Sage Council-November 15 2011

Sage Council Minutes

DATE: November 15, 2011

TIME: 9:00 a.m.

PRESENT: Chrystine Brown, Beth Longwell, Perry Stokes, Karen Clay, Terri Washburn

Video: Kat Davis, Marie Baldo, Erik Jensen, Shannon Van Kirk, Maggie Pando, Arla Melzer, Ken Reading, Buzzy  Nielsen, Jayne Guidinger, Linda   Stahl, Ann Zuehlke

Phone: Darlene Johnson, Brian Greene, Marsha Richmond, Cheryl Hancock, Christina Macklin      

CALL TO ORDER: Perry Stokes             

AGENDA REVIEW: Add Orbis information by Karen Clay                 

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Minutes approved unanimously for 9/20

Thank  you: 

            Perry thanked Ken and Marie for their outstanding job performed as co-chairs.


            Perry nominated Buzzy Nielsen as Vice-Chair. Approved unanimously


                  Brian Greene and Beth Longwell recommend the Gale e-books become a single location in the catalogue with one link for the libraries to access instead of providing a link for each library for each e-book which becomes very cumbersome. The state has given its support. The downside would be losing statistical data per library. Instead the e-book usage would be aggregated. Everyone was in agreement to try it.  The next step is to set it up and test the process.


            A survey was conducted in which 28 of 77 libraries participated with 52 responses. The results showed a strong sentiment to increase holds to 12. Yet, comments/concerns were about the potential increase in staffing and financial resources.

            Beth recommended freezing holds on future books that have not been released, which will help with the number of holds counted per patron.  Cleaning up the duplicates in the system will help with the books moving around. A question was asked if the individual library holds can be increased or decreased? After lengthy discussion, a motion was presented and passed to increase the hold limits to 9 and to revise the hold prioritizations. Three opposed the motion: Marie Baldo, Shannon Van Kirk, Kat Davis.


            Beth would like to remove the individual links to Library2Go and make an individual search tab, much like Coos County Library has. This cleans up the display and makes the print more visible. Beth will create a separate skin for the community colleges so Library2Go will not show for them. Everyone agreed to have Beth proceed.


  1. System Administrator:

Beth has added all of Klamath Community College records. The patron records are coming shortly. The Wallowa library records are almost completed. Joseph was to start circulating today. The Network failures have been resolved. The print notices being inaccessible is still being worked on with EOU IT. The Holds Block message is revised. The OPAC display will be modified to have on-line resource link also show on first page. The floating collection feature upgrade has been quoted from Evergreen at $5,000. Beth also stated she will try to be more consistent in posting monthly updates, calendaring and communicating in general.

  • Governance

The Bi-Laws and Constitution have been reviewed. Several changes are recommended. Instead of grouping libraries according to circulating/non-circulating it is recommended to consolidate libraries by form, function and state population.  A representative or two from each group would then be a voting member on the board. There would be a cap to the number of council members with fluidity built into the structure.

Question was asked: What is the criteria for new libraries to join Sage? What is the financial feasibility to be added to Sage?

It was recommended to use the mission/purpose to guide the criteria and structure. However, need basic structure established first. The proposed structure has been posted on the WIKI. The formal proposal will be posted before January 3, which is 14 days before the next Sage meeting.

  • Budget Committee

The budget committee needs to meet as soon as possible. The budget will need to be presented at the January meeting for adoption in March.

  • Cataloging

The de-duping is being worked on, however this is a huge project. The budget set aside for training is being proposed for regional training. The schedule will be presented at January’s meeting. Free on-line training is available. This class has work assignments. Laurie will keep track of assignments.

  • Circulation

They have been meeting every two weeks. They are working on patron profile consolidations, loan rules and self-check out errors on check parts alerts. Need to look at processing workflows/recommendations

  • Courier (Beth)  

There is a shortage of courier bags. Two grants have been written. Should hear by mid-December about Pacific Power grant. Will decide at January meeting how to proceed about bag issue.  


                  Karen announced that ORBIS will be sending out and RFP for a shared ILS. They are expecting migration within 3-5 years. EOU would move with ORBIS.

Meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.                 

Next meeting will be January 17, 2012