Sage Council-September 15 2020

Sage Council Meeting Minutes


September 15, 2020

Attendees: Mark Rose (chair), Perry Stokes (Vice-chair), Beth Ross (Sage), Jon Georg (Sage), John Brockman, Heather Spry, Kathleen Schmidtgall, Lili Schmidt, Brittany Young, Dea Nowell, Ryan McGinnis, Rachael Fox, Laurie O’Connor, Kathy Street, Mary Reser, Denine Rautenstrauch, Ann Zuehlke

Request for additional agenda items– None offered.

Approval of March 2020 minutes – Perry Stokes motioned to approve minutes, Mark Rose seconded. Minutes were approved with the addition of the missing word “know” in the second-to-last paragraph.

Committee Reports

Cataloging Committee – (John Brockman –chair of Cataloging Committee)

Last meeting was the first Monday in August. They are installing a new chair at the next meeting. A portion of the meeting was dedicated to training. They also do updates on authority work and briefly update the committee on sub-committee work. Next meeting is in October.

Proposed Changes to Cataloging Policy and Cataloging Levels Documents (John Brockman)

A subcommittee was formed earlier this year to review the process and qualifications for advancement to the different cataloging levels. The objective was to make the process more consistent and objective. The hope was that with increasing advancement of qualified catalogers that we would be able to add to the number of cataloging mentors.

Changes to Cataloging Policy, Core competency, and Cataloging level requirements documents were highlighted. Assessments are still being worked on by the sub-committee and are expected to be completed by October 1. There are increased guidelines of what is expected for catalogers at each level. Another section added procedures for addressing ongoing cataloging problems and potential reduction of cataloging privileges.

Ann made a motion to approve the documents as presented. Ryan seconded the motion. The new documents were approved unanimously.

Changes to policies as a result of Covid19

  • Some libraries have requested changes to the number of holds allowed to accommodate needs of patrons during closures. It is unknown how long the different limits will be needed. Consensus was that it hasn’t been an issue yet.
  • Beth recently turned back on items going to lost. Not an issue for most libraries but was for one library and we made an adjustment for them.

Please communicate any special needs you have.

Nominations for Chair and Vice-chair

  • No nominations were made. Mark and Perry are willing to serve again but welcome others coming forward to accept a leadership position. Suggestion was made that someone could start as vice-chair and transition to chair next year. We had talked about having a financial incentive/discount that could be applied to the Sage membership fee. No decision was made at this time.

Council Seat Vacancies

Three council seats are vacant and will need to be filled. This will need to be addressed by email. Dea and Ryan volunteered to serve another term. Beth will check with Marsha to see if she is willing to serve another term or solicit another academic representative.

Additional topics

  • Discussion took place on how Covid19 has impacted budgets and employees.
  • Beth will be sending out membership invoices. She will let the Sage Council know if there are any members experiencing a financial impact in regards to Sage membership.
  • Discussion took place on what libraries are doing to deal with smoke from the fires.
  • Additional holds discussion – maybe we should increase the holds limit on a permanent basis. It could be an issue with holds shelf space, courier totes, etc. Educator profile could be used with homeschoolers for increased number of holds.
  • Quarantine procedures – how long should ILLs be in quarantine? There are different studies with different recommendations. Quarantines have extended the amount of time it takes to get to a patron. Suggestion was made to add to column to the current Sage spreadsheet about quarantine procedures so that we have more information on what others are doing.

Meeting adjourned at 10:55 am Pacific Time