Pioneer Council-July 19 2005

Pioneer User Council

Meeting minutes

July 19, 2005

Present:  Chair Bob Jones, Carmen Wickam, Glenna Aubrey, Beth Longwell, Aletha Bonebrake, Jo Cowling, Jolyn Wynn, Marie Baldo, Ken Reading, Darcy Dauble, Tom Hilliard, Darlene Johnson, Jean Rudd, Rachel Hawes, Marsha Richmond, Jackie Redinger.

Absent: Pat Patla, Donna Patterson, Kim Tally.

Minutes of May meeting were approved as presented.

Recorder:  Jo Cowling

1.  Glenna gave an update on the LSTA grant.  Grant funds are being used to pay Carol Anne Thew to work on deduping and enhancing of new libraries’ brief records.  All libraries are in the system.  The Crane librarian was let go, and the Condon librarian resigned.

2. Shirley gave a brief recent history of the courier issue.  Several libraries have been using UPS at a cost of $7.07 per package.  Changing to UPSP Click & Ship will reduce the cost to $3.95 per package.Darcy moved, Shirley seconded the motion:  “I move to accept the proposal to move forward immediately in changing the courier service provider from UPS to USPS in those libraries now using UPS.”  Unanimously approved.

Recorder:  Carmen

3. Aletha moved, Jo seconded motion to adopt ‘Sage’ as the new name of the Pioneer System catalog.  Approved.

Shirley moved, Marie seconded motion to adopt ‘Sage Library System of Eastern Oregon’ as the system name.  Approved.

4.  A system software upgrade is available in August.  Beth will inform users about changes.

5.  Goals for the Sage Library System of Eastern Oregon for the coming year will be adopted at the September meeting.  Suggestions so far from Beth:

  • Complete circ manual
  • Systems manager manual
  • Web changes – name, design, etc.
  • Increase instruction on the web

6.  Innovative maintenance has not increased since 1992, but is now increased by 2% as seen in last bill.  There are no signed documents agreeing to pay maintenance increases.

7.  A new chairperson will be elected in September.

Meeting adjourned.