Pioneer Council-September 21 2004

Pioneer Council Meeting

September, 21, 2004

EOU Pierce Library – Conference Room 114

9am – 11am

Recorder:  Marsha Richmond


EOU:  Shirley Roberts, Jackie Redinger, Marsha Richmond, Jeff McDonald, Beth Longwell, Kim Tally, Glenna Awbrey, Carol Ann Thew, Bob Jones, Vickie Bruce.

Remote Sites:  Jolyn Wynn, MLou Williams, Tom Hilliard, Darci Dauble, Pat Bradshaw, Jean Ruud.

Call to order:  The meeting was called to order by chairperson Ken Reading.

Approval of July minutes:  The minutes were approved with the following corrections.

“In response to a question, it was stated that circulation system licenses for new online libraries cost $10,000 each”.  Correction: The Associate License costs $10,000.

“The Pioneer Library System has lost two libraries but gained seven new members, for a total membership of 74 libraries.”  Correction:  There will be 76 libraries when all of the new members have been added.

Agenda review:  Discussion of a certificate of appreciation was added to the agenda.

Committee Reports

Cataloging committee training update – the training in Ontario went well.  The group will be discussing future trainings.

Circulation workgroup – they did not meet during the summer.  Beth has been working on the binder.  They need to appoint a new Chairperson for this committee due to Colleen not working at Malheur County anymore.

Web Pac – Beth will be working on help pages and customizing patron pages.  There was discussion regarding patron reading history.  Beth will check with Innovative about the security of patron reading history to determine actual exposure – we may want to look at having a disclaimer about this.

Old Business

System Administrator Report:

Beth stated that a lot was summarized in her System Manager update which was e-mailed to the council on September 16, 2004.

There will be a refresher training for Millennium Cataloging and Millennium Circulation on Oct. 11th and 12th.  It will be at the La Grande School AV Auditorium from 9am – 3pm.

System vs. Connectivity Issues:  Some sites have had sporadic problems in getting connected.  This seems to be a local issue rather than a server issue. 

Beth will keep a formal phone/time and effort log.  The council chair will receive a copy of the log each month. 

Periodical Records Proposed Solution:  The cataloging committee proposed that there be a main bib record with one item for each library holding that serial.  This record would summarize their holding.  The public would see a condensed list and still know where to find the magazine or newspaper.  There would be a suppressed record (not visible to the public) where all of the individual weekly/monthly items would be attached.  The concern is that the public would not be able to see if a particular issue is out or place holds on or request particular issues.  It was decided that the cataloging committee explore with librarians the possible patron issues and return with the finding and recommendation in November.

Limit to Available Feature:  Beth will experiment with it and report back.

Bib Record Vendor Options:  CatExpress subscriptions are up for renewal by October 1st.  A 30-day trial subscription to MarciveWeb Select has been requested to investigate this option.  Brochures were passed out at the council meeting and others attending the meeting remotely that were interested, requested one be sent to them.

LSTA Grant Project Update: 

Glenna reported that Cecil is very ill.  She proposed giving additional training and support as Lake County is very close to coming in as a full circulating library, but due to circumstances, they will need some additional assistance.

Huntington is close to coming up live.  They are barcoding the last of the reference collection.

Vale library cards have been sent to Marcive for retrospective conversion.  It is taking longer than expected, and it will be November before the records return.  The schedule will need to be adjusted.

Tamastslikt records have been sent to Marcive.

In Arlington it will be the end of the year or January before they are finished.

Marcive will credit and only charge for the records they process.

Both Noel and Jeff are receiving additional training to help them better assist Beth during this time.

MOU Update:  Currently there are 18 missing MOU’s.  The goal is to get them back by the end of October. 

Pioneer System Courier Update:  The situation is closer to a potential resolution.  Senvoy no longer had business in the area, so was unable to continue service to the libraries.  Shirley has contacted many transportation companies and is hoping to have bids in by the end of the week.  UPS, Express Messenger are possibilities as are the Oregonian delivery people in the Ontario area.  If there is no resolution by the end of the week, a list will be compiled of those libraries willing to pay postage so some lending could resume for some locations. 

Darcy proposed that the request feature be turned off if the courier problems persist much longer.

New Business

Membership status changes: 

Elgin – revolves around the ability to provide a group scope.   They may submit a formal request to change to a level 3 status.

Nyssa – with the Innovative changes, they will be able to continue membership.

Malheur County – there are serious budget problems and there was extensive discussion regarding this issue. 

2004-2005 Pioneer Council Chair Election:  Darcy moved to nominate Bob Jones for the Pioneer Council Chair position for September 2004 – September 2005.

The motion passed unanimously.

Other Business

In regard to Patty Cutright’s contributions to the Pioneer System, Shirley developed a certificate of appreciation and would like Council endorsement.  A motion was made that the Council endorses the certificate of appreciation.  Vickie Bruce seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.

Self-Checkout:  Ken proposed that this be kept on the agenda.

Pioneer billings to schools have not gone out in September as usual due to the courier issue.   

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, November 16, 2004 (Recorder:  Jean Ruud)