Sage Council-July 15 2014

Sage Library System User Council
July 15, 2014

Regular Meeting minutes
: Marie Baldo (Hermiston PL), Mary Finney (Pendleton PL), Pat Florenzen (Vale PL), Darlyne Johnson (Ontario LD), Ryan McGinnis (LaGrande PL), Brent Mills (Sage staff), Buzzy Nielsen (Hood River CLD), Maggie Pando (The Dalles Wasco CL), Denine Rautenstrauch (Enterprise PL), John Schoppert (Columbia Gorge CC), Perry Stokes (Baker CLD), Delia Wallis (Hermiston SD)
I. Additions/deletions from the agenda (ACTION)- Nielsen
Chair Nielsen called to order at 10.50a. There were no additions to the agenda.
II. Officer elections (ACTION)- Nielsen
Baldo moved to elect Stokes as Chair for the 2014-15 year and Schoppert as Vice Chair. Rautenstrauch seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
III. Approval of June 17 minutes- Chair
Cheryl Hancock is on vacation, so the minutes of the June 17th meeting were unavailable at the time of the meeting
IV. Open forum for the general membership- Chair
Mills wants to rekindle the discussion about a new logo for Sage. He asked what principles the Council would want to use in the logo. Schoppert tried talking to the graphic department at his school, to no avail. Nielsen will ask a staff member from his library district. McGinnis suggested that the logo design could be opened to the general public. Wallis will ask a Hermiston HS graduate to see if she’d be willing to work on the project.
V. Reports
i. Sage staff- Mills
Systems Manager Beth Longwell is on vacation until July 17th. Mills reported that he worked with some libraries on creating better selfcheck receipts. He is speaking with the Evergreen development community on augmenting the selfcheck interface. Its password feature appears to not work. He updated the language options in the catalog search to remove unused languages and move English and Spanish to the top of the list. Mills also is writing a Sage administration manual.
ii. Cataloging Committee- Samuels
The committee received five applications for the Sage Cataloging Specialist position. The hiring committee is scheduling time to review and evaluate the applicants. Interviews are anticipated to happen in late July/early August.
iii. Circulation Committee- Jensen
There was no report from the Circulation Committee.
iv. Courier Committee- Clay
Karen Clay was not present to give a report, but Nielsen reported that the Committee wants to emphasize the importance of putting items in bags or boxes labeled to their final destinations, not lumped together with other destinations.

IMESD is receiving packages with several libraries’ items stuffed into a single box, without separate labeling.
VI. Previous business
i. Update on fiscal agent switchover- Nielsen/Stokes
The Intergovernmental Agreement and the new Sage bylaws were approved by both the Sage User Council and the Baker County Library District Board of Directors. The IGA now needs to be approved by individual libraries’ appropriate decision makers.

Stokes reported that the fiscal agent switchover from Eastern Oregon University to Baker County Library District has gone well. Sage now has a separate bank account. EOU has transferred $95,000 to BCLD for Sage and will transfer the remainder of the funds once all outstanding bills from the 2013-14 fiscal year have been paid. There is a possibility that the time of year will be changed for when membership fees are billed.
VII. New business
i. Circ login permissions- Nielsen
Some logins have permissions they shouldn’t, such as circulation logins being able to catalog or admin logins being able to delete other libraries’ patron records. Other logins lack privileges they should probably have, such updating contact information for another libraries’ patrons. The Cataloging and Circulation Committees, along with Longwell and Mills, will look into this issue.
ii. Increasing checkout limit- Nielsen
It was proposed to look into increasing the default checkout limit for Sage, perhaps from 35 to 50. Nielsen said that many parents with young children run afoul of the limit. In addition, the GorgeLINK library network (it included libraries in Hood River, Sherman, and Wasco Counties and merged with Sage in 2010) had a much larger limit: 99 items. Rautenstrauch and Schoppert noted that a larger limit also would benefit homeschooling families and educators. Stokes suggested having the Circulation Committee survey the general membership.

Mills agreed to distribute a survey. Baldo suggested speaking to smaller libraries.

Nielsen noted that item limits are based on patron profile and vary by library.

Stokes said that the limits are set by Sage’s common loan rules established by Circulation Committee and that we want to avoid too much balkanization.
VIII. Agenda items for next meeting- Stokes
• Nielsen will contact OLA to “borrow” their GoToMeeting account for a future meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for September 16th.
• The Nominating Committee still needs a representative for public libraries serving 5,000-15,000 residents.
IX. Adjournment- Stokes
The meeting adjourned at 10.50am.