Cataloging Committee-June 4 2018

Cataloging Committee meeting
Monday, June 4, 2018 @ 11am (PDT)

via GoToMeeting software

Attending: Leeann Baldwin (Hermiston PL), John Brockman (Baker Co. LD), Heather Estrada (Blue Mtn. CC), Jon Georg (Sage), Lisa Hauner (Oregon Trail LD),  Tracy Hayes (Lake Co. LD), Joyce McCurdy (Ontario Comm. Lib.), Dea Nowell—Chairperson [& Recorder] (Umatilla Co. SLD), Beth Ross (Sage), Jenny Simpson (Nyssa PL), Heather Spry (Baker Co. LD), Catherine Wick (Pendleton PL), Carmen Wickam (Baker Co. LD).

The meeting was started about 11am by Dea Nowell.

Additional agenda items?


Meeting minutes – Dec. 4, 2017 & Feb. 5, 2017

Carmen Wickam moved to accept both sets of minutes as presented.  Beth Ross seconded the motion.  The motion passed.

Search Problems – Beth Ross

Beth Ross stated that for the last month and a half or so there have been periodic search issues.  When searching Sage often a “no results” statement comes back even when you know there is a record in the system for it.  Sometimes waiting 5 minutes and searching again will return results.  She and Jon have been working to identify the source of the problem, but have not found it yet.  Jon is restarting services each night to try to help with the issue.  Beth said she has contacted a support vendor we use from time to time asking for ideas.  Feel free to report issues to Beth, and also to retry your search after about 5 minutes.  She stated that there is also a plan to upgrade some server software this summer and this may help with the problem.

Authority Update – Beth Ross

Beth Ross noted that annually, about this time of year, we get an update from our authority control vendor, LTI, of all the authority records that have changed based upon the records that they know we have.  She just finished that update – loading new authority records into the System and updating all the bibs that had changes.  Beth is currently working on doing the authority linking, and is about a quarter of the way finished.  Most of this linking is run at night.  It goes through and updates, or adds, the $0 after authority fields like authors and subjects.

999 field editing – no 040 $d added – Dea Nowell

Dea Nowell noted that something that the Mentors have noticed in follow up work with the new bibs, imported bibs, etc., is that we’re seeing that sometimes people are still adding 040 $d when just adding a 999 tag to the record.  That is not something we need to do.  As a reminder, please only add the 040 $d when making a modification to the bib itself.

need for new 999s – process, send to Mentors – Dea Nowell

Dea Nowell stated, that it has come to the attention of the Cataloging Mentors that sometimes there is a need for new a 999, based on new types of technology that comes out, etc.  We started looking at how best to handle this so that we can keep the filters as streamlined as possible, and ask that if you come across a need for a new 999 to please let one of the Mentors, Beth, or Jon know so that we talk about it and determine the best course of action regarding them.  Then we’ll get the word out to the cataloging community if a new term is added to the 999 list.

[question – 526 & adding 040 $d]

Jenny Simpson asked if adding a 526 field if she needs to add a 040 $d.  After a bit of pondering, Beth Ross responded that if the 526 is not there in the first place then adding that information is adding content to the record, so yes adding a 040 $d would be appropriate.  If it is only a matter of adding your library tag to an already existing 526 field, then no you would not need to add the 040 $d.

new 999s & cheat sheets (resources) – Jon Georg

Jon Georg reported that on the page under resources there is an updated cheat sheet for book, audio, video and the 999 list.  The 999 list has some newly added terms.  Jon then talked through some of the new cheat sheets, audio & video, that have been added to the resources.   He also noted that we are trying to put dates on all the documents as they are revised.  Beth Ross noted that we want to thank Baker Co. Library District for putting these cheat sheets together and sharing them with us.

Book with CD training – Dea Nowell

Dea Nowell gave an update on the “Book with CD”, or sometimes also known as “Read-alongs”, that the Mentors have been working on.  We are getting really close to having that all laid out and are hoping to have a training on this sometime soon, maybe in August (though no date has been set yet) so please watch for details on coming up.  We are trying to make this a bit more streamlined for patrons when they are looking for these types of materials.

Series update – Laurie O’Connor

Laurie O’Connor was planning to give an update on series, however she was not able to be at the meeting.  She is part of a subcommittee that has been working on figuring out the best way to deal with all the funny idiosyncrasies that are seem to be making themselves present as we continue work with having fewer series authorities being created by the Library of Congress.  Jon Georg, also part of the subcommittee, noted that part of this is series titles – should they be in the 245 field, etc.  And also when there are inconsistencies between a book and an audiobook title, etc.

The next scheduled Cataloging Committee meeting is August 6, 2018 at 11am (PDT) via GoToMeeting.

The meeting was adjourned about 11:22am.

meeting recording –