Cataloging Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 2, 2014 @ 11am (PDT)
(via telephone conference call)
Attending: Leeann Baldwin (Hermiston), Valerie Gardner (Ontario Comm.), Molly Hamlin (Planetree Health), Darlyne Johnson (Ontario Comm.), Dea Nowell – Recorder (Umatilla Co. SLD), Sarah Samuels – Chair (Hood River Co. LD), Perry Stokes (Baker Co. LD), Christina Trunnell – Co-chair (TVCC), Katie Wallis (CGCC), Carmen Wickham (Baker Co. LD).
The meeting was called to order at 11:00 am by Sarah Samuels.
Discussion/Approval April 2014 Cataloging Committee Minutes: Christina Trunnell moved to accept the minutes as presented. Carmen Wickham seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as presented.
Hiring Sub-Committee Update
Sarah Samuels noted that Christina Trunnell has been working on a draft of a job description, which needs to be approved and then can be posted. There was a discussion of the mechanics of how to apply (contact, form, etc.). It was determined that a resume and cover letter with references should do the job. Christina sent the draft out via the Sage-Cat list so everyone could look it over. There were a few suggested tweaks to the draft including reference to this being a 2-year grant-funded position. Following the discussion, Christina moved to accept the draft as amended. Perry Stokes seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Christina will send this job description out this week. It was also determined that Perry would be the one to receive the resumes & cover letters via email. There will also be a link to the grant application if someone wants to learn more about the grant. The closing date will be June 30th at midnight. The subcommittee will meet the 1st week of July to review the “applications.” Christina will notify everyone once the position has been posted. She will post it to the PNLA list, Libs-OR list, OSL Jobline, & Sage list(s). Dea Nowell will post it to the LibIdaho list.
[Action item: Christina Trunnell will post the position, including a link to the grant application, to the PNLA list, Libs-OR list, OSL Jobline, & Sage list(s) & will notify everyone when it has been posted.]
[Action item: Dea Nowell volunteered to post it to the LibIdaho list.]
Regional Mentors
There was discussion regarding the duties of the mentors, expectations, etc., as well as list of regions that were listed in the agenda. Carmen Wickham & Ann Zuehlke have volunteered to share in the mentoring duties. It was determined that the mentors need more to be geographically dispersed than have a defined region. The topic of how to communicate that there are mentors available & what they are willing/able to do was discussed — this is especially important as changes in staffing occur around the consortium. It was determined that the listing on the Wiki needs to be redone, along with the types of questions, who to contact, etc. Christina Trunnell will update the SageLibraries Wiki. Carmen agreed to post the information on the Sage-Lib &/or the Sage-Cat list(s) after Christina updates the Wiki.
[Action item: Christina Trunnell will update the SageLibraries Wiki regarding the regional mentors.]
[Action item: Carmen Wickham will post info. regarding the regional mentors to the Sage-Lib &/or Sage-Cat list(s) after Christina updates the Wiki.]
a. Local trainings
Christina Trunnell noted that at the last meeting Beth Longwell mentioned that she was going to do some local trainings this spring. Does anyone know of any?
b. RDA training feedback
Christina started the discussion regarding an available ALA RDA training for $100/person. She also noted that there is currently $2,000 designated for cataloging training this year that has not been used. She stated that from what she has looked at this ALA training looks very similar to what ALCTS has available for free on YouTube.
c. RDA Toolkit purchasing options
Christina noted that ALA now has group access & that we could get up to 13 concurrent users to the RDA Toolkit for a year with that money. They also have bi-monthly video-based access training. The question was raised as to what our current status is with the RDA Toolkit. It was suggested that we could post on the Wiki access information to the Toolkit. Dea Nowell asked if the Wiki was now public — and if so, how do we share this information only within the consortium. It was noted that we need to first find out about the Wiki. Sarah Samuels volunteered to talk with Beth Longwell about the current status of the Wiki (secure entrance to the Wiki) and access to the Toolkit. She noted that she would email Beth today and get back to the group by the end of the week.
[Action item: Sarah Samuels will talk with Beth Longwell about the current status of the SageLibraries Wiki and access to the RDA Toolkit. Then will get back to the group by the end of the week.]
2014-15 Committee Goals
Christina Trunnell and Sarah Samuels, as co-chairs, would like to see us as a committee set some goals for the coming year. Sarah noted that support for the Cataloging Specialist is a big one and will take a lot of time. What else would anyone like to see? You can email Christina or Sarah, or it can be discussed at the next meeting. Another thing that Sarah threw out is she would like to see a standardized policy for cataloging parts.
[Action item: Folks on the Cataloging Committee need to be thinking about what goals they would like to see set & accomplished in next year, for discussion at the next meeting.]
In discussion of when the next meeting should take place in regards to the hiring process, it was noted that the User Council would be the hiring authority not the Cataloging Committee. It was asked how to do that once there is a candidate(s) in the minds of the hiring subcommittee. Perry Stokes agreed to communicate regarding this to the Council to expedite things.
[Action item: Perry Stokes agreed to communicate with the User Council regarding the Cataloging Specialist candidate(s) to expedite the hiring process.]
Meeting was adjourned at 12:07 pm (PDT).
Next meeting: Monday, August 4, 2014, at 11 am (PDT) – via teleconference.
[Dea Nowell noted that she may not be available for the meeting. Sarah Samuels also noted that she may not be available for the meeting.]