Cataloging Committee Meeting
Monday, October 3, 2016 at 11am (PDT)
via GoToMeeting software
Attending: Leeann Baldwin (Hermiston PL), John Brockman (Baker Co. LD), Valeria Gardner (Ontario Comm.), Molly Hamlin (Planetree), Lisa Hauner (Oregon Trail LD), Tracy Hayes (Lake Co.), Beth Longwell – Interim Chair (Sage), Ryan McGinnis (La Grande PL), Dea Nowell – Recorder (Umatilla Co. SLD), Laurie O’Conner (Harney Co.), Barbara Telfer (The Dalles-Wasco Co. LD), Catherine Wick (Pendleton PL).
June meeting minutes – approval:
Beth asked if the action item series entries for Manga records had been done. It has not. Catherine moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ryan seconded the motion. There were no objections.
August meeting minutes – approval:
Laurie moved to approve the minutes as presented. Barbara seconded the motion.
Agenda items to include: volunteers for chair, follow-up on recent items for discussion and agenda, dilemma over series, moving ahead as a Committee – 6 month/1 year goal, training, etc., standards manual: format appealing and digestible, CAT 1 level training requirements.
Chair for next year:
Dea volunteered to be chair and was accepted by consensus. Beth asked for volunteers to do the recording as it would be too much to ask Dea to do both. There were no volunteers.
This topic generated off an email that Laurie sent recently to the Sage-Cat list asking about series numeration and sources for series titles and numeration. It was noted that Laurie did the correct thing with the series identified in her email. There was discussion about what the best source was for series titles and numeration. Many sites were mentioned (Fantastic Fiction, Goodreads, [subscription-based] Novelist, etc.) The question was raised as to whether we should choose one source over another. It was noted that we will probably have conflicts arise no matter which source we would choose. It was noted that we have encouraged the public to utilize Fantastic Fiction quite a bit through the years and we even have a link on the OPAC to it. Consistence is the key and we need to be sure to set up series title and numeration, especially if you are the first library to bring in a record that needs it. Also identifying the source for title and/or numbering is important in the bibs. It was noted that Sage System series authority records would be very helpful. Beth will prioritize loading the series authorities. Some things that were suggested as common practice would be to check the Sage authorities first, maybe use Fantastic Fiction as a first source, followed with Goodreads (etc.), especially when making a first entry in Sage. It was also noted that changing the wording even a little bit will separate out series titles and numbering in facets and in lists. Laurie volunteered to send out an email to the catalogers outlining some of this as a reminder.
Action: Beth will prioritize loading series authorities into Sage.
Action: Laurie will send out an email to catalogers outlining some of this as a reminder.
Beth noted she has begun to work on reorganizing the cataloging section of the website. She pulled a copy of the new standards document out to the front. She has moved all draft documents to “Cataloging Work in Process Documents” and added a note at the beginning regarding these being working drafts and not finalized documents. Dea asked her to also include this on each of the documents as she has found that several people have had links and were not aware that the documents were working drafts and were working from them as though finalized copies. Beth noted that she would add the note to each document as well.
When asked what area was a priority to work on the consensus seemed to be the standards manual. And it also seemed to be that it would be best to keep it as it is – separated by type/format. Beth will be converting all of the html documents to Word documents for ease of editing. RDA elements will be included and we can update/expand as needed and as we go along the process. The first focus will be on books, followed by audio or video (as both seem to be about equal to folks attending).
Cataloging Committee & Mentor meetings:
After some discussion it was agreed that the Cataloging Committee will continue to meet every other month (even months). It was suggested that the Cataloging Mentors begin meeting regularly again in the opposite months (odd months), if not more often as necessary to help with shaping some of the needed documents, policies, and training materials. [Dea will be touching base with the Mentors, however it was suggested to use the current date/time as the Cataloging Committee meeting on a trial basis.]
Action: Dea to contact Mentors to set up meeting in November.
CAT 1 requirements:
It was noted that we have some folks interested in moving into this role. What are the requirements, etc.? It was suggested that the Mentors address this. Some possible suggestions or ideas were thrown out by the group, including: Mentor shadowing, online training modules to go through with higher level cataloging topics, time frame was something we looked at at one point (suggestion – maybe a number of hours of cataloging work rather than length of time, with person responsible for tracking), does a masters degree in library science automatically give the level needed (some who have been through or are going through this felt not). This item will be added to the Mentor’s meeting agenda.
Action: This item will be added to the Mentor’s meeting agenda.
issues seen in catalog or burning questions:
Laurie noted that she is still finding a fair number of duplicate entries. Dea noted the same. They are mostly books (and some media). Dea volunteered to put together a reminder of how to start searching (referencing scoping, only searching by ISBN, etc.) Laurie asked if Beth could run a report of items created in the last 3-6 months (starting with 3 months) that might be possible duplicates and volunteered to look through the report.
Action: Dea to write up reminder to send out to catalogers regarding searching.
Action: Beth run report of items created in last 3 months that might be possible duplicates.
Action: Laurie will look through the report that Beth runs looking for possible duplicates.
Meeting adjourned at 12 pm.
Next meeting: December 5, 2016 at 11am (PDT) – via GoToMeeting software.