Sage Council-May 20 2008

Sage Council Agenda

May 20, 2008 9 am Pacific Time
Attendance:  Karen Clay, Beth Longwell, Jo Cowling Perry Stokes Kim Tally, and Louise Weeks; via video:  Amy Hutchinson, Kathy Davis, and Ken Reading; via conference call:  Jean Rudd and Darlyne Johnson. 

Council Chair Karen Clay called meeting to order at 9:05 A.M. PDT. 

  • Agenda Review —no changes
  • Approval of Minutes—Perry made a motion to approve as stated.  Amy 2nd.  Motion passed.
  • Cataloging/Circulation System updates—(bl)
  • Labels—There is a sample doc on the Wiki.  Libraries can alter label to reflect their information.  Just need to keep the Sage System information.  Otherwise can change however you like. 
  • Material Types—She will be changing the material types.  Altering the bibliographic records will give them more definitions, e.i. break out large print books, differentiate music:  CDs from cassettes, from LP vinyl (records).  Beth will communicate to all when and what changes are made.  Her plan is to do next week.
  • Sage wiki—(bl) Beth adding more content to Wiki.  Comments?  Jo liked it.  Karen asked if a link to the Wiki can be posted on the Sage site.  Beth can do this.  When asked why we are going to the use of a Wiki, Beth responded that we are looking for a different technology to get more participation from the Circ and Catalog Committees.  She is trying to get more feedback and wants to be able to facilitate people when they can access.   You can turn on an automatic reply, an email alert, for when an item is posted.  Beth thought that once a week she would ask them [the libraries] to do something different—a guided usage for the Wiki.  Ken suggested that first off might be to show them how to turn on email alerts.  Another suggestion was to show how to upload a picture of themselves to their profile.
  • Governance/Council Membership—(kc) There is a new governance table on the Wiki.  There are 17 voting members:  11 full members, 2 Associate level-1 members (one member is still needed from either Ontario Middle School or Umatilla PL), 1 Associate level-2 member, 2 ILL Circ Lib level members and 1 ex-officio member.  Karen suggested that we lump the Associate Level 1, 2,& 3, and then ask for three representatives.  [There are eighteen libraries total in these three levels currently.]  Karen made a motion to change the Governance structure to draw from Associate Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3.  Kat Davis 2nd.  This will be put to vote by email. 
  • Open Source Project
  • Grant Update—(kc & ps) We passed the first leg of the LSTA Grant.  August 13th is the deadline for submitting the full proposal.  We are also requesting $7500 from Wild Horse.  Karen stated that we need someone other than a representative from EOU to apply for the grant to Wild Horse.  It was asked if there was another grant source beside Wild Horse for the $7500.  If anyone knows of one, email the info to Karen.
  • Software Concerns—(bl) There is some apprehension staff wise.  The staff module is still in development.  Otherwise it seems more empowering.  We need to get a new outlook on something different.  Staff module seems more “techie.”  Right now it is focusing on function. 

The first year will be the test phase.  Beth will be bringing all records in, establish ten test sites, have them get training, and utilize guided tests.  Testing will be “do this” this week, try this next week, ect.  Test sites will not be running two systems—test environment only. 

The second year we will implement the other libraries.  This will be progressive testing, and near the end we would make a live test.  Mirror one day a week or devise what specific job we want to try. 

So far we have seven volunteers.  No school libraries yet.  If we receive the grant, the money would be released February 1st.  We could then start testing in late March, April or May, after finding a consultant and working with them for a month or two. 

The first grant will be about @75,000 to $80,000.  Apparently two other sites, Lynn-Benton Co. and Portland School of the Arts, have also submitted requests.  It might be possible to collaborate on testing methods.  Perry mentioned one other site requested.  Wiki page has the preliminary grant proposal for the open source project.  For feedback, click on the discussion tab.

  • Book feeds idea – see (kw)—You can actually see the books checked in/out.  Also shows the most requested book with a hold on them.  This type of technology shows that libraries are alive and ACTIVE!  Is it an add-on feature?  We can use RSS feed.  Beth can take a review file to do this.  [Lost conference call @ 9:50 PDT.]

Beth would create a list, build an RSS feed, and post on the website.  Ken would like to see us try it for 30 to 90 days.  It would definitely show our strength. 

How difficult would it be?  Beth will shoot for having some things on the test website by next meeting.  Have the Web Committee to help.  She would put it on the Main Catalog page.  Is it possible to show on individual websites?  She could make it available on their scoped pages as well.  It could be possible to link to their own website.

  • LibraryThing for Libraries/tagging/book recommendations – example (bl)—We would send all ISBNs and titles to them.  It is free for 60 days.  Beth was told that it was not very expensive.  They send you back the tags for your records.  Test on test port?  It comes up as a cloud-shaped item with words/tags in it (a web2.0 thing.)  It could be considered trendy or it could be considered cluttered.   You can choose to put the cloud on the right, left or bottom of page.  Beth will send out more links to see other examples.  Can patrons send in/add more tags?  Also available, are book recommendations.  Can get for 60 days free.  Beth will get pricing before the next meeting and put on the agenda for July. 
  • Google Analytics – Beth set this program up to gather statistics on
    Sage catalog usage.  You can view it at
    password:  4sagestats    It is amazing! (bl)—Kat Davis has been using it.  It is a free tool from Google.  It has been up for a couple of weeks now.  It updates every 24 hours.   

Meeting adjourned at 10:20 am PDT

Next meeting will be on July 15, 2008

Louise Weeks, Recorder

P.S.  if you want to see something on the Wiki, send Beth an email.  She will be moving staff things off of the Sage Catalog page and moving them onto the Wiki page.