Sage Council-May 7 2010


DATE:  May 7, 2010

TIME:   1:00 p.m.


In Person at Burns, Oregon: Cheryl Hancock, Laurie O’Connor, Amy Hutchinson, Shannon Van Kirk, Ken Reading, Mary Reser, Darlyne Johnson, Christina Macklin, Beth Longwell, Terri Washburn

Polycom: Karen Clay at EOU, Perry Stokes at Baker

Phone: Marsha Richmond

CALL TO ORDER: Shannon Van Kirk

AGENDA REVIEW: 2 additions: forming a migration team (Beth Longwell) and Developing Sage patron cards for those with no circulating home library (Perry Stokes). 


January Minutes – misspelling of bylaw needing correction

Move to approve as amended by Ken Reading; Second by Cheryl Hancock, passed

March Minutes – correction to attendee list

Christina attended via polycom, Cheryl & Marsha by phone.  Move to approve with these minor changes by Amy Hutchinson, Second by Cheryl Hancock, passed



1. Sage Loan/Circ Rules Standardization (Ken Reading)

Numerous suggestions were submitted by Perry, just that afternoon.  Not everyone had a chance to see these suggestions before the meeting, and several expressed a desire to move quickly on the circ policies standardization, because of needing to present the changes to their Library Boards in a timely fashion. 

The consensus was to treat the Loan/Circ Rules Standardization as a living document, subject to continuous revision.  The first version of this document, to be voted on at this meeting, will not include the changes proposed by Perry.  However, these changes will be discussed and included as necessary in future versions of the Loan/Circ Rules Standardization document. 

Other suggestions that were discussed and incorporated into the current document were:

  • Patron expiry should be after a maximum of three years (if not previously renewed)
  • For simplicity we should offer two renewals of equal lengths, not different lengths
  • Remove reference to “use of computers” in need for showing patron card, not all libraries required computer users to have a patron card
  • Patron phone number should not be required
  • There is a maximum of .20/day specified for overdue fines, but no set minimum
  • ILL fines for non-picked up requests should be set at a Max of $5

Move to approve the Loan/Circ Standardization Document with the changes as discussed during the meeting by Karen, Seconded by Cheryl, passed. 

Transition period.  The plan is to allow 3 months for transition, and presentation to library boards.  All Libraries should be following the new standardized circulation policies by October 1st, 2010.  If they are unable to meet this deadline, then they must have an implementation plan filed by October 1st, explaining why they must deviate from the schedule and how they will be scheduling their transition. 

Move to approve transition plan by Amy, Seconded by Ken, passed.

2. Courier (Beth Longwell)

The courier bags are popular.  Beth still has a large reserve, so simply request from Beth if you need more. 

A question arose on scheduling and delivery consistency problems with the Orbis Cascade courier.  The suggestion is to file a complaint report with Orbis Cascade in situations such as when a driver doesn’t show up, or when the wrong thing is delivered.  Beth will send out a link to the complaint form. 

Discussion proceeded on the current hold system.  Letting patrons make the decision as to lending library does not always result in the most efficient choice.  Patrons will order things from another location even when the item is sitting on a shelf in their home library!  Unfortunately, this feature is needed by EOU, in order to allow distance students to order items from the EOU library from other out of town locations.  Beth explained that many hold systems have been tried, and all have been problematic in some respect.  Beth will investigate the possibility of a work-around. The hope is that migrating to Evergreen will solve or mitigate some of these issues. 

3. Cataloging (Cheryl Hancock)

The first meeting of the newly revived Cataloging Committee was on Monday April 26th in Ontario, attended by 14 Sage members.  Co-Chairs of the committee are Laurie O’Connor from Harney County and Lindy Cloyd from Baker County. 

The Cataloging Committee proposes to focus on training and communication to promote consistent cataloging practice.  Centralized cataloging was discussed, but is not the answer at this time.  Regional representatives were chosen to act as mentors for their area libraries. Contractual cataloging, done by a few individuals within Sage, may be a viable solution. 

The Cataloging Committee requests that a line item be added to next year’s Sage budget to fund ongoing cataloging training. 

The next Cataloging Committee meeting is scheduled for June. 

Amy Hutchinson moved to accept the Cataloging committee’s report as presented; Darlyne Johnson seconded, motion passed. 


1. Klamath Community College Library request (Shannon Van Kirk)

Klamath Community College Library has expressed an interest in joining Sage.  Response from the Council was positive.  Shannon will put them in touch with Beth to get details on cost and other requirements. 

2. Code 4 Lib Pacific Northwest Conference (Beth)

Beth will be making a presentation at this Conference on June 7th, discussing our upcoming migration to Evergreen. 

3. Forming an Evergreen Migration Team (Beth)

Beth suggests forming a migration team to look at all the issues that will need to be addressed in order to have our migration to Evergreen go smoothly. It should have a good cross-section of people from different libraries.  Work will begin immediately.  Please send suggestions for migration team members to Beth within a week. 

4. Sage Patron Cards (Perry)

There are patrons in the Sage system who do not have cards from their home library.  Examples would be patrons of libraries that are not automated or are in the process of automating, such as Grant County, or people from towns with no home library, such as North Powder.  Perry would like to look into the possibility of getting Sage patron cards for these people to use in any Sage Library. 

Discussion was tabled until next meeting. 

Next Meeting:

Regular polycom meeting will be approximately July 20 or July 21.  A doodle poll will be sent to determine the exact date. 

Our next face to face meeting is tentatively set in Baker County.  Time will be in the fall, last week in September to first couple of weeks in October.  A doodle poll will be sent to determine the exact date. 

Adjourned:   3:15 pm