Cataloging Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 7, 2013 @ 11am (PDT)
(via telephone conference call)
Attending: Heather Estrada (BMCC), Michelle Fife (Ontario MS), Katrina Gaines (EOU), Valerie Gardner (Ontario Comm.), Beth Longwell – System Administrator (Sage), Dea Nowell – Recorder (Umatilla Co. SLD), Mary Reser (Gilliam Co.), Sarah Samuels (Hood River Co. LD), Jenny Simpson (Nyssa), Barbara Telfer (The Dalles-Wasco Co.), Molly Hamlin (Planetree Health), Katie Wallis (CGCC), Catherine Wick (Pendleton), Ann Zuehlke – Chair (Hood River Valley HS).
The meeting was called to order 11 am by Ann Zuehlke.
Discussion/Approval June 2013 CC minutes: Sarah Samuels moved to approve the June 2013 minutes as corrected. Ann Zuehlke seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as presented.
System Admin. Reports: Beth reported on several things:
Update with catalog: Backstage Library Works de-duplication work has been done as well as the upgrading of bib records to RDA & incorporating authority changes. As a result of this work, duplicates have been removed from Sage (over 25,000). Beth sent off close to 1 million bib records to Backstage. There are still reports to go through with near matches, etc., to be worked on. The original profile Backstage sent us did not include the 300 field and we felt it was important to include in the profile. The same is true with the 250 field. Therefore some of these near matches come from close hits, but not exact matches here. Once the duplicates were removed, Beth began overlaying bib records. This took her longer than she thought it would, but she learned some things that would be helpful if we ever had to do something like this again. Then Beth wiped out existing authorities & added the new authority records. She then began linking existing bib records to the authorities. She is still working on this piece. You’ll see a subfield 0 (‡0) in fields that show those that have been linked to authorities (like in subject heading & author fields, for instance).
A question was asked — do we need to do something to link records that we bring in, etc.? Beth will be checking on this. Ann Zuehlke asked Beth to post something on the Wiki regarding authority work, linking, etc., & send out an email to let everyone know.
[Action item: Beth Longwell will post something on the Wiki regarding authority work, linking, etc., & send out an email to let everyone know about it.]
RDA: Beth noted that there was only so much that Backstage could do to automatically upgrade to RDA. These bibs that have been enriched with RDA elements are not marked as RDA because they are not fully RDA compliant. For example the title field in RDA is to be transcribed & computers are not able to do this. It was noted that we will have a mixed file of rules-based bibs, as will most systems. We have had it for years & probably always will have.
RDA training, etc.: Where are things with RDA training, etc.? We aren’t there yet in the consortium as far as beginning to implement RDA rules in Sage, but we are & will continue to be seeing RDA records coming into the system. It would be helpful to know how to update RDA CIP records (maybe update the CIP document in the manual) & what to watch for in importing RDA records. Dea Nowell agreed to update the CIP document for RDA records. Beth is planning to pull together some of the available info. out there on RDA (for instance some of what Heather Estrada has posted & also what she is learning in her Masters-level class).
[Action item: Dea Nowell will update the CIP document for RDA records.]
[Action item: Beth Longwell will pull together some of the info. available on RDA.]
circ logins with cataloging privileges: Katie Wallis brought up the issue of circ logins having cataloging privileges at CGCC. She stated that she would rather those not be there. Beth noted that some basic cataloging permissions are needed for some things at circ such as reserves & pre-cat item checkout. She also noted that because of trickle down from higher levels this is not a quick fix situation. There are 3 categories of logins used in Sage: admin, cataloging, circ & each library uses them a bit differently depending upon the library’s situation (1 person staff, multi-person staff, etc.) It was mentioned that the discussion is worth having due to the recently adopted Cataloging Policy issue. Beth also noted that we first came up on Evergreen we took the defaults & since then some permissions have morphed. It was stated that we probably need to approach figuring out which permissions need to be where through the Cataloging Committee & Circulation Committee, but that it would take time to sort through all of it.
Parts: Sarah Samuels brought up that Buzzy [her director] is pushing to use parts in cataloging & for others in the consortium to use parts. Parts is a formal designation in cataloging. An example of how Hood River Co. Library District is using it is that they put separate parts in for audiobooks that come in separate cases, e.g. A game of thrones. A pdf of how this works has been put together. It was noted that parts are a fairly new component in Evergreen. It was also stated that we probably need to research this out more before we jump on it. The question was asked as to how we deal with items that maybe should have been cataloged as parts, Beth stated that she isn’t sure that we might need to re-catalog them. Beth stated that Brent sent a query to the Evergreen community & got back some good feedback (positive and negative) that probably should be shared with the committee. Beth will pull this together and send it out along with the pdf. Then this will need to be further discussed.
[Action item: Beth Longwell will pull together responses from Evergreen community regarding Brent’s query about cataloging using parts, as well as the pdf of how it works & send to Sage-cat list.]
[Action item: Ann Zuehlke will add to agenda for next meeting.]
Cataloging Committee Chair: Ann Zuehlke asked if anyone is dying to be chair of the committee to please let her know.
[Next meeting: Monday, December 2, 2013, at 11 am (PDT) – via teleconference.]
Meeting was closed at 11:53 am (PDT).