Sage Council-July 21 2010

Sage Council Minutes

DATE: July 21, 2010

TIME: 9:30 p.m.


In Person: Karen Clay, Chrystine Brown, Beth Longwell, Teri Washburn, Perry Stokes   

Video: Ken Reading, Cheryl Hancock, Marcha Richmond, Amy Hutchinson, Shannon Van Kirk

Phone: Darlyne Johnson, Denine Raunstrach, Marie Baldo   

CALL TO ORDER: Shannon Van Kirk    


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Approval to May minutes to be done on-line


  • Sage Loan/Circ Rules Standardization (Ken Reading)

Lake County, Oregon Trail Library District and La Grande Public Library have adopted the new rules. Cheryl’s board rejected the new rules based on the grace period. The rules state 1 day and locally they give 5 days. Some other concerns were the maximum number of books allowed for check out. Everyone agreed 35 would be the maximum. Questions arose about the library card application in needing identification verification and recording driver’s license numbers. Some libraries need this as they send patron’s to collections with over-due accounts.  Others do not go to this extent. Perry submitted several suggestions for reorganizing and word smithing the policy.

Ken proposed the Loan Rule Committee reconvene in August/September  to review the changes that have been brought up today and present the updated policy at the October meeting.

  • Courier

Beth still has a large reserve of bags, request more from Beth if you need them.

  • Evergreen Open Source

Migration is still scheduled for December. The migration contract with Equinox has been signed and a programmer PSA is being developed to work with migration issues. The servers have been purchased and need to be configured. The team is organized. Equinox has been contracted to do more Circ/Cat development.

Regional training will occur for Circ/Cat and there will be on-site training.

Early this summer EOU issued 3 PSA’s for Sage Catalogue clean up. They worked on cleaning up 008 Marc tags, series, and de-duplication of records. This was successful although there is still more to do. Karen recommended continuing with PSA’s for these future projects in lieu of a permanent part time person filling the vacant position.

It was asked that Beth post weekly on the wiki what has been accomplished and what is needed at this point


  • GorgeLink is looking at joining Sage this next spring. Beth will be doing a presentation to them   on March 9.
  • Columbia Gorge Community College, formerly a part of Portland Community College’s ILS, will be  joining Sage in September. They are scheduled to migrate on September 7
  • Next meeting will be September 27 at 12:00 p.m. in Baker City