Pioneer User Council
May 24, 2005
At BMCC: Tom Hilliard, Ken Reading, Darcy Dauble,
At EOU: Bob Jones, Beth Longwell, Aletha Bonebrake, Glenna Awbrey, Shirley Roberts
At TVCC: Jean Ruud, Darlene Johnson, Faith Adams
By Phone: Marsha Richmond, Jackie Redinger, Pat Patla
Absent: JoLyn Wynn, Marie Baldo, Kim Talley, Donna Patterson, Jo Cowling
Recorder: Aletha Bonebrake
I. Agenda:
EOU personnel update report was added to agenda; agenda approved.
II. Minutes stand as corrected, now reading that Pioneer would “use” not “purchase” survey tool.
III. Committee Reports:
A. Cataloging Committee. Held two trainings, one in Nyssa and one in Wallowa; still need to schedule Pendleton and John Day; possibly others.
B. Circulation Committee. New Chair announced is Christine Macklin from TVCC; it will meet on a regular schedule every other month. Issues on table: 1) Fines Policy; 2) Contents of circulation manual.
1. Bob read Fines Policy. Discussion and questions followed:
pay any library a. Tom said patrons should be able to pay anwhere, anytime, to accommodate patron and hopes this policy accommodates that; Shirley said it does
multiple barcodes b. Faith noted that adding a barcode to another library’s card could create conflicts with online reserving: at TVCC, for example, policy is no check out with any fine on patron record; Malheur allows $5.00 before barring patron. Solution would be that if patron is using a no-fine tolerant library (TVCC) he/she would have to pay fine – no matter whose – before getting books.
uniform card c. Aletha suggested committee look at use of a uniform card, or the method of handling multiple barcords. Shirley responded that Pioneer patrons would always need a separate patron record to use
Summit d. Summit resources. Bob observed that in the future, a uniform card with a code or toggle for students might work.
Motion: 2. Darcy moved/Shirley seconded to adopt the fines policy as presented; passed unanimously.
Follow-up: 3. Bob requested that circulation committee look into the matters discussed:
a. see if it can make the sharing of patron records and card issuance easier.
b. address matter of which fines are kept by the library collecting them and which need to be forwarded to the library that imposed the fines. Consensus was that all fines except those for lost books should be kept by the library collecting them. To make this work, EOU, TVCC and BMCC business offices need to be alerted, and issues worked out institutionally
c. Beth suggested circulation committee can look at “fines paid report” to see if it will be useful.
Implement 4. Decision made to implement policy immediately and let issues be resolved as they arise; using the policy will help uncover other problems; it’s time to get consistency. Shirley said that Summit handles fines in this manner so she is convinced that it can be worked out.
C. Courier Committee. Did not meet last quarter. The grant from the State Library is in place; report has been filed with State Library. Comittee is working on coming up with a model for sustainability in the near future: think USPS may be solution.
IV. LSTA Report (Glenna)
A. Condon and Arlington are now live on system; requested that they not be brought into courier and requesting mode for 30 days: showing “non-requestable.”
B. Beth and Glenna are going to Crane next week. Its librarian post has been eliminated, so training is postponed until the new school year when new staff is on board.
C. Rest of training will occur in mid- to late-September. In the meantime, members shoud get information on various issues they are encountering to Glenna and Beth.
D. Staffing: Jeff McDonnell was promoted to ILL on April 25; his replacement being interviewed. Carol Ann is filling in in the meantime, deduping and embellishing new member records. The funding is OK because there is no Project assistant yet.
V. Irrigon High School: Application for Level 3 membership
Motion Shirley moved/Aletha seconded to accept Irrigon High School as new
member of Pioneer System; passed unanimously.
Discussion 1. Darcy said that the UW Library School is partnering with OEMA to provide better models for school libraries; Pioneer has a role and opportunity to help bring schools in and to keep them in the system.
2. Shirley reported that Mike Eisenberg (of UW) gave a powerful presentation at OLA on the importance of school libraries. Of particular pride for Eastern Oregon was his announcement that Ontario Middle School is one of only two middle schools in the State that meets standards. Congratulations to Pat Jacobson for the well-deserved honor.
VI. Budget (Shirley)
A. Council reviewed the spreadsheet that Shirley had provided in advance, outlining III costs, personnel and additional authorized services, prorated according to formula among the member libraries according to their level of participation.
1. Proposed budget is $138,989; costs distributed per formula.
a. Malheur has no definitive answer on remaining as member; Argus Observer did report that there was talk about coming up with funds to cover membership. Budget shows Malheur still as member.
b. Jean indicated that Malheur intends to stay in Pioneer; it is a priority.
c. Budget reflects the loss of three schools this year.
d. Budget adds Irrigon as new circulating member.
Cost changes 2. Alternate budget shown with Malheur County not participating, their share then prorated among remaining members.
3. Non-circulating libraries’ costs might go up if their record counts go higher than projected.
Motion Tom moved/Darcy seconded to accept budget as presented, with Malheur in, with the provision that if Malheur defaults the alternate budget will take effect; passed unanimously.
VII. Pioneer Name Change
A. Rational given for two names: one for system and one for catalog. System name useful in identifying who and where we are in library community; catalog name identified most with public presence.
1. agreed to choose a catalog name and add place I.D., e.g. NAME Libraries of Eastern Oregon, or Eastern Oregon Libraries NAME, or similar juxtaposition.
2. in choosing, we should think how these names can be used in terms of marketing: on bookmarks; in instruction; on t-shirts, etc.
B. Process for selecting
1. select catalog name first, since everyone cares most about that one, then add some sort of Eastern Oregon identification for official system name.
Names 2. Ken said we should have think time with new offerings; suggested putting out names in organized fashion and deciding at next meeting.
3. Council members selected seven names to be offered on list-serv for polling members responses: Odyssey, Sojourner, Sage, Blue Sage, Rendezvous, Journey, E-Cat, East-Cat.
4. Noel Peden will create a survey to send out on Pioneer listserv. The survey will ask for responder’s top three choices in order.
5. At the next Pioneer meeting, the top choices will be open for discussion; the goal is to build consensus for the final decision.
VIII. Personnel Update:
Shirley reported that David Bilyeu was offered the position of EOU Librarian, but decided, finally, not to take it. The search will reopen in September, with a goal of having a new librarian on board by January, 2006. Shirley will continue as interim University Librarian.
IX. Adjournment: 10:45 a.m.