Cataloging Committee Meeting Minutes – June 7, 2021
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Attendees: Celine Vandervlugt (chair), Beth Ross (Sage), John Brockman (Baker), Leeann Baldwin (Hermiston), Heather Estrada (BMCC), BoDean Warnock (Baker), Dea Nowell (UCSLD), Lisa Hauner (Oregon Trail), Jenny Simpson (Nyssa), Perry Stokes (Baker), Tracy Hayes (Lake), Leslie Carlock (Lake), Mary Reser (Gilliam), Sarah Samuels (Hood River), Jeanne Ralph (Cove School), Heather Spry (Baker)
April Minutes: Motion to approve (Dea Nowell), Second (John Brockman). Minutes were approved with no changes.
General Forum
Celine asked for general cataloging concerns or questions. None were raised.
New Business
Perry Stokes suggested the removal of the website banner advising longer wait times due to COVID-19. No objections were raised. Beth will proceed with removal.
There are several validation aids available in the “MARC Edit” cataloging module. Among those demonstrated were:
- The blue link buttons following entry and subject fields (which check against the Sage thesauri);
- The main “validate” button at the top;
- Right-click contextual menus on fields which will bring up a list of available fields and their respective labels;
- Right-click contextual menus on indicators and subfields (e.g. 336, 337, 338);
- Right-click contextual menus in the fixed field grid (e.g. Ctry, Cont).
When in doubt, try right-clicking!
Parts Update
The document “Parts Terminology” has been updated to include additional guidance in cases where multiple TV seasons are present across a multi-disc resource. This consistency will help patron discovery in the parts selection screen. The added guidance is below:
- For sets where there are multiple seasons, include the Season numbers when appropriate
Discs 1-3: Season 1: Episodes 1-13, Season 2: Episodes 1-3
Discs 4-5: Season 2: Episodes 4-13
Discs 6-8: Season 3: Episodes 1-13
Please remember to try multiple searching methods in the Sage catalog (not just ISBN) before importing a record via Z39.50. If an initial ISBN doesn’t return a record, searching by title and author may return a record that is an appropriate match for your item. Make sure the search is scoped to the entire Sage catalog rather than just a single library. If you have separate machine for cataloging, the default search scope can be changed in the AdministrationàWorkstation page and set to SAGE. If not, one option is to have separate tabs in the web browser with separate search scopes.
Lisa Hauner pointed out that on the same page, there is an option to change the default tab that opens for catalog searches (Advanced, Numeric, and Expert). She uses Numeric.
Children’s Subject Headings
Just a reminder that the Library of Congress Children’s Subject Headings is a separate thesaurus from the Library of Congress Subject Headings, and the terms may not be used interchangeably. The second indicator in the 65X field shows which thesaurus is being used (0=LCSH, 1=Childrens). Both thesauri can be searched in the website, although either thesaurus can be searched individually through the newer website, along with many other controlled vocabularies.
Several examples were demonstrated to show that some terms are valid in one but not the other (e.g. dolphins, avarice)
Tracy Hayes raised a question regarding valid subject headings that aren’t in our Sage thesaurus, and therefore don’t validate when importing records. Beth clarified that monthly authority control will automatically add authorized subject headings that it finds in imported Sage records to the Sage thesaurus. Beth is available by email to add individual authorized headings as needed.
Audience Fixed Field
“e” should be used in the Audn fixed field only when the material is exclusive to adult audiences. Ideally, the resource itself will identify that it is “suggested for mature readers” or have some verbiage that is similar. However, some cases will require cataloger judgement if the resource contains “adult-only” content that isn’t specified on the item. Items meant for general audiences should be left blank (unknown or unspecified).
While searching on the Advanced Search page, it is possible to search multiple Audiences by control-clicking in the “Audience” search box. This may be helpful when searching Juvenile items, as just selecting “Juvenile” will exclude other categories that fall under the “Juvenile” umbrella (e.g. Primary, Pre-adolescent, etc.)
Lisa Hauner prompted a discussion regarding what age ranges are appropriate for the Audience search terms, and which terms should be used. Dea Nowell suggested using the OCLC/LOC MARC21 age ranges that are tied to the individual audience terms.
Celine suggested Barnes and Noble as a good resource for audience ages both for catalogers and for interactions with patrons/parents.
Beth suggested that those age ranges could be included both in the Fixed-field contextual menu, as well as the Audience search box in the OPAC.
Adjorn: 11:42