Sage Council-January 21 2020

Sage Council Meeting Minutes


January 21, 2020

Attendees: Amy Hutchinson, Dea Nowell, Kip Roberson, Lili Schmidt, Beth Ross, Mary Reser, Kathleen Schmidtgall, Rachael Fox, Perry Stokes (vice-chair), Marsha Richmond, Darlyne Johnson, Joyce McCurdy, Michele Timmons, Brittany Young, Delia Fields, Ann Zuehkle, Jon Georg

Approval of November 2019 minutes – tabled to next meeting. Vote will be taken by email

Member Fee Restructuring (Perry) – Perry presented the Why, How, and What of a new way of apportioning member fees for the Sage Library System. The link to the presentation is below:

Powerpoint presentation

The goal is to find an equitable, consistent way to calculate member fees. Many options are included in the spreadsheet, with different percentages applied to key categories such as active accounts, service population, collection size, circulation, as well as items loaned and borrowed. Where possible, 3 year averages are used.

Spreadsheet link:

The option that seems to have the least impact to most libraries is 9.2. Any significant increases or decreases will be phased in over a 5-year period. At the March, 2020 meeting the council will vote to determine what option will be proposed to Sage libraries. Soon thereafter, all Sage member libraries will vote on whether to accept the new member fee structure option.

Budget Draft Overview – Perry presented the budget draft in its current form, assuming a 3% growth in main categories. The Budget Committee will meet to discuss any changes necessary and the updated budget draft will be sent out for review before the next council meeting. Approval of the budget will be voted on at the March, 2020 meeting.

Committee Reports

Cataloging Committee – The Cataloging Committee met December 2, 2019. Topics of discussion were handling dead authors in series, free-floating subdivisions, matching standards and their application. Time was given for general cataloging concerns as well as web client questions. Catalogers were encouraged to check out the Evergreen Upgrade page on

Circulation Committee – The Circulation Committee met a couple times since the last council meeting and the main discussion centered around a review of the current standardized loan rule policy in addition to changes that were proposed in 2013.

System Update (Beth & Jon)

Migration – The migration went well. There were issues with logging into the web client, largely due to the significant number of changes in the web client from 3.1 to 3.4, and the need to do a hard refresh. Beth and Jon will be doing future web sessions and blog posts on new features in the software. They are also addressing issues that come up regarding functionality of the web client. Jon has been reviewing reports to determine which shared reports are not working, around 1% of total reports. Beth will be working on updating some of the web pages in the OPAC to incorporate new code.

Evergreen App – The Beta version of the iOS and Android Evergreen Sage apps are working well. Beth wants to change web pages on OPAC before we take the Apps out of Beta to make sure they are working with new code. We hope to have the apps out of Beta within a week. The name of the app is SageCat. The show barcode feature of the app will allow patrons to use this instead of showing their patron cards. Discussion took place on staff preparation for this and whether scanners would be compatible. Once the app is out of Beta testing and announced to Sage staff, advertising can be done by individual libraries. The app will be advertised on the main catalog page a week or two after the announcement to staff to allow for staff preparation.

Meeting adjourned