Sage Council Meeting Minutes
May 30, 2023
Attendees: Perry Stokes (Baker, Vice-chair), Jon Georg (Sage), Kathleen Schmidtgall (Weston), Maggie Pando (The Dalles), Dea Nowell (UCSLD), Rachael Fox (Hood River), Mary Reser (Gilliam County), Marsha Richmond (Lake County), Lily Schmidt (Milton-Freewater)
Approval of January minutes (March not submitted): January minutes were approved with no changes or objections.
New member request by Condon School – Dea moved to allow Condon HS to join Sage. Kathleen seconded the motion. No objections were raised, new member Condon School is approved.
Budget approval – Base rate is 8% with the final variable rate based on population increases or decreases. Perry shared a link to the current budget proposal. The Sage funds were moved to an interest bearing account and already we have earned $700. It is expected that the annual amount would be around $5,000 so that was added to the budget draft as additional income.
Overall Sage is looking good. There is a decent amount to offer the new systems manager. Insurance is budgeted at the family rate, but salary could be increased if they want the single rate. A 5% cost of living increase is added for systems support (Jon) and administrative salary (Christine). Dea moved to accept the budget and membership fee proposal. Maggie seconded the motion. No objections were raised, budget passes.
Dea asked where we were at with the position search. Perry stated that he hasn’t completed the new job description due to Beth being out sick. Beth has agreed to postpone her retirement date. When she is back to work, they will work on the job description and come up with a new schedule.
Revised circulation document – recommend postponing vote until library staff have time to review the document since it was sent out the night before the meeting.
Upcoming council seats – we are behind in filling council seats. Changing the bylaws regarding council membership was important to get done before doing a membership vote. Rachael, Dea, Kathleen willing to continue in the short term. Carrie, as chair, can recruit potential new council members. Vote should take place at July council meeting.
Meeting adjourned.