Sage Council-May 21 2013

Minutes of May 21, 2013 Meeting
Members Present
: Buzzy Nielsen (Chair), Ann Zuehlke, Sheila Dooley, Denine Rautenstrauch, Arla Melzer, Beth Longwell, Karen Clay, Terri Washburn, Marie Baldo, Cheryl Hancock
Phone: Carrie Bremer, Faith Adams, Brent Mills, Erik Jensen
Meeting called to order by Buzzy Nielsen at 10:05 am. The minutes from 3-19-2013 were approved.
System Admin Report- (Beth Longwell)
The new database server is in place. Has anyone noticed improvement in Evergreen operation?
Chair Report- (Buzzy Nielsen)
· Our LSTA centralized cataloging brief grant proposal was approved and we are invited to submit a full grant proposal. Funds are to be used to hire a cataloging specialist for Sage and help clean up our bibliographic records. The full application is due in the fall.
· The deduping project we received $30,000 LSTA funds for is about to begin. A committee analyzed several submitted RFPs and chose Backstage Library Works to do the job. They propose to bring our current bibliographic records up to RDA standards during the deduping process.
· The Personnel Committee is asking all Council members and committee chairs to fill out a survey evaluating System Manager Beth Longwell. Although technically an EOU employee, Beth works for all Sage libraries so survey responses will be incorporated into the evaluation.
· Please use the trouble ticket system to submit problems.
· Everyone is invited to attend the OLA Support Staff Division conference to be held in Hood River on July 19.
Budget Committee- (Karen Clay)
The Budget Committee recommends adding the following new membership levels for school districts:
Enrollment Annual Fee
2,000-3,9999 $5,000
4,000-7,9999 $8,000
8,000+ $12,000
Motion to accept above levels. M/S/P
Cataloging Committee- (Ann Zuehlke)
They have been seeking ways to continue cataloging training, especially RDA. There has been a lot of confusion and emails. Ann asks the council to narrow choices down to top three.
Circulation Committee- (Erik Jensen)
Working on the revision of circulation policies.
Courier Committee- (Karen Clay)
They recommend adding 2 ORBIS dropsites: Intermountain ESD and Baker City. CGCC may withdraw from being a dropsite and use The Dalles. Costs of these changes should be within the currently approved Sage budget.
Development Committee- (Buzzy)
No report.
Governance Committee- (Marie)
No report.
Sage Options Committee / Strategic Planning
As Kat Davis is retiring, a new chair is needed.
Beth reported Banner Nonprofits submitted a proposal to facilitate the fall retreat.
Karen asked the Council what our strategic planning session at the retreat should include. When the new ORBIS system comes online, EOU will become a resource sharing rather than a full member. This will result in a 10% loss of revenue to Sage, beginning with the 2014 budget.
Strategic Planning issues to be discussed include:
· Should we increase membership in Sage?
· What direction are we going with technology?
· Should Sage remain an independent entity or merge with another, such as LEO?
New Business
YA Circulation Stats – There is a movement within OLA to track circulation of young adult materials in the annual report. If Sage libraries use a separate shelving location for young adults then it will be no problem to pull those stats for the state report. Some libraries do and some don’t. Buzzy will email Katie Anderson with our thoughts.
Council Elections – There are open positions in 5 categories:
Circulating Schools
Public libraries serving under 5,000
Public libraries serving between 5,000-15,000
Public libraries serving over 15,000
Resource-sharing partners
Some libraries fall into more than one category. So far, Darlyne Johnson of Ontario Library District has volunteered to run. Others will be contacted.
We brainstormed ways to improve attendance at Council meetings by the elected councilors.
Possibilities include:
· Public shaming
· Change meeting time to afternoon
· Use Go To Meeting through OLA
· Contact councilors and put them on the spot
Agenda Items for Next Meeting:
· Elect new officers
Next meeting: July 16, 2013 at 10 am.
Meeting adjourned at 11:00 am.