Pioneer Council Meeting – November 16, 2004
The meeting was called to order by Ken Reading.
Present, either via speaker phone or teleconference were Ken Reading, Beth Longwell, Shirley Roberts, Aletha Bonebrake, Vicki Bruce, Jo Cowling, Marsha Richmond, Mlou Williams, Jeff MacDonald, Pat Patlau, Jolynn Wynn, Jean Ruud, Bob Jones.
Approval of October minutes. The minutes were approved after the following corrections.
Ken Reading was added to the list of those present.
La Grande School was corrected to read La Grande High School.
Vale library cards was corrected to read Vale library records.
Committee reports
Catalog Committee-Aletha
Aletha reported at the last catalog meeting the organization of the manual was approved, copies have been made and the manual will be put together and distributed to those libraries doing cataloging, 40 libraries total.
The mission goals that were set in place for the cataloging committee were reviewed at the meeting and the committee has met those goals
Two trainings have been done and both were successful and well received.
It was requested the council approve a sub-committee to review authority procedures. After some discussion it was decided that catalog committee may appoint a sup-committee without council permission.
Circulation Committee-Beth
The circulation workgroup has met but no chair has been selected. Some of the issues facing the circulation workgroup are fines; how they are dealt with, how much is charged and whether to pay the fine at your home library or the lending library. Holds and how they are dealt with is an issue. If the selected library cannot fill the hold, the hold should be transferred to the next holding library. This is not always happening. A circ binder is being planned for each library.
A motion was made and seconded to elevate the Circulation workgroup to a Circulation Committee status. A discussion was held concerning appointing or waiting for volunteers to participate in the circ committee. Each council library will appoint one staff member to participate.
LSTA Update-Beth
As Glenna Aubrey is out of town, Beth Longwell brought the committee up to date on the LSTA grant. Vale Public has been loaded; they are finishing up some loose ends. Arlington has sent part of their records to be loaded and will be doing the rest in house, Lake County had more training and is feeling more comfortable, Tamastslike is will be loaded later.
Courier Report-Shirley
The Courier system is up and running with no complaints so far. Ken, Aletha and Shirley met with Jim Scheppke about concerns for courier service in Eastern Oregon. The state library has agreed fund $65,000, from a grant Shirley is writing. She ask for help finishing the grant, Ken, Aletha and Bob have all volunteered. The ultimate goal is to be self sustaining. A committee will be appointed to make plans for the future.
Old Business
Patron Reading History-Beth
Beth will work on a disclaimer for the reading history. The patron does have control over what is kept and what is not kept. At this point when a patron is deleted, their reading history is not deleted. This will be changed to have the reading history deleted with the patron.
Report on training-Beth
Training for Innovative was held on October 11 & 12. All went well, good training and well attended.
Periodical Records-Beth
Not addressed-will be in the next cataloging meeting.
Limit to available feature-Beth
Will hold off for a while. When limited, system does not scope well
New Business
System software upgrade-Beth
There are two upgrades per year, winter and spring. Winter changes with how catalog looks, spring is a more complete upgrade. Beth will be sending out a list of upgrades but at this point needs to get the system a little more stable before upgrading.
System name change-Shirley
A new name is needed to show more sensitivity toward the tribal population. Bring ideas to next council meeting, no Native American names.
Membership change for Elgin-Shirley
Formal request from Elgin to move from a non-circ library to a circulating library. A motion was made and second to accept the new status and approved unanimously.
Annual Billings-Shirley Billings have been sent out.
Other business
System being used as model by Innovative-Shirley
Shirley spoke briefly about the fact Innovative has used the Pioneer System as a model of reliability. The efforts by participants in Pioneer System are being recognized. We are moving in the right direction. Ken suggested Pioneer, LEO and EOLA all work together to ensure we continue going in the right direction.
Malheur County Library
A discussion was held concerning the future of Malheur County Library and their participation in Pioneer. The one percent tax initiative has failed and Pat Bradshaw is working toward forming a Library District. Suggestions were as follows:
1. Wean back books to lessen the amount MCL has to pay.
2. Persuading Jim Scheppke to help with a provisional membership until a district can be formed.
3. Having Ken, Aletha and Bob come to MCL to speak with board members concerning forming a district.
Other concerns were the impact on Pioneer if MCL has to withdraw, types of budget both with and without MCL need to be presented.
Carol Ann
Carol Ann is planning on retiring in March. She has help to take up the slack in the Pioneer System and will be missed.