Pioneer Council-November 19 2002

Pioneer Council Meeting

November 19, 2002

Present: Patty Cutright, Shirley Roberts, Noel Peden, Jo Cowling, Carmen Wickam, Jean Ruud, Carol Anne Thew, Arleta Langley, Beth Longwell, Ken Reading

Speaker Phone: Marsha Richmond, Jolyn Wynn

Absent: Darcy Dauble, Aletha Bonebrake

Recorder: Arleta Langley

1.  Minutes of October 7, 2002

     Jean made the motion to approve the minutes.  Marsha seconded.  Motion passed.

2.  Agenda Review

     Added Agenda item: Discussion of the policy on withdrawing holdings from the database if a member were to leave the system.

3.  EOIN Update

     Noel reviewed the final stages of going live December 1st.  He has some statistics yet to do, but the system is taking shape.  Beta system site:

     Testing and training for the new system has been done in Ontario and Burns.  Training is scheduled later this week for Pendleton, Condon and this area.

     Accolades were given to Noel by Jolyn and Patty for what a great task he accomplished.

     Noel thanked everyone for the feedback and the help he has received.  He still welcomes all ideas. Patty commented on “ our one year up and running”  anniversary.  It has been ten years for EOU with LaGrande and Baker City shortly behind.

4.  Committee Reports – Beth

     Circulation Workgroup – They did not meet and at this time are unable to present proposal to the board.

     Ken had a question for the circulating workgroup concerning the universal borrowing card.

     Beth outlined what the circulation committee had planned on proposing.  They will meet before the next meeting.

     Patty requested:

     Action item: Circulation group meet and present their proposal.  It needs to be sent out before our next council meeting, so everyone can read the proposal.

     Cataloging Policy Committee – 

They have reviewed Anne’s final report.  The committee will use certain parts and will distribute to members.  The rest will be on file for a resource.

     Binders: Beth showed what she has set up.  The cost would be about $8.00 per binder.  Decision needs to be made on which libraries need the complete binder.  She suggested at least the main circulating libraries. Arleta has found purple binders – the color that has been suggested to use for them.

5.  Orbis Cascade Alliance – Patty

     Patty went over the merger of the Oregon and Washington university library consortiums.

     After three years of discussion, the interest grew this past summer. They met in August and the proposal was discussed. It went to the Washington libraries group in October. Orbis met three days later and then one day later the Provosts met and approved the proposal to merge.

     John Helmer and Pam Mofjeld played major roles in bringing the merger about.

     Orbis consists of twenty libraries and Cascade will bring in six big institutions: Washington State University, University of Washington, The Evergreen State College, Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University and Western Washington University.

     It will be called the Orbis Cascade Alliance. The new Alliance will create a database of 22 million books, sound recordings, films, magazines and more. Orbis has 9 million items and Cascade has 13 million.

     The Orbis Cascade Alliance will serve faculty, staff and the equivalent of 174,000 full-time students enrolled at 26 colleges, universities and community colleges. It will give everyone on Pioneer access with ILL borrowing. The technicalities will be worked out this summer and it should be operating by fall term 2003. The records will start coming in during July.

     Orbis has approximately 66% unique and Cascade has 70% unique records.

     Jean questioned whether we would still use OCLC for III, yes we would.

     U of W has always charged for their records. The rest use reciprocal borrowing between them. Carol Anne has been offered to help with the transition.

6.  Video Conferencing Report – Shirley

     Budget dollars had been approved to purchase a Polycom FX unit with three receiving units at a prior council meeting. Some concerns had been expressed about whether there was enough bandwidth in some areas to support the receiving units. More investigation was done. Ken feels Polycom units are already available and could be used in his area.

     Harney County – The demo unit sent out by Polycom was tried in Burns on Nov. 18th  at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. and it worked well.

     TVCC has come forth with a proposal: Option – TVCC would purchase an additional T-1 line if we would purchase equipment.

     We will go back out for bids as we are past 30 days.

      Motion: Jo proposed we authorize Shirley to pursue purchase of 2 FX units + 1 receiving unit

      – up to the amount of  money allocated for the equipment ($16,185).  Ken seconded the motion. 

     Vote – unanimous approval of the motion.

7.  Courier Update – Shirley

     Patty and Shirley have met with Senvoy and they are working with Pioneer Bank in the courier areas, as well as Bank of Eastern Oregon. They had hoped for a decision by today. Cost would be $60 per library. They were hoping to start by Dec. 1st.

     Jean asked if the fee would be returned to them from the Orbis Courier. It was recommended that she contact the Orbis director to find out.

     Jo reported that Vicki is working on courier service in the Union County area.

     “A who delivers to who” could be put up on the web when it is complete. 

     Agenda Addition

     Ken brought up extracting a library from the system. There is a possibility of Sunridge Middle School needing to come out. t would be possible to create a list and extract their records. Patty would endorse Beth heading out and showing them the system. Patty offered to contact them to encourage them to stay in the system. Ken will talk to them again.

8.  Grant Budget – Shirley

We are nearing the completion of the grant – December 31, 2002.

Money must be encumbered by December 31, 2002. We currently have a balance of $395 that is not encumbered. We have set aside $600 for the project evaluation which must be completed by April 30, 2003.

Patty brought up line 53 regarding remaining balance of $989 in travel.  Beth needs to attend annual conference in April. Patty suggested that a portion of money in this line be used toward conference expenses.  

9.  Membership Models/Costs-Systems Workgroup – Shirley

As a committee, they looked at a variety of cost  models. They presented the council with three models. Shirley explained the 3 different models.

Model #3 – straight node concept – each node would pay 1/3 of system costs

                    Disadvantage: not conducive to adding libraries and penalizes small nodes.

Model #1 – with balance being divided equally amongst all circulating

                 – using record count to determine cost

Model #2 – using record count, branch circ sites @1000 and then remaining balance equally divided amongst circ libraries

                 – membership tiers were introduced

                   This model recommended by Systems Workgroup

Several members were uncomfortable in making a decision at this time and that it should be tabled until all members were present.  Patty suggested an electronic vote could be done.  Decision was  made to vote on Model #2 in a conference call Tues. December 3rd – 9:00 A.M. (10:00 M.T.).

10.  Pioneer System Personnel – Ongoing Pioneer Costs – Shirley & Council

Discussion covered the review of monetary obligations to the Pioneer Library.

Shirley went over the 1.0 position and the .5 position. Patty voiced her concern on the .5 position. She felt it is risking continuity with our system to not maintain a .5 support position. She suggested we could roll it back to a 19 hour position and the benefits would be cut. Jean was concerned about getting good help with a 19 hour position. Patty explained the reasoning behind the 9 month position and the 12 month position. The 9 month position is being based on an academic school year when the work load is the greatest.

Decision was made to vote on the personnel issue also on December 3rd along with voting on the Model #2. 

Marsha made the statement Arlington had called and are interested in joining.  They will be contacted.

Spreadsheets will be e-mailed  to council members and they are to be ready for the phone conference voting.


Millennium Serials Training and Millennium Acquisitions Training will be held in Inlow Hall November 20th and November 21st.  It will be starting at 9:00 a.m. and will continue most of the day. Anyone is welcome to attend.

Special Voting – December 3rd – 9:00 A.M.

Next Meeting – December 17, 2002 – 9:00 A.M. – 12 NOON