Pioneer Council-October 1 2001

Pioneer Users Council Meeting

October 1, 2001

Present: Darcy Dauble, Ken Reading, Jolyn Wynn, Vicky Bruce, Jo Cowling, Aletha Bonebrake, Beth Longwell, Carol Ann Thew, Dale Edwards, Patty Cutright, Shirley Roberts, Tara Bartley

Absent: Pat Bradshaw, Marsha Richmond

Recorder: Tara Bartley


1. Minutes of August 22, 2001

Shirley clarified that Marsha Richmond had attended last months meeting, but due to late arrival was not included as being present in the minutes.

Minutes of August 22, 2001 approved with the above modification.

2. Review/Changes to Agenda

Shirley moves WebPac demonstration until the end of the meeting if time permits.

Aletha requests a group issue review be included in the agenda. It is moved under the Migration Project Report.

3. Information Handouts:

Shirley handed out fact sheets from Innovative and one developed on the project by Patty Cutright and Shirley Roberts. Each new sight was given their appropriate packets.

4. Reports

(A) Council Agreement and Bylaws Review

The council will reexamine the language used in the Pioneer Council User Agreement to eliminate the need for individual contracts. What is required is signature authority to legally obligate participating libraries of both SOLN and EOLN. Pioneer Council User Agreements can be modified with a 60% approval vote. By-laws need to be developed for merged system. Circulating/Non-circulating libraries need to be encouraged to maintain EOIN accounts.

Action Item/Person Responsible:

Shirley Roberts will look at the wording of the Pioneer User Council Agreement and make a recommendation to the council for word changes. She will introduce her recommendations at the next council meeting.

The by-law committee is in the process of modifying the old by-laws for the current council. Their goal is to identify the necessary changes for the new council.

Action Item/Person Responsible:

The committee is made up of Pat Bradshaw, Aletha Bonebrake, Ken Reading and Patty Cutright. They will identify the necessary modifications by the next council meeting.

(B) Open Project Positions

Dale Edwards informed the council that the Project Cataloging Librarian position has been filled. They recommended the candidate Ann Uhl be hired to Patty. Ann was offered the position and has accepted. She will begin October 22, 2001.

The Systems Librarian position announcement closed the 31st of September. The original applicants along with three new applicants are being reviewed. Patty requested the committee get their recommendation in before October 22.

(C) Project Web Site Use

Shirley informed the council that the web site has available the executive summary, governance hierarchy form, etc. The Pioneer Directory will be posted on the site along with past minutes and the upcoming agenda for the Pioneer User Council Meetings. Carol Ann suggested putting on the conversion schedules for Dynix codes to Innovative codes.

(D) Migration Project Report

Shirley presented the details of the migration project.

i) Equipment/software loading

Innovative has completed a holdings test pack load. It was successful. It is anticipated to start loading as soon as we are signed off and the load table is approved. It should be no later than Monday, October 8th. Eastern will begin loading at 6:00 p.m. and go through until 6:00 a.m. everyday until process is completed.

ii) Timeline Update

Innovative agreed to work with the project and get things loaded before training. SOLN and EOLN will not be able to catalog after final Gap tape is turned in. The tentative date to export holdings database is October 10th. Ken would prefer to continue cataloging through October 13th. They would pull and transmit on Monday, October 15th. LTI would have to be approached with this scenario.

Action Item/Person Responsible:

Shirley will contact LTI and get a final date as to when they need to have the gap tapes so they are ready to load by October 29th.

The expected date to start bringing up libraries is November 13.

iii) Training Schedule (Innovative Training Schedule attached)

Innovative training is scheduled for November 5-9. The cap attendance is 10 people for each training session. Each library should have one representative in attendance.

After training Shirley, Beth and Carol Ann will travel to libraries and help bring their sites up. They will begin with SOLN libraries on Tuesday November 13th.

iv) Equipment Update

Shirley needs packing slips returned as soon as possible on all equipment (computers, printers, and wands).

EOU stressed that they are not able to help everyone with their computer setups. Participating libraries need to get their systems up and running and load their appropriate software. Beth provided a hand out that explains the software installation (Software Setup hand out attached). The MilCirc and Telnet software is only necessary for staff computers. Public computers require only a browser. Both staff and public computers need to be up and running by the time Beth, Shirley and Carol Ann visit the libraries to bring them online.

Beth will give additional instructions to those libraries that do not want Internet access on their public computers.

v) Directory of participants

A directory of all participating libraries was handed out (directory handout attached). Shirley encourages everyone to correct the directory and get it back in as soon as possible. Tara will e-mail a test message out to all participating sites so one can check on e-mail addresses and have their e-mail software create an e-mail card, and with individual effort node groupings.

vi) Budget Additions/Discussion/Action (budget worksheets attached)

As of October 1, 2001 the project savings are at $68,182.

