Sage Council Meeting
Date: March 15, 2011
Time: 1 pm Pacific Time
By Phone: Cheryl Hancock, Denine Rautenstrauch, Darlyne Johnson, Dea Nowell, Kat Davis
In Person: Beth Longwell, Ken Reading (co-chair), Marie Baldo (co-chair), Marsha Richmond, Perry Stokes, Ryan for Terri Washburn, and Karen Clay
Minutes drafted from Beth’s notes of meeting
January 18, 2011 minutes were approved.
Evergreen migration update (Karen and Beth)
– the need for circulation reports was discussed. Reports training will be provided and Beth will work on getting general statistics posted
– help ticket software in the works
– weekly webinars were suggested as a way to overcome communications issues and provide additional training for member libraries.
EOU/LEO contract (Karen/Marie)
– a contract was established with LEO to handle the contract salary being paid to the Sage assistant
Cataloging Committee Proposal
– Nothing in notes
New Sage Libraries:
– Beth gave an update on the new libraries joining Sage from GorgeLink with the “go live” date being April 19.
New Committees:
– new committees were formed to review the MOU/Bylaws and Governance
– the 2011/2012 budget was approved by the council with Perry Stokes making the motion, and Marsha seconding. All members were in agreement. Minor adjustments to the budget were the elimination of Orbis Cascade drop site fee for Heppner and the reduction to one Orbis dropsite for Umatilla.
Committee Reports:
Open Source ILS committee – nothing to report
Budget committee – new member added, Cinda Holderman from Ontario High School Library
Cataloging committee – did not meet
Circulation committee – did not meet
Courier committee – did not meet
Next meeting: May 17, 2011 at 9am