Cataloging Committee-October 7 2019

Cataloging Committee Minutes – October 7, 2019

Attendees: Beth, John, Dea, Lisa Hauner, Marsha, Valeria, JonGeorg, Ann


John almost shamed people for not having tried the staff client. He asked for any questions or concerns about the August meeting minutes. Beth moved to approve the minutes, Ann and Dea seconded, August minutes were passed.


Stock templates for the web client have been updated by Beth. She sent them out on the list-serv and they do need to be imported. She is going to put them up on the website so they can be accessed as people have time.

Manga (Mon-guh)

Quite a few libraries in Sage have sizeable manga collections but Library of Congress has not recognized manga as its own genre/form heading. John suggests using the authorized manga term from the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, which is an acceptable authority. An example of what it would look like in the catalog is =655/7$amanga (comic books)$7aat    The Art & Architecture Thesaurus does not generally capitalize their terms unless specifically noted on the page. Manga – AAT

The Art & Architecture Thesaurus is a faceted and John showed an example of a faceted heading but there isn’t a need to get quite that detailed since Evergreen will search it just fine.

Beth is going to apply this heading to current manga records.

Spanish subject headings is a great helpful resource for Spanish controlled vocabulary for subject headings when cataloging Spanish and bilingual material. You do need an account but it is free. You can search English to Spanish and vice versa. When you search headings it will look like this :

You can do regular LCSH searches at the bottom. For this example, we’re using their example.

%psychology brought up all the terms that has psychology in them.

The bolded terms are authorized LCSH headings, and the small rectangle beside it is the MARC record for the heading. The non-bold terms are the cross-references. On the right are the Spanish equivalent headings, and on the left are the thesauri that include them and the key is at the bottom. Clicking on the thesaurus link beside the heading will show you the record for that subject heading in that thesaurus.

Note: this is not the same as translating the subject heading into Spanish. This method is preferred and authorized.

Web client cataloging resources

Beth’s blog is an excellent resource for getting set up with the web client:

These are the links for the most recent Web client Q&A and Web client cataloging sessions on the Sage YouTube account, if you have not used the web client it is a good time to start before we completely move over:

Web Client Q&A (8/27)

Web Client cataloging session (9/25)

Web client cataloging session (9/26)

General reminders

When importing records these are some common issues that have been found with records, so please note well the following:

Common import additions:

999 (punctuation / case) All records should have 999 terms. When records are imported this field NEEDS to be added with the correct standard term. When reviewing records this last month this was a common problem. Our 999 fields only need the $e and sometimes $f subfield so if a records being imported has other subfields they should be taken out. Capitalization does not matter in the 999 because it indexes the word only. Do not add end punctuation because it indexes it separately.

GMD (245 ## $h) is deprecated in RDA since 2016, the information from this field has been replaced with other items you will see in bib records such as the 33x fields, additional 3XX fields and fixed fields. A lot of imported records no longer include it and when RDA is officially adopted by Sage then they will be stripped out. HOWEVER, RDA has not been officially adopted by Sage so the GMD does need to be added as it is current Sage policy. The link is for standard Sage GMD and should be taken from this list.

655 additions/LCGFT many imported records are lacking (and need) 655 genre/form headings, Fiction and Non-Fiction. The link is to the Genre/Form terms from LOC and is quick and easy to use. Typing in Genre/form headings will give you the authorized LCGFT heading if one exists. This works for both Non-fiction and Fiction. There is also a lengthy PDF available through LOC: LOC Genre/Form PDF if browsing that is preferred. If you see items when importing that could use 655 fields please add and source them.

If you find a heading that has a 2nd indicator 4 but is an actual authorized Genre/Form heading please trace it by changing the 4 to a 7 and adding the subfield 2 with the source.

Example:   No =  $655 /4 $aHistorical fiction.

                                     Yes = $655 /7 $aHistorical fiction. $2lcgft

Common import subtractions:

049 (Local Holdings)

09X (Local Classification)

263 (Projected publishing date)

59X (Local Note)

9XX (Local Data)

(Automatically removed by system)

029, 591-598, 905-907, 925, 945, 938, 955, 963

These fields should be deleted when importing, some libraries in Sage do use these fields, so if they are in a record that already exists in Sage don’t delete them.

040 (when to use)

Not every change you make to a record requires you to add a subfield d and your library code to the 040 field.

No: adding 999, fixing punctuation.

Yes: adding a GMD, changing 65X information, adding series information, fixing spelling errors (make sure it is a legitimate error if it’s in the title field)

Youtube Recording –>