(a) Aletha informed the group that Baker needed seven more barcode readers at $249 each. With the budget savings she proposed that the grant pick up these additional readers. Patty suggested everyone go back to their nodes and see how many more readers are needed and then order them as a group.

Decision Made:

Aletha Bonebrake moved to authorize monies be expended to purchase additional barcode readers.

Amendment Made:

Dale Edwards amended the motion to use grant funding to replace existing barcode readers to meet specifications of newly purchased equipment as stated in grant. Motion seconded. Vote is unanimous. Motion passed.

(b) Shirley recommended looking at purchasing the Consortium Extension Package, which is an additional program that will enhance the statistical gathering and regional hold placement of this grant project. The cost of this addition would be $11,000 and ongoing maintenance fees.

Decision Made:

Aletha Bonebrake moved to use grant funds to purchase the Consortium Extension Package (line 13). Motion seconded. Vote is unanimous. Motion passed.

(c) Shirley was approached by Pat Bradshaw about using grant funds to reimburse travel expenses accumulated for November 5-9 training. The grant budgeted $1202 in matching funding for travel expense for this training session. Shirley estimated $4000 would be the total required to cover travel expenses.

Decision Made:

Dale Edwards moved for training travel to be approved for Innovative training (line 14). Shirley noted that the reimbursement will have to take into consideration what each library had been scheduled to match in the grant with the balance only being paid. Motion seconded. Vote is unanimous. Motion passed.

(d) Consideration for payment of Dynix exit services discussed.

Decision Made:

Aletha Bonebrake motions to use funds from grant money for Dynix exit services (line 1).

Amendment Made:

Funds to be used base on actual costs for service of holdings and patron database migration. Motion seconded. Vote is unanimous. Motion passed.

(e) Consideration requested for grant monies to be utilized for Systems Librarian and Project Cataloging Librarian to travel to IUG for project presentation.

Decision Made:

Patty Cutright moved to approve grant monies for Travel to IUG for project presentation (line 15). Motion is seconded. Vote is unanimous. Motion passed.

(f) Cataloging Utilities will continue to be discussed after the lunch break (line 17).

vii) Group Issue review

It was noted that Aletha and Jo have noticed the system being slower. It was acknowledged that web-based programs are generally slower than character-based systems. If anybody notices significant problems related to response time to contact Beth Longwell.

There will be no hardcopy manual from Innovative given to the libraries. They can access the Innovative manual on-line by either using the help menu or going to this address:

5. Recently Checked in Status

Carol Ann informed the group that there is an option that would allow for recently checked in books to be flagged and put in status bar as “recently checked in” or something along those lines. If option is utilized, Carol Ann requested all libraries use the same time period.

Action Item/Person Responsible:

It was agreed that the “recently checked-in” option would be utilized, with a 24-hour period and the status would read “shelving cart.” This will exclude reserves and anything else individual libraries want to exclude.

Carol Ann handed out new Patron codes and location codes (handout attached).

6. Limit Feature

Aletha asked if there was any way to allow the limit feature to work with each scope, or on one page, etc

Action Item/Person Responsible:

Carol Ann will check with Innovative to see if there is a way to put each library codes on one page, which will allow for the library to jump immediately to their page for limited purposes.

7. Discussion

(a) Expansion of Pioneer Consortium issues

The by-law review has been moved to December’s meeting. The committee will bring their recommendations to the council.

(b) User-initiated borrowing services

It was clarified that live circulating libraries have the privileges for the user-initiated borrowing services only. For the time being, the non-circulating libraries will not have these privileges and will have to utilize EOIN to borrow items found in the Pioneer Library System.

(c) OLA Presentation

Shirley informed the council that the application for a project presentation at the OLA convention has been accepted. The presentation will be on the events that have happened this last year with the grant. EOLN and SOLN activities will be presented.

Action Item/Person Responsible:

Shirley will moderate the panel with Dale Edwards, Patty Cutright, and Ken Reading (or someone from EOLN, public library) presenting on various aspects of the project.

(d) Utility System Cataloging/Centralized Cataloging–Revisited from earlier discussion

The Pioneer Library System has always required participating libraries to utilize a cataloging utility to add new records to the catalog. This requirement will not change with the merger of EOLN and SOLN libraries into the system. A process/utility must be in place by the time the libraries start coming online. Carol Ann suggested using SuperCat as the utility to use due to price and user support from other nodes that use this utility. The grant would pay for the first year subscription costs giving the Project Cataloging Librarian to look at various cataloging utilities and processes.

Decision Made:

Dale Edwards moved to use SuperCat as a centralized utility for all live locations. The ordering of the Super Cat utility will be by grant funding. Motion seconded. Vote unanimous. Motion passed.

Action Item/Person Responsible:

Shirley will order 11 SuperCat subscriptions.

8. Next Meeting

Monday, November 5 would be the next Pioneer User’s Council meeting, but since we will be in training it will be cancelled. It was agreed, if needed, Council members could meet on Wednesday, November 7, from 12:00-1:00 p.m. since all should be here for training.