Present: Faith Adams (Nyssa), Theresa Chandler (Elgin), Mary Finney (Pendleton PL), Cheryl Hancock (Harney CPL), Beth Longwell (Sage staff), Ryan McGinnis (LaGrande PL), Brent Mills (Sage staff), Buzzy Nielsen (Hood River CLD), Dea Nowell (UCSLD), Denine Rautenstrauch (Enterprise PL), Mary Reser (Gilliam Co.), Marsha Richmond (UCSLD), John Schoppert CGCC), Linda Stahl (Planetree HRC), Perry Stokes (Baker CLD).
I. Opening comments & roll call- (Stokes)
Chair Stokes called to order at 10.05 am and noted attendees participating by GoToMeeting and phone. Quorum reached.
A.) Additions/deletions from the agenda (ACTION)- Stokes
There were no additions or changes.
B.) Officer Elections (ACTION)- Stokes
Tabled for lack of volunteers or nominations. Will send out an email for elections in the future.
C.) Approval of May 29, 2015 minutes- Stokes
Mary Finney approved. Ryan McGinnis seconded. Approved.
D.) Open forum for the general membership
None offered.
II. Reports
A.) Sage staff- Longwell/Mills
Beth reports the Sage System is going well. The Sage annual statistical spreadsheet will be worked on and sent out. Beth will also send out info on OCLC ILL quotes, and asking for feedback on the OCLC quote. Will this be affordable for Sage? Baker already uses OCLC independently. Beth mentioned there are logistical issues with a shared OCLC login.
Brent presented OPAC changes. Fonts, layouts etc. were changed. Forms were migrated from the old Plinket sites. Ticketing system quirks worked out. Brent plans to do reports training in the coming months.
Perry has signed up to go to Idaho Library Association conference in BSU campus this fall to explore Idaho/Sage partnership opportunities.
Perry suggests that Sage committee chairs and officers should have training sessions on how to upload files, meeting times and minutes, etc. to Sage site. Beth and Brent will work on a training video.
Perry has created a Sage Library System facebook page. User Council meetings schedule is posted there.
B.) Cataloging Committee- Samuels/Turner/Sale
Beth commented that cataloging meetings are going regularly. Cataloging trainings by David have been rolled out. Better advanced notice for the trainings is needed.
C.) Circulation Committee- [inactive]
D.) Courier Committee- Longwell
No report.
E.) Development Committee- Longwell/Mills
No report.
III. Financial Statement- Stokes/Hawes
Perry sent out financials. Ending cash is roughly $103,000. Although, more bills will accrue for the 2014-15 year.
IV. Governance Committee- Baldo/Chair
Perry read an email Marie Baldo had sent about the Governance meeting July 15. The Sage MOU provides for an entry fee and how that’s charged but not calculated. They talked about how to develop fair fees. Beth will help by working on cost figures and sending them out to the Governance committee.
V. Special committees
VI. Previous business
VII. New business
Regular meeting time for FY2015-2016 (ACTION)- Chair
Perry mentioned that since Baker County Library is Sage’s fiscal agent Sage is subject to public meeting laws. Meetings of the user council and committee meetings should be established with a regular times. He motioned a resolution that user group meetings be the third Tuesday of the month at 10AM. Ryan moved, Delia seconded. Approved.
New membership request: Harney Co. Schools (ACTION)- Cheryl Hancock
Cheryl brought forward a new membership request from Harney Co. schools. Harney has received grants to join Sage, adding two schools to the Sage system. Buzzy asks if there was an application form available for this request, there’s concern about long term support for joining Sage. There does exists Letters of Support for Harney entering Sage, the ESD will support Harney Co. schools after grant funds end. Perry asked that the application and fee details be completed in a month so we could vote on this. An email vote sooner than the Sept meeting is preferable to waiting. An application form will be sent out. Beth will work with Cheryl on getting those documents out and a vote made as soon as possible.
VIII. Agenda items for next meeting- Chair
Officer elections.
(Perry will be out of town in Sept. John will organize the Sept meeting.)
IX. Adjournment- Stokes
The meeting adjourned at approximately 10.58AM.