Sage Library System User Council Meeting minutes
November 21, 2017 at 10am (PST)
(via GoToMeeting)
Present: Jennifer Costley* (Pendleton PL), Delia Fields* (Hermiston School Dist.), Jon Georg (Sage), Cheryl Hancock (Harney Co. Lib.), Cecili Longhorn* (Stanfield PL), Mary Lou Martin (Sherman Co. Pub./Sch. Lib.), Dea Nowell* – Vice-Chair (Umatilla Co. Special Lib. Dist.), Denine Rautenstrauch* (Enterprise PL), Rose Peacock* (La Grande PL), Beth Ross (Sage), Perry Stokes* (Baker Co. Lib. Dist.), Kathy Street* – Chair (Oregon Trail Lib. Dist.).
* denotes User Council Rep.
The meeting was called to order by Chair Kathy Street at 10:05 am without a quorum present.
[Since there was no quorum present at the beginning of the meeting, we started with committee reports.]
Committee Reports:
Cataloging Committee: Dea Nowell reported that the Cataloging Committee met once since the last User Council meeting (10/2/17). She will be continuing as chair for this year. Some of the topics revisited and/or reviewed were: graphic novels and manga series; duplicates; quality of records found in Z39.50, OCLC, and CatExpress; not removing subject fields from bib records; Sage series source hierarchy; and updates on mentors. The next meeting will be 12/4/17.
The Cataloging Mentors met three times since the last User Council meeting (10/5/17, 11/2/17, & 11/20/17). Some of the items discussed include: review of CAT1 application process, series, adding content to Sage cataloging web pages, MARC cheat sheet for books, new bib reports and use of the reports, “read-alongs”, and an overview of authorities by Beth Ross. The next Cataloging Mentors meeting will be 12/7/17.
Circulation Committee: Beth Ross reported that the Circulation Committee has not met yet. A meeting is planned for the second Wednesday in December. The meeting is open to anyone who wants to participate.
Personnel Committee: No longer meeting since the position is filled.
Courier Committee: Beth Ross reported that they have not met. She noted that the Courier Committee needs to be revitalized. Beth will be send out an email regarding.
Strategic Planning Committee: Perry Stokes is chairing this Committee and they have not met yet. The Committee may be meeting in January.
Beth Ross noted that typically we begin discussing the budget in December.
Beth Ross noted that she and Perry have been talking about whether we need to add an additional membership level. This came up in looking at Wallowa County forming a library district. There is a wide range of fee between the under 5,000 level and the 5,000-15,000 level.
Proposed Bylaw Changes: Dea Nowell presented a suggested change to Bylaws and groupings for 3-year Sage User Council Representative terms, though she is not sure from reading the Bylaws how it is to be approved. Perry Stokes said the proposal looks good. Kathy asked how an additional level might change this. This is a good question since the representative classifications are listed in the bylaws under Article IV, Section 2. It was noted that we should probably review these numbers and groups periodically. It was stated that a change of the bylaws needs to be put before the entire membership — Beth Ross stated that when the bylaws were updated it was assumed it would occur at an annual meeting, perhaps we should consider a wording change. Beth was asked to look at the number of libraries in each category to make sure that representation is adequate. Cheryl Hancock made a comment in chat wondering if we have considered decreasing the number of representatives from each category, as less people would be needed for a quorum and it would not be as hard to get representatives for fewer groups. The question was asked whether there was an issue getting quorums. Not necessarily, only occasionally, like in July at changeover of representatives, which seemed reasonable. There was some concern raised about lowering the number of representatives and getting adequate coverage across the consortium. Discussion will continue on this topic and any additional bylaw changes at the next meeting. Beth will be sending out numbers in each category. [Enough Council Representatives joined during this discussion to establish a quorum.]
Minutes: Cecili Longhorn moved to approve the September minutes as presented. Cecili Longhorn seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Kathy Street asked how others handle checking out to patrons from another library in the consortium without their library card in hand, when the loan rules say library card is needed for checkout. Several Council Representatives noted that they will check out with ID as it provides good customer service. Pendleton PL uses a “forgot card form” and after 2 uses requires purchase of a new library card. It was noted that the Sage Library System Standardized Loan Rules states “Cardholders must present their card or acceptable ID to check out items.”
Meeting adjourned by Chair Kathy Street at 10:40am
The next User Council Meeting will be January 16, 2018 at 10am (PST).
Submitted by Dea Nowell.