Sage Council-September 20 2016

Sage Library System

Council Minutes

September 20, 2016

Present: Erin Wells (Chair), Beth Longwell, Brent Mills, Cheryl Hancock, Dea Nowell, Denine Rautenstrauch, Heidi Florenzen, Jeff Wavrunek, Kathy Street (Vice-chair), Maggie Pando, Mary Reser, Perry Stokes, Rachael Fox, Rose Peacock, Delia Wallis

Minutes: July 2016 council minutes approved as written.

Systems Update (Brent)

  • Work has been done on title and identifier indexes to correct issues such as punctuation
  • Next upgrade will be 2.11. We are waiting for first major release of fixes for 2.11
  • Monthly/Weekly auto reports have been added to the system as well as quick reports
  • There are no more volume holds for patrons in the OPAC
  • Harney County School patrons have been added
  • There are now patron validation checks on zip code and email
  • Test server and OPAC have been updated with new software
  • Weekly system updates are being sent out
  • Circulation visualizations were given for 2015 and 2016.

Committee Reports

Cataloging Committee – Due to low attendance at meetings this summer, not as much was accomplished as desired. Meetings were moved back to every other month. Main topics that will be addressed in October are training requirements for the Cat1 level and web site resources.

Circulation Committee – the committee is meeting monthly with good attendance. The committee web page has agenda and minutes for each meeting. Recently discussions have been on volume holds, a form for lost in transit items. The “on display” status is now holdable. Brent encourages everyone to join next meeting – October 11.

Courier Committee – The committee met and made additional changes to courier procedures and discussed recent reports of mis-labeling, “mixed” bags, and damages. They hope to use the new procedures document, as well as the circ listserv, to provide reminders of correct packaging and procedures.

Governance Committee – This committee did not meet. Volunteer for chair sought. Perry stepped forward and Brent made a motion for Perry to be appointed chair. Erin seconded the motion. All in favor.

Old Business

  • Strategic Plan – Beth sent out a message to the listserv asking for volunteers to serve on the committee. First meeting will be in October.
  • Lost in Transit Policy – was handed off to circulation committee. Functionality to automatically change status is being discussed but does not exist in Evergreen yet. Work is being done on the policy itself.

New Business

  • Membership bills – Beth will be working on those this week and getting them out to members.
  • Statistics – the annual statistics spreadsheet has been put up on the web site. One of the questions raised this time was a new category that was added – “non-separated checkouts”. Traditionally this has been used by libraries that don’t separate their collection at all but the language was such that Beth thought it could be used in conjunction with the checkouts separated out into juvenile, young adult, and adult. She clarified with Ann Reed at state library that we could report non-separated checkouts for movies, as well as separated checkouts. Ann also indicated that these could be reported under adult if we didn’t feel comfortable using the “non-separated” category.  Brent and Beth have discussed adding a statistical category to the item that indicates an audience level. This would allow us to be more accurate. Currently Beth has to look at shelving location to determine the audience level. With general locations such as movies and audios there is no way to determine audience level. Drawback of the stat category is that it would need to be maintained by catalogers. We can backfill and get this field in for current items but new items would have to be coded. It can be added to library item templates so that the stat field is coded automatically in most cases. Dea commented that this would allow the library to make the decision on what category the checkout should go to. There was general agreement that this would allow statistics to be more accurate. Brent and Beth will start the process of making this change. Brent commented that this category should be mandatory so that we don’t have cleanup issues.

Agenda items for next meeting:  None given.

Dea commented that we are down two council members due to staff leaving – Mark Peterson at KCC and Marie Baldo at Hermiston. Perry checked bylaws and indicated that vacancies can be filled by new or existing staff at those locations.

Next meeting: November 15, 2016