Sage Council-January 19 2016

Sage Library System User Council

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Meeting Minutes

Call to order and roll call (Chair)

Ryan McGinnis (chair), Perry Stokes, Delia Wallis, Ann Zuehlke, Mary Reser, Faith Adams, Dea Nowell, Marie Baldo, Mary Finney, Linda Stahl, Beth Longwell, Maggie Pando, Buzzy Nielsen, Brent Mills, David Sale, Cheryl Hancock, Marsha Richmond, Mark Peterson, Robin Jeffrey

Additions/deletions to meeting agenda  (Chair)

None offered

Approval of November 2015 minutes (Chair)

Minutes approved

Open forum for the general membership (Chair)

Linda brought up the issue of duplicate barcodes that has been raised on the listserv and asked if there was a way to avoid this. Beth indicated that there is a document on the Sage staff web site listing the barcode schemes in use throughout the system. Ann reported that this was a temporary issue where the same barcode range was sent to two different libraries. The vendor has since corrected the problem. At one point GorgeLink libraries were are all using the same barcode prefix but many libraries have since branched out and have unique schemes.


Sage Staff (Longwell/Mills)

Brent – Upgrade to Evergreen 2.9.1 version went smoothly. We’ve started using an analytics program to gather statistics on the web catalog and Sage web site. There is a web client demo available on the test server now. Most likely with the next update of Evergreen we will begin using the web client instead of downloading the staff client. There are many advantages to the web client. Brent encouraged everyone to take a look and test it out. The new title slider on the main catalog page has been updated to now just show titles published from 2015 and above.

Software updates – better lost item handling and 30 day pre-expiration notices sent to patron so they can work with their library to get their account renewed. Also, there is an adjust to zero option in the Bills portion of the patron edit. With this you can make any bill that has a strange balance become zero. There is now a way to refresh added content for titles in the catalog display. Patrons can now sort checkout history, items out, and holds lists. Duplicate checking of patrons now includes inactive patrons. New optional setting exists to prohibit negative balances along with some other settings affecting fines and negative balances.

Reports training – Brent is seeking a site that would like to host the event. Will send out a poll for possible dates.

Cataloging Committee (Beth)

We continue to work on the cataloging resources up on the Sage web site. The mentor group continues to meet to guide the direction of resources. The committee did not meet the past month but will be meeting at the beginning of February.

Circulation Committee (Brent)

The decision was made to meet every third Wednesday of the month. Discussion occurred regarding the 2.9 upgrade. Patrons are now able to renew items after reaching the maximum fine threshold. Circulation policy documents will be reviewed. Brent showed the statistics now available on They talked about the duplicate item display occurring for some district libraries. A quote was given for the fix but it was higher than expected and would have to be incorporated into web client rather than staff client. We will be looking at copy status usage report to determine which statuses are actually being used. The minutes will be posted to the web site.

Courier Committee (Beth)

The courier committee met earlier this month. Courier procedures documents are being reviewed. The roll out of the DVD boxes was discussed and deemed successful. Looking at purchase of audiobook boxes and music cd boxes if there is sufficient funds left in the courier budget.

Governance Committee (Marie)

No meeting was held.

Budget Committee (Buzzy)

Budget committee met and made an initial pass through the budget. There are a few things that need to be investigated further. Buzzy indicated that a poll regarding membership charges would be sent out. More information will be coming.

New Business

Sage Support for the annual Evergreen conference – This was done last year when the conference was hosted in Hood River. Beth is on the program committee for this year’s conference in North Carolina and was checking to see if Sage was interested in sponsoring again this year. We could do a functional sponsorship such as $800 for an afternoon break or $1000 for breakfast. We don’t have a direct budget line for something like this so it would need to come out of another budget category. Motion was made by Dea to table this till next meeting when budget has been evaluated. Mary Finney seconded motion.

Agenda items for next meeting (Chair)

  • Evergreen conference sponsorship
  • Increased number of renewals survey
  • Nomination committee start-up
  • Patron survey starting in February – online and print
  • Budget approval

Adjournment (Chair)

Linda moved to adjourn, Perry seconded motion.