Pioneer Council-July 20 2001

Minutes of Pioneer User Council Meeting

July 20, 2001

Present: Ken Reading, Beth Longwell, Shirley Roberts, Patty Cutright, Carol Anne Thew, Darcy Dauble, Marsha Richmond, Dale Edwards, Carmen Wickam, Vicky Bruce, Jolyn Wyn (conference call), and Jo Cowling.

Minutes of June 27 meeting


Merged consortium name

Carmen compiled and ranked the votes on names. Pioneer had more points, not as many people voting for it. Horizon had more people voting for it, not as many points. After much discussion, a secret ballot was cast and tallied: the new name is Pioneer.

Project personnel reports

-Project directors

Carol Anne, Shirley, Beth and Patty are the implementation team. The project will be underway before the Systems Librarian is hired, and the project needs leadership now. Beth heads the technical side, Shirley heads the fiscal/administrative side.

-Systems Librarian

The committee had reviewed and ranked the applicants to a short list of 5. Phone interviews will occur on July 26th, and reference checks will be done during the week of July 30th. On-campus interviews will be during the week of August 20th, after which the committee will make a recommendation to EOU.

-Cataloging Librarian

The position has been advertised and will close at the end of August. The committee will meet to proceed during the first week of September.

Project timetable

Dynix charges for exit services, about $4000 each for EOLN and SOLN. Those systems can absorb some cost, but prefer taking most of it from the grant. Patty tentatively proposed picking up the charges out of the grant. Beth will ask Innovative if the exit service is necessary.

Shirley read from the “Merger Project Timeline” handout.

From August 8th for a couple of weeks libraries will not be able to add bib and item records. PC Circ will be used in Baker City and La Grande. This is new information, and EOU will work out the details.

Dale prefers some of the training to be in the Malheur County area.

Beth and Darcy suggested a future meeting on technical and telecommunications issues, since the system members have a variety of providers, abilities, and concerns.

Equipment options

Darcy recommended Dell; others concurred. Shirley will go out for a firm bid when she knows the exact number of computers needed. She needs to know by July 27th if libraries want PCs or Apples; they can be mixed.

Libraries should fax estimates of telcomm improvements to Shirley so she can approve before work is done.

Innovative Interfaces worksheets

Carol Anne instructed the group in completion of the forms.

Report on Wallowa County meeting

Patty and Shirley talked to Wallowa County librarians about the status of the project. EOU could not specify pricing beyond examples of P2 non-circulating sites. The County could most likely not be live, but shows interest in being a remote site going in as one entity as far as charges are concerned. They can decide which node to join.

Wallowa County needs retro work, and does not have resources. Grant funds are budgeted for technology/equipment, and can therefore be used for retro. Shirley spoke with Aletha, and reported that North Powder and Grant County are in the same situation. EOU has recently done database work for Union Public Library (deletions), and is willing to do the work for Wallowa County with grant funds. At an estimated 350 items per day for 160 days, grant funds will pay for one _ time person for a year and thereby convert those collections.

Ken voiced the shared concern of ongoing support in Wallowa County. Patty said that when the funding option is presented, it would include the firm Memorandum of Agreement committing ongoing support.

Memorandums of Agreement

EOU needs a MOA from each entity. Since Baker and La Grande are coming up for renewal, these can be done at the same time.

Pricing models

Dale stated that the system needs a process to set rules for joining. All agreed on the need for standardization.

PR and news releases

EOU applied to the OLA/WLA joint conference for an opportunity to present.

The La Grande Block Party will have a Pioneer booth.

EOU will get some materials together for possible booths at fairs.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 29th, 11-2 at EOU.