel, server updates, etc.

Aletha brought up self-checkout for discussion.  Consensus was to review it in September with an updated III bid and cost clarification

Resource Sharing – Beth reports all but two sites have been trained in the EOIN to Sage circ transition, some glitches, but overall going very well.  There are some end of August education and training concerns when schools return to address.  The Staff support increase for this area job description is complete with hiring process to begin shortly.

Old Business

5.  Title Paging System/Choosing Fill site Trial – Beth recommends we extend the trial thru December so we can get a true test w/o major learning curve issues.  Sept. agenda.

6.  Sage Mission statement – Moved (Bob) and Seconded (Jo) that we accept the amended Sage Mission statement, pluralizing “opportunity.”  Passed unanimously.

Sage Vision statement – Moved (Aletha) and Seconded (Myra) that we accept the amended Sage Vision statement by changing the last sentence “…and collection development” and ending after “…new memberships.”  Passed unanimously.

7.  MOU Review – Shirley proposed specifics of updating our MOU’s.  Moved (Jean) and Seconded (Ken) that we grandfather all current MOU’s; and require new Sage library MOU’s to change Pioneer to Sage though-out and under Governance (3.1) delete “ex officio” from voting member from UCSLD under membership make up.  Passed unanimously.

8.  Sage support for training travel costs – For September, Ken to check with Umatilla-Morrow ESD on availability of school training funds.  Beth and Shirley to update estimated costs of training.

New Business

9.  Electronic Govt. docs – Shirley discussed issues surrounding excluding government docs on Sage from EOU and BMCC item counts.  Tabled, she will work with BMCC to develop a proposal in September.

10. Election of new Sage Chair in September. – Shirley will email names of past Chairs.

Shirley closed the meeting at 10:40 am.  Next meeting Sept 19th.