Minutes of January 21, 2014 Meeting
Members Present
Video: Buzzy Nielsen (Chair), Ann Zuehlke, Brent Mills, Linda Stahl, Arla Meltzer, John Schoppert, Maggie Pando, Denine Rautenstrauch, Beth Longwell, Karen Clay, Shannon Van Kirk, Perry Stokes, Cheryl Hancock
Phone: Marie Baldo, Mary Nixon
Meeting called to order by Buzzy Nielsen at 10:00 am. The minutes from 5-21-2013 were approved.
System Admin Report- (Beth Longwell and Brent Mills)
The latest Evergreen upgrade went smoothly. Some OPAC customization is still left to do. Buzzy reported custom sounds reverted to default. Brent is updating the wiki and still working on the KPAC.
Chair Report- (Buzzy Nielsen)
· Our LSTA centralized cataloging grant proposal was successful. The cataloging committee is tasked with creating a job description and list of duties for the new position. The check should arrive in Feb. or March.
· Candidates have been found for all open positions on the Council. An electronic ballot will be sent out soon. These newly elected representatives will serve through June 2015.
Budget Committee- (Karen Clay)
· The Budget Committee recommends a 3% increase in fees over last year. Points to consider:
· Sage will pay less for authority records with loss of EOU records
· LSTA grants have been paying a big chunk of courier costs but whether they will continue to fund at this level in the future is questionable so there is a big increase in that amount.
· N. Powder wants to rejoin as resource sharing partner. With Spray gone, this will balance.
Cataloging Committee- (Ann Zuehlke)
Ann is ready to hand over leadership to someone new; Sarah from Hood River is potential candidate. There has been some discontent among members because Council hasn’t met and the committee feels it doesn’t have enough direction about RDA training and other issues.
Members may be too busy with their own libraries and overwhelmed with their own work to fully participate in committee. Should they get new members? Council said yes.
Courier Committee- (Karen Clay)
Materials are arriving faster with the addition of two new Orbis dropsites, Intermountain ESD and Baker. Incorrect labels and packaging are being used by some Orbis sites. Please check the wiki for Sage ILL and the Senvoy site for Orbis ILL.
We need to cut courier costs or distribute them differently – looking for suggestions. John Schoppert reported CGCC is considering dropping courier service and picking up their items at The Dalles or Hood River.
Development Committee- (Buzzy)
Be aware of tracphone hold notification issues. Please read Sage listserv email thread. Straytalk may also have problems.
Governance Committee- (Marie)
Committee has not met but will need to rewrite MOU and bylaws.
Sage Options Committee / Strategic Planning- (Mary)
Discussed the report from the strategic planning session held Oct. 25. The report, Sage – Time for Change, is available on the wiki under Governance Committee. The history in the first paragraph may not be quite accurate.
It was suggested the Council appoint a committee to prepare a letter of interest for a new fiscal agent for Sage. Since Sage and possible fiscal agents need to get budgets passed, there is a time crunch.
Baker, Hood River, Lake County, Ontario, Ione, and Oregon Trail are the only Sage districts available to be the fiscal agent. Letters will be sent to all. If no district accepts, Council agrees to pursue option B of the report. Buzzy will head up Options Committee.
New Business
New Logo: Brent has been working on the possibility of changing the Sage logo as it looks like a “book on a circuit board.” He suggested 4 options for creating a new one:
Contract out
Art students in Sage member schools
Artistic staff members
CGCC and BMCC have art departments that would be interested in offering the job to their students. Need to answer the questions: What do we stand for? What is unique about us? Buzzy will send out an email to find interested people; Brent will chair the committee.
EOIN: system for getting requests outside of Sage for libraries with no access to OCLC. Charge is currently $3, may increase to $10.
Next meeting: March 18, 2014
Meeting adjourned at 11:30 am.