Sage Council-March 21 2006

Sage Council Meeting Minutes


Attendance: Darcy, Jo, Beth, Shirley, Aletha, Ken, Jackie, Marsha, Marie, Myra

 (Bob is at PLA)

Recorder:  Tom Hilliard

Shirley added a discussion of the courier survey to the agenda.

January minutes were approved as amended to say that database integrity is a 5-year goal, as a part of the cataloging committee, not a separate task force.

Committee reports:

Courier– Shirley reported adding more libraries to click and ship

Cataloging – Aletha reported the committee met Feb 14.  They reviewed ongoing action, added a feedback button for patron feedback, added Listserv to the main page so all Sage members can contact Beth.  They also discussed specific cataloging fields.  Each location is to run their own duplicates report for clean up; Darcy asked that a reminder and instructions go out on the listserv.

Circulation – Beth reported from the January and March meetings.  Discussions of standardizing ILL loan periods, which were thought to be 6 weeks and a policy of no fines to schools.

Task Force Reports

Five-year financial plan-Shirley

            1) increasing participation – Cove High School and Helix are coming online, the Umatilla County LD will attempt to bring one or two libraries on per year

            2) stabilizing courier – Glenna is looking at ongoing costs, the grant is still paying for current use, hopefully the state will subsidize some percentage of future costs.

Resource sharing-Darcy

Darcy reported on meeting with Marie Baldo about objectives, a marketing plan to

promote regional sharing and access and standardization.  Shirley mentioned discontinuing EOIN because more libraries are circulating on III,

Old business

            -the budget will be reviewed at the May meeting, July meeting if needed for a line-by-line report

            -a report on the recent server upgrade, to try for less disruption next time

            – Shirley tabled  the topic after a discussion of prompting patrons for e-mail addresses

            – discussion of letting the computer select the site on holds following a matrix.  Darcy moved to allow the system manager to implement the fill system that would tailor selections for a test period of three months; Aletha seconded; passed; one dissenting vote.

            – Shirley commented that there is no mission statement, vision, values, goals; Glenna

has already done some research; Shirley will send out a draft

            – Shirley mentioned the OLA courier survey and how to access the results