Sage Council-November 27 2007

Sage Council Agenda

November 27, 2007, 9 am – 11 am Pacific Time

Attendance: Karen Clay, Beth Longwell, Louise Weeks, Jo Cowling, and Kim Tally; via video: Perry Stokes, Amy Hutchinson, and Ken Reading, Kathy Davis & Shannon VanKirk; via phone: Jolyn Wynn.

Council Chair Karen Clay called meeting to order at 9:10 A.M. PST

1. Agenda Review – no changes

2. Approval of 18th September 2007 minutes – accepted

3. Committee Reports
a.) Cataloging – Beth gave the report. LTI updates for genre Authority was discussed. Will hold off until obtain more information. Cataloging of AV materials was an issue. Will talk to sites having the problem. Committee members are continuing to update the cataloging manual. The Book section is completed. System-wide item types is progressing. She has five more sites to do. They are considering changing the format of the committee to a web-based format; possibly develop a wiki or blog. Circulation is also thinking of doing the same with the hope that it will allow more people to participate.
b.) Circulation – Did not meet.

4. Courier Update – The new ORBIS Cascade courier in Ontario area, Gilliam Co., and Harney Co. is now running. Harney had a few problems the first week, but is OK now. Gilliam Co. encountered problems for the first few weeks. The courier was picking up but not delivering. The problem was finally figured out and 37 bags were delivered. Have not heard of any more problems.

Shannon was wondering about pick up and drop off with BMCC to Baker City. Beth had not understood it was with Baker City. Will make the call to Express Messenger. Peggy Hudson is the contact in Baker City and Shannon will email the phone number to Beth.

5. LEO projects – The Big Read and Nano Days (Bob) – Bob was not here to present, but will tell us about the Nano Days next meeting. Perry gave us the info on The Big Read. The book selected is the Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan. The grant will fund 100s of copies of the book, reading guides, and posters. They talked about having buttons made that read, “What page are you on?” Question was asked about the areas involved. Perry responded that all libraries in the LEO area could participate if they choose to do so. The book deals with a variety of themes. The Chinese theme can promote a Mahjong Night or tournament. The Family History theme can promote genealogy resources and share family stories. There is also the immigration theme to be developed. Will need to reach out to the community leaders to help promote. Put flyers in places where people generally have to wait, such as the DMV or doctor waiting room. Regarding the time frame, it was thought to start in February or March and go through April. Grant requires at least six libraries to participate. Books will be distributed to the libraries as patrons ask for them.

6. Statewide Database Licensing Committee – Karen – There was an opening for a committee member on the Statewide Database Licensing Committee and Karen applied. She was accepted as the representative of a consortium. The first meeting will be next week on Dec. 3rd. This is the body that makes recommendations for state-funded databases.. An idea that the chair of an academic library has is to make a link to the statewide databases available to academic and public libraries. It was noticed that when a faculty retired, they no longer had the access as before and was unaware that it was a free service from the state. She will keep us updated.

8. Innovative Product Sale – Beth spoke of the fact that Innovative is offering a 15% discount from now until December 31 on all products except for Encore. Maintenance fee is figured by price of item. Looking to purchase API-remote authorization of patrons. The staff user licenses would cost $850 instead of $1050 if we buy now. Innovative generally puts the staff user licenses on sale once a year but doesn’t normally put their entire product line on sale. Now is the time to buy a product if we have been saving to do so.

7. Evergreen presentation (Doug Hendrichs) – Introductions were made. Doug spoke of the idea of having a statewide ILS-Integrated Library System. State would request start up money and libraries would then pay their own expense. This topic is in a memo only at this time, but will be in discussion over the next year. The state of Georgia has just started such a program and has 200 -300 public (no academic) libraries involved. He then gave us a power point presentation on their PINES (Public Information Network for Electronic Services) program using the Evergreen software system. You can preview the features that PINES system has at

We are very interested. It was asked what SAGE would need to go forward. We will need to money to purchase the server and initial site support from either Equinox or Libline. Discussion began regarding any political actions. Any political move will need support data such as a SAGE trial. The OR State Library Board of Trustees will be having their retreat in two weeks. Doug stated that regarding support from the LSTA (Library Services & Technology Act), Jim Scheppke, State Librarian, sent an email stating it would be a very worthwhile investment from LSTA funds. Doug will take back our enthusiasm to the board and will offer his support. He feels that Jim will do likewise. He would like to see SAGE leadership here. First off, contact either Jim or MaryKay Dahlgreen about a non-competitive grant (no timeline restraints).

It was asked about the reception across the state. Doug responded that a fair amount of positive response has been made. He is ready to go, as is Jim. He guesses that the board will put together a committee at their upcoming retreat.

Karen asked if we should endorse being a test site if we can find the resources. There was a question as to whether the State would be able to fund. Doug feels that the State could fund this project and feels that Jim would agree. Kat Davis felt an email to the State would be in order. Karen said she would work on it and get it sent around once it is composed.

9. System Manager Report – Beth reported that Innovative has approached us about being a beta test site for the latest software release. Bills have been sent out for the current fiscal year.

Next meeting will be held on January 15, 2008. We will discuss the budget, as we need to approve it in March.

Meeting adjourned at 10:48 am PST.

Louise Weeks, Recorder