Sage Library System User Council
Minutes of March 18, 2014 Meeting
Members Present
Video: Buzzy Nielsen (Chair), Linda Stahl, Arla Meltzer, Sheila Dooley, Sarah Samuels, Karen Clay, Perry Stokes, Cheryl Hancock, Darlyne Johnson, Pat Florenzen, Christina Trunnell
Phone: Ann Zuelke, Theresa Chandler, D-Ann Pahl,
Meeting called to order by Buzzy Nielsen at 10:00 am. The corrected minutes from 1/21/2014 were approved.
System Admin Report- (Beth Longwell and Brent Mills)
Attending Evergreen conference.
Chair Report- (Buzzy Nielsen)
Budget Committee- (Karen Clay)
Karen summarized budget notes from minutes of 1/21/14.
Motion to approve the 2014-2015 Sage budget. M/S/P
Cataloging Committee- (Sarah Samuels and Christina Trunnell)
The hiring committee has been working on the position description and duties for the LSTA grant-funded centralized cataloger, hoping to hire someone by June.
They are working on putting together some training programs.
Courier Committee- (Karen Clay)
Make sure to use the three-letter code and correct labels. Can Sage afford to continue to absorb costs for interlibrary loan to some libraries/branches? What is the history of these decisions? Some local courier costs are being funded, some are not.
Development Committee- (Buzzy)
No report.
Governance Committee- (Marie)
No report.
Sage Options Committee- (Buzzy)
Two districts responded positively to the letter of interest about becoming the fiscal agent for Sage. Ione and Ontario were not interested; the others have not responded. There was some concern among district boards about being fiscally responsible if Sage failed financially or disbanded but the committee seems to have worked that out. Instead of an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) such as we have with EOU, this new relationship will be called an Intergovernmental Agreement. It can be structured so private libraries can join, such as Josephy and Planetree. Districts need a decision by May so we may have an email vote.
New Business
Although we just gained new councilors, the timing was late and it is already time for another new batch. The nominating committee (Buzzy, Denine, Cheryl) will attempt to find replacements.
Next meeting: May 20, 2014
Meeting adjourned at 10:44 am.