Cataloging Committee-March 2 2015

Cataloging Committee Meeting
Monday, Mar. 2, 2015 at 11am (PST)
via GoToMeeting software

Attending:  Valerie Gardner (Ontario Comm.), Darlyne Johnson (Ontario Comm.), Beth Longwell (Sage), Joyce McCurdy (Ontario Comm.), Dea Nowell – Recorder (Umatilla Co. SLD), Laurie O’Connor (Harney Co.), David Sale (Sage), Sarah Samuels – Chair (Hood River Co. LD), Jenny Simpson (Nyssa), Perry Stokes (Baker Co. LD), Barbara Telfer (The Dalles/Wasco Co.), Catherine Wick (Pendleton), Carmen Wickam (Baker Co. LD).

The meeting was started at about 11:15 am by Sarah Samuels (following some technical glitches).

Discussion/Approval February 2015 Cataloging Committee Minutes:  Beth moved to accept the minutes as presented.  Barbara seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved.

Updates on clean-up projects (Beth):  Beth noted that the clean-up projects have gone well.  The Vale PL clean-up project is complete with correctly enhanced or overlaid bibs of those that originated in Vale.  David has done a lot of work on the serial/monographs project.  Beth has been working on the series clean-up some, however there is more to do.  The authority file was sent off to LTI for processing and Beth should be getting the file back today.

Updates on cataloging logins implementation (Beth):  Beth noted that the permission work is being done in a hierarchy.  She moved some higher level movement this weekend.  Circ logins will be moved to the new circ logins.  Beth sent an implementation spreadsheet to the Cataloging Mentors, Sarah, David, & Perry this morning.  She asked if anyone saw something that needed to be corrected or addressed in this spreadsheet to please let her know.  The basic cat logins will be Cat3, whereas Cat2 or Cat1 will be given a login specific to the individual to make it easier to facilitate change of staffing.

Training update (Beth):  Beth reported that the first group has completed the Nebraska training with David.  David sent Beth a spreadsheet with completions.  And the second group is well underway.  There is planning underway for some regional trainings.  Perry & Beth spoke about the possibility of bringing a Book Blitz in — they need to look into the cost and want to be sure the trainings meet the needs of the majority of the catalogers.  There is some extra money available in the grant this year due to David starting a bit later.  Information will be put out via email to get feedback.

Parts naming conventions:  Sarah noted that she & Christina have been in conversation regarding the parts naming conventions list however they haven’t gotten very far due to schedules and illness.  They began from the recent email discussion, etc.  Sarah asked if there were any new thoughts or things to consider.  Beth asked if everyone had seen the email Brent sent out about parts and merging? — If merging bibs with items that have managed parts added you need to delete the parts from the items on the bib you are not keeping, then merge the bibs and add the appropriate parts to the items merged in.  If you need assistance on this please contact Beth and/or Brent.  It was asked if people are adding parts to new items that need them & the response was yes.

Cataloging Manual — maintenance and promotion:  Sarah noted that she had some questions regarding maintenance and use of the Cataloging Manual.  She opened this topic for discussion.  David noted that he has mainly been working on the Nebraska training recently and noted that the manual & the training are not in contradiction to one another.  We do need to add some RDA elements and the 999 conventions.  He noted that the manual is not very prominently placed on the Wiki, nor is it very searchable.  He will be working on making it more index-able, etc., in the new website environment and including hyperlinks out.  He noted it is a great resource for those who understand AACR & MARC.  Sarah asked if we need to do something additional in terms of policies, procedures, etc.  David noted that he began some of this on the Wiki and is hoping to move these over to the new environment as well.  Laurie (in chat) noted that the manual needs to be addressed in upcoming meetings.  Sarah asked if Laurie had any specifics.  Laurie stated she will put them in an email in the coming week to everyone.  David noted that the problem isn’t so much that the manual is correct or not easily followed, as much as that MARC formats & standards, etc., aren’t really being followed.  Sarah noted the she is not sure how much use the manual is getting.  When she started at her current position, the manual was not mentioned and she was surprised to find its existence.  David noted he was not sure how to address this in terms of consortium resources being available and communicating in-house, etc., or with training, etc.  Beth stated she thinks we can do a better job working alongside the libraries in the new website layout and possibly giving new catalogers a guideline.  It was noted that these are challenges we have in the consortium — we all have jobs and are busy in our own libraries.  Integrating this into the introduction to Sage would be very helpful.  David noted he has been discussing with Beth an organization of cataloging resources — required basic fields as a cheat sheet with links out, then links to appropriate sections of examples, etc.  This would make it faster to consult and help people get familiar with the manual.  David noted that most of the examples in the Manual were made in Millennium and we’ll need to collect new screenshots on these.  Sarah thanked David for his work on this.  She also noted that we need to have an on-going way to maintain this when David is gone.

Training update (David):  David noted that they finished up first round of Nebraska training with 15 and felt it went pretty well.  He noted that because there was concern about not enough notice about these trainings going out that he was thinking about putting out an announcement on Sage Lib. now that permission implementation is happening, offering the training as needed.  He will be having some webinars in March to follow up on the Nebraska training for anyone who has taken the training.  He is currently working  on the following 2 topics:  AV records (different than monographs) and facsimile edition/reprints/self-published.  Laurie asked about kits.  David noted he would like to see better direction from the Committee on kits before venturing into this, as he sees various approaches taken in Sage regarding kits.  David noted that he needs to work with Perry regarding scheduling these webinars.  This spring he is planning to set up some site trainings.  Ontario has expressed interest.  And David wants to go out and touch based with Milton-Freewater to determine their needs since the Director felt the Nebraska training was too much for beginning catalogers.

Misc. Other:  David asked the Mentors if there were any topic(s) that come up in a region where you do mentoring, etc., to please let David know and he’ll assist or bring webinars on them in the future.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:07 pm (PST).

Next meeting:  Monday, April 6, 2015, at 11 am (PDT) – via GoToMeeting software. 
If you have any agenda items for this meeting please contact Sarah with them.