Sage Council-December 6 2005

Sage Council Meeting

December 6, 2005

Attendance Members:  Ken Reading, Darcy Dauble, Shirley Roberts, Aletha Bonebrake,  Jo Cowling, Jolyn Wynn, Heidi Florenzen, Beth Longwell, Jean Rudd, Darlyne Johnson,  and Bob Jones.


Meeting called to order at 10:15 (Mountain Time) by Bob Jones.

1. After establishing that a quorum was present, Shirley moved to approve the minutes and Aletha seconded them.  All were in favor.

2. Agenda Review

3. Cataloging Committee Report

Aletha reported that they had a workshop at John Day. They had 4 people attend and it was well received.

4. Circulation Committee Report

Beth reported that the new circulation binders had been distributed.  There will be some

circulation issues next meeting.

5. Courier Report

Shirley reported doing a presentation at Milton-Freewater.  A number of Sage members were present and backed Shirley up.  It was well received by the Oregon State Library Board. The courier cost averaged about $1.00 per book.  Jim Sheppke said there would be enough money for the transition.  There needs to be some brain storming on sustainability.

Shirley, Aletha, Bob and Ken are on the committee to work on this. They will email to set up a meeting.

6. LSTA Grant

Grant is in the final stages. They are finishing up de-dupping of Lake County records by ISBN, choosing the better record. The grant evaluator will be Greg Nelson.  He will do this December 10, 2005.  Glenna states that the reports are all up to date, and the final report will be submitted soon after December 31, 2005. Rachel and Glenda’s last day is December 31, 2005. They will be missed.   The old sites are requesting an occasional site visit. It was suggested that the libraries have a mentoring process. Training was well accepted.

7. Election of New Council Chair

Bob nominated Shirley. Shirley accepted with the understanding that when the new director at EOU is hired – Sage may have to elect a new Chair. In Sept. 2006 a new Chair will be elected.  By unanimous vote Shirley is the new Chair.

8. Goals for the Sage Library System

   After suggestions and discussion, the following goals were proposed:

a.  Develop five year plan for financial stability [sub-committee members: Shirley, Beth, Ken and Jean]
    – increase and broaden participation of members and governance
    – stabilization of courier
b.  Increase resource sharing [sub-committee members:  Shirley, Darcy, Jolyn, Beth, Heidi]
    – authority control
    – training
    – better utilize system for interlibrary loan

#7. New Server

Turnkey vs. software only costs were discussed.  Consensus was that turnkey was the best alternative for the consortium.  Typical life of a server is 3-4 years. Shirley moved that we purchase the turnkey system with the balance from the last expansion grant and monies initially deposited for the purchase of the self-checkout software. Motion passed.

  • Self Checkout

Self Checkout software plus one workstation license is $9,000. Shirley proposed that we use Innovative credits for the $5800 software cost, with each site wanting to participate paying $3200 for their station.  Participating sites would share equally the maintenance of the software ($696/yr) and then pay the maintenance of their station license ($384).

It was suggested that savings on personnel would justify the cost in the long run.  King County has a self-checkout.  Decision did not need to be made today, but site’s interested could plan their budgets accordingly.

  • Shirley / Beth

We have been approached by new sites and by existing members who wish to change their membership level.  We need to consider what the costs should be.  There may be a shortage of staff user licenses.  We currently have 126 and at times have 121 of those occupied.  Although we don’t want to pay maintenance on ports we aren’t using, we don’t want the addition of new sites or changed membership to adversely affect the ability of other members to access the system. Seeking grant funds was suggested for the cost of the staff user license.   Shirley, Aletha, and Bob will work on reviewing the membership criteria and associated costs and present at next meeting. 

Meeting adjourned.

Darlyne Johnson
