Pioneer Council-October 7 2002

Present:  Patty Cutright, Aletha Bonebrake, Marsha Richmond, Vicki Bruce, Carman Wickham, Beth Longwell, Shirley Roberts, Ken Reading, Darcy Dauble, Carol Anne Thew

Speaker phone:  Jean Ruud, Pat Bradshaw, Jolyn Wynn

Absent:  Jo Cowling

Recorder:  Carol Anne Thew

1.  Minutes of September 9, 2002 meeting:

Ken made motion to approve minutes, Darcy seconded, approved by unanimous vote

2.  Additions to agenda:

Review of meeting time, day of week & method of delivery

EOIN presentation by Noel Peden

3.  Committee & workshop reports:

Circulation – Beth

a. goal to help to improve service to patron

b. looking at consolidation of policies of books lent via requesting feature ie: establish uniform loan periods, fines etc.

c. Proposal: Use of patron library cards at other libraries which extends borrowing privileges to any walk-in patron within the region presented at Sept. meeting was presented for approval.  Darcy made motion to accept proposal, Aletha seconded, unanimous vote in favor.

     Action item:  

           Policy recommendations to be presented at Nov. council meeting

Cataloging – Beth

a. Reviewing exit report prepared by Anne Uhl

b. Evaluated parts of reports to post to web for beneficial use to catalogers

           1). Guidelines for standards for matching records, marc tags, useful websites, etc. 

           2). Recommendation that all cataloging sites have documents in a binder

     Action items:  

           1). Beth will make binder prototype & cost estimate

           2). Committee will review by-laws & narrative parts of report for constructive criticism for database improvements

Systems – Beth

a. Addressing courier issue – Shirley reporting later in meeting

b. Focus on pricing structure for future new members and overall equity

           1) Accelerating original timeframe for drafts to accommodate grant writing proposals by potential new members.

           2) Interest has been shown by Jefferson County which would include Warm Springs Reservation. Inquiries also have made by Burns Piaute in Harney County as a remote site, & Tamastslikt & Crook County.

     Action Item:  

           Committee will present to council at November meeting scenarios of pricing structures with anticipated vote at December meeting

Book Blitz Workshop – Pat Bradshaw

a. outstanding presenter, 20-23 catalogers attended

b. emphasized the awareness of change, importance of correct cataloging influencing ability to efficiently use OPAC by staff and patrons

c. Recommendations:

             1). Libraries purchase presenters new book – available in the spring

           2). Contract presenter to conduct other workshops for Eastern Oregon catalogers ie:  What is a marc record, why catalog?, subject headings/call# selection and Book Blitz 2 with suggestion to pursue grant funding help.

4.  EOIN presentation:

a. Noel Peden (Pierce system administrator) incorporated several EOLA recommendations resulting in a complete overhaul & rewrite of EOIN system

b. Highlighted features:

            1). Receiving library can indicate received

            2). Returning library can indicate returned

            3). In process (keeps request from auto-forwarding)

            4). 3 site lending string (can include OCLC referral)

            5). Send note explaining denial of request

            6). Denied requests can be modified & resent w/o retyping

            7). Recent request history

            8). Override feature

            9). Admin feature to change library info, statistics etc.

         10). All requests section addresses your library only or open transactions

     Action item:  

           Testing will be conducted with specific libraries with projected live change over to be in mid-November. Libraries volunteered: 1) Mike Duncanson, Hermiston HS; 2) Mary Finney, Pendleton PL; 3) Karen Eddy, BMCC; 4) Malheur County Library; 5) Faith Adams, Nyssa PL

5.  Award presentation:

Patty passed around the Oregon Connections “Excellence in Telecommunications award for special projects” plaque presented to the Pioneer System earlier this month.

6.  Meeting schedules:

Aletha made motion for 3rd Tuesday of each month excluding Aug., Darcy seconded, unanimous in favor.  Meetings will be conducted in person, video or speaker phone from 9-noon at Pierce Library.

7.  Evaluation of grant personnel workload/time & effort – Beth

a. Beth presented estimated hours spent in different categories during Sept.

b. Beth expressed crucial ongoing improvements needing attention

           1). OPAC search screens

           2). Webpage work

           3). Database clean-up (initial & LTI unlinked headings, ongoing deduping, LTI, blind references, etc.) & URL link checking priority discussed

c. Discussion focused around obvious time load exceeding workday timeframe. 

           1). Ken suggested some possible relief items

            a). committee members record & post own minutes       

b). Beth control (important) & delegate some functions to participating members

           2). Darcy asked about individual libraries receiving their III headings reports

            a). Duplicate record reports can be broken & disseminated to libraries

            b). Carol Anne & Beth have been working on procedures & past problems

            c). Concerns: will all libraries have time & personnel to make corrections

            d). More system admin time needed to run & disperse individual reports

           3). Apparent need for Beth to remain full-time + hire ½ time assistant

8.  Web Access Management report – Beth

            Beth did not have time to send the email regarding WAM since last meeting.

     Action item:

            Beth will work on an informational email on WAM to go out to libraries

9.  Courier – Shirley

a. Senvoy has been dropped from Tri-state courier contract

b. Changeover breaks link for previous arrangements for Pioneer piggybacking

c. Shirley will go back to Senvoy to negotiate delivery to EOU with dissemination to other Pioneer sites & hopefully have Information available end of week

10.  Budget additions – Shirley

a. Review of expenses approved at Sept. meeting

           1). Line 56: deposit acct set aside to purchase Acq. Module

           2). Line 66: video conferencing equipment – working on purchase

           3). Line 69: load table for CatExpress – 60 to 90 day for III to complete – Beth will have load profile training before then – allocation cancelled

b. Item previously tabled to Oct. meeting – Line 73: self-checkout system

           1). Ongoing maintenance = $580.00 per node per year

           2). Discussion focused on practicality of use with detection systems

             3). Ken made motion to expend $14,500 for self-checkout module with those who are ready to use sharing the cost of maintenance which can expand to others as they implement utilization of the module. – Darcy seconded – unanimous approval

     Action item:  

           Beth will contact III for timetable of implementation of module and equipment needed for each participating site

11.  Review of monetary obligations for personnel

a. Shirley presented cost breakdowns per node for scenarios of System. Admin salary & benefits @ 1.0 & .75 – also an assistant @ .5

b. Aletha expressed support for 1.0 Admin & .5 assistant

c. Ken recommended consideration for travel funds to sites either as a budget item or cost recovery charging sites for visitations

     Action item: 

           Adoption of personnel budget will be acted on at Nov. meeting

Meeting adjourned:  Next meeting Nov. 19, 2002 – 9am-noon – Pierce Library