Pioneer Council-January 18 2005

Pioneer Council Meeting
January 18, 2005

Attendance Members: Ken Reading, Darcy Dauble, Shirley Roberts, Jo Cowling, Pat McColeman, Marsha Richmond, Marie Baldo, Aletha Bonebrake, Kim Talley, Pat Patlau, Kim Tally, and Bob Jones

Attendance Staff & Guests: Faith Adams, Glenna Awbrey, Jeff McDonald, and Beth Longwell.

Absent: Jean Ruud, Tom Hillard, and Jolyn Wynn (wrong # dialed, she was waiting to attend).

Meeting called to order 9:05 by Ken Reading (Bob took over meeting approximately 9:30).
Recorder: Shirley Roberts

1. Darcy Dauble moved the minutes be approved as amended. Seconded. Approved.
o change meeting called to order by Bob Jones
o courier report, committee members working on sustainability are Bob Jones, Ken Reading, Aletha Bonebrake and Shirley Roberts.

2. Agenda Review
Three items added: 1) Old Business – System Name Change, 2) New Business – Training request for Noel Peden to attend Innovative Administrator, 3) Misc. – Purchase of computer or Beth

3. Cataloging Committee Report
It was reported the cataloging binders have been printed and distributed to 40 libraries in the system. Aletha and Jo are in the process of scheduling the next round of catalog training sessions (Arlington, Condon, Fossil will be first). The next committee meeting is scheduled for Februar.

4. Circulation Committee Report
Listserv has been created. Beth has added the reps that have been submitted. She will be calling the circulating libraries that have not responded (approximately 15). It is Beth’s goal to have a circulation manual printed and distributed by the end of February. The next Circ meeting is scheduled for March. Continuing circulation issues: 1) handling of fines, 2) holds management…

5. Courier Report
Shirley reviewed the past quarters statistics. Concern expressed by council members related to the UPS costs per package ($6.26 one way). At that rate discussion must take place as to whether the item should be purchased versus ILL’d. Shirley mentioned over the holidays she had received a flyer from USPS regarding their new service that may allow us to cancel UPS and utilize USPS reducing costs, hopefully, per shipment (one way) to $2.00. USPS new service is called Click-n-Ship service coupled with request a carrier pickup.
Action Item: Shirley will research further and report back to Council findings.

The courier sustainability committee will be meeting after this meeting to start the discussion on how the system can maintain the courier service after the special grant from the Oregon State Library LSTA has been exhausted. Recommendations will be forthcoming to the Council.

6. LSTA Grant Update
Glenna reported the grant effort is moving forward. On the whole everything is going very well. Lake County is fully circulating (circulating locally, as well as system wide). Huntington will be fully circulating by the end of this week. Emma Humphrey Library (Vale) will trained later starting tomorrow and circulating locally by Friday (date for them to be fully circulating not yet set). Tamastlikt’s records have been converted, Malissa has received barcodes. A small set back has occurred here as there is to be some governance and support changes. Arlington’s records have been sent to Marcive and Mary continues to match and attach and barcode. Tentative date for them to be trained and begin circulating locally is the first of March. Planning has begun for Gilliam County and Crane High School to be brought into the system mid to late spring, early summer. All reports are current and on file with the Oregon State Library

7. Periodical Records
Beth reviewed the periodical record display discussion one more time with the cataloging committee. If every single item is displayed the patron will be able to see if a particular issue is in, however the drawback is that the display can go on and on and be very confusing. Inconvenience occasionally to a patron vs neatness of the display was weighed and the cataloging committee is returning with the recommendation to condense the holdings for each library into one item record. Darcy Dauble moved to accept the recommendation from the cataloging committee. Aletha Bonebrake seconded. Motion passed.

8. System Name Change
Discussion was begun in November about changing the system name. Some names have been submitted for consideration. Names will continue to be accepted till March 1. At that time Beth will send out all submission for consideration. A vote will be taken at the March meeting. It is very important that we keep in mind how the name will transfer to a logo, can be used for a marketing plan, tee-shirt and other branding considerations.

9. Lake County Polycom MOA
A draft was presented to the Council for review. A copy has also been sent to Pat at Lake County to share with their legal counsel. Discussion followed about the pros and cons of an MOA vs turning ownership of the equipment over to the receiving site.

– expensive piece of equipment
– explore cost of extended warranties
– will need depreciation schedules if MOA accepted as practice

Action Item: Glenna will send a copy of the MOA out to Harney County and TVCC to get their feedback on the MOA. A check will be made on extended warranties. With this review and further discussion a decision will be made at the March meeting.

10. LSTA Grant – financial report
Shirley reported the unobligated balance for the Pioneer 4 expansion efforts is $28,381, as of 12/31/04. There are still implementation travel, etc. but the project is in good standing. Main reasons for the balance being at the level is the extended delay in getting project staff and the exceptional bid from Marcive for the retrospective conversion. A request was submitted by Shirley to send Noel Peden to the Innovative Administrators training. Funding for this training would be funded with the unobligated grant monies. Intent is that he will be a back up when Beth is not present. Aletha moved to approve the request for training for Noel Peden. Seconded by Marie. Motion passed.

11. Budgets
a) 2003-04 recap – Shirley reviewed the final numbers for 2003-04 as presented on the spreadsheet all council members have received. Year-end balance amounts to $3,833. System reserve $3,025 ($-808 from 2002-03 + $3,833 2003-04 balance).

b) 2005-06 presentation – Shirley reviewed the proposed numbers for 2005-06, spreadsheets sent to all Council members. Two scenarios were presented based on Malheur County’s status of possibly having to close and withdraw from the Pioneer Library System. One set of numbers represent costs if Malheur County continues as a full participating member the other set is based on Malheur withdrawing totally. Shirley recommended those directors that have to start budget planning to use the worst case scenario, yet we are hoping that things work out for Malheur County Library and full council members will be paying less.

12. Membership
a) Official letter, giving required notice, has been received from Malheur County that they may have to withdraw from the Pioneer Library System because of financial support reductions by local governing body.

b) Fossil Public Library – Shirley reported she had received a phone call from Jim Schepke wondering if Fossil Public Library could join the Pioneer Library System and if there were monies in the Pioneer 4 expansion grant for that to happen. He was informed that the Council would be open to receiving a request for membership. Monies specifically for the inclusion of Fossil Public Library in the Pioneer 4 expansion grant were removed.
Action Item: Shirley will pull out the original costs generated for the addition of Fossil Public Library and upon receipt of the membership request Council will look at potential funding scenarios.

13. Evaluation of Pioneer System
Ken proposed the Council consider a formal review of the Pioneer Library System. This review would be conducted by an outside consultant. Discussion followed. Action tabled until March meeting.

14. Training Needs
Having visited with a number of school librarians it became even more evident to Ken the training needs that are prevelant in the Pioneer Library System. He would like to recommend that a priority be established to develop and coordinate one or two opportunities per year for all participating libraries get together for training, updates, etc. Shirley mentioned we may want to get on the fall meeting agenda of Region 6 OEMA. Kim Tally, Cove High School Librarian, mentioned a professional goal of her’s is to reestablish a gather of school librarians in Union, Wallowa and possibly Baker County.

Action Item: Kim Tally, Ken Reading, and Darcy Dauble will meet initially to brainstorm on how we might proceed with training needs.