Cataloging Committee-June 7 2010

Cataloging Committee Minutes         June 7, 2010

 Darlyne Johnson—Minutes

Present:  Lindy Lloyd, Carmen Wickam (Baker County)

Laurie O’Connor (Harney County), Jenny Simpson (Nyssa Library) Christina Macklin (TVCC Library) Valeria Gardner, Darlyne Johnson (Ontario Library District)

Dea Nowell (Umatilla Special Library District)

Katrina Gaines (Pierce Library, EOU)

Laurie O’Connor  called the meeting  to order at 12 pm.

Items on the Agenda:

1.  Identifying consistent cataloging errors and tracking /correcting sources. There were mixed feelings. Dea and Katrina  felt that the flagging of the problems were not helping. It was more relevant to correct the cataloging problem then to flag them. Katrina suggested that we then let Beth know of the problems.  If source can be identified, regional mentors should be contacted to work with library creating problem bibs.

Types of problems being noticed:

·      Missing 008’s and 007’s

·      Punctuation, spacing, and spelling errors

·      Unnecessary duplicate bib entries

·      Strange bib edits/changes (i.e., LP designation being added to regular print bibs.)

2.   Training/mentoring opportunities

Lindy will do some research about the Book Blitz.  She will discuss options with Debra Fritz, Book Blitz trainer, and get back to cataloging committee so we can submit proposal to the SAGE Council.

Dea said that national RDA (Resource Description and Access) training goes through August, to be followed by 3 months of evaluation.  Changes to the way we all catalog will be coming as a result.

It was discussed about seeing if there would be dollars for learning cataloging (basic through advanced) through the Evergreen Transition.

3.   Evaluating/ identifying cataloging skill levels with SAGE system . The committee fee this is important step to improving cataloging practices. Lindy will get with Aletha to see if she would be willing to help set up the evaluations and trainings related to cataloging skills within Sage.

4.    Laurie will draft new series statement guidelines and post them on WIKI for group discussion and adoption to the cataloging manual. This is an item that the cataloging committee will be working on in order to unify our records and improve the OPAC display.  Many patrons and circulation staffers throughout SAGE have expressed a desire to see this information clearly displayed on our records.

5.  Improving and encouraging communications for SAGE catalogers.

Laurie is working on this. They are looking at reinvigorating the SAGE Catalog list serve. (At this time Beth Longwell has reported the campus is transferring the university email system to Google, which must be finalized before reestablishing list serves.)  Hopefully, all catalogers will learn to use the list serve and WIKI to share information in the coming months!

6.  Preparing for Evergreen migration

It was discussed about working on samples of evergreen cataloging now. Beth has indicated that the new Evergreen release for cataloging will come out in Sept. so they are waiting to do this till then.  Katrina Gaines will send a list of Evergreen training sites out on the cat list for our ongoing use and discussion.

Having no more business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 3pm.

Next meeting will be hosted by Baker County Library, August 2, 2010, via Polycom connections and conference calls as needed.