Cataloging Committee-June 1 2015

Cataloging Committee Meeting
Monday, June 1, 2015 at 11am (PDT)
via GoToMeeting software

Attending:  Leeann Baldwin (Hermiston), John Brockman (Baker Co. LD), Molly Hamlin (Planetree), Beth Longwell (Sage), Dea Nowell – Recorder (Umatilla Co. SLD), Laurie O’Connor (Harney Co.), David Sale (Sage), Sarah Samuels – Chair (Hood River Co. LD), Jenny Simpson (Nyssa), Christina Trunnell – Co-Chair (TVCC), Catherine Wick (Pendleton), Ann Zuehlke (Hood River Valley HS), Mary Reser ( Gilliam County), Valeria Gardner, Darlyne Johnson, & Joyce McCurdy – all from Ontario Comm. .

The meeting was started at about 11:00 am by Sarah Samuels.

Discussion/Approval April 2015 Cataloging Committee Minutes:  Dea noted a couple of typos & an incorrect date for next meeting.  David noted he wasn’t sure about the statement “…not exactly ‘well underway’…” as the trainings are more than well underway….  It was mentioned that this statement had to do with the previous set of minutes.  Christina moved to accept the minutes with the typos fixed.  Catherine seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved.

Training update (David):  David reported that he and Beth went to Wallowa Co. Library with Wallowa PL, Enterprise PL, & Joseph PL recently.  They had a backlog of self-published items and so did a refresher of original cataloging and subject headings, etc.  There will be a regional training for region 4 at TVCC next week – again focusing on original cataloging.  Later in June, or in early July, there will be a training for region 1 (Hood River area).  He will be doing trainings in the other 2 regions during the summer as well, maybe Baker Co. and not sure about anything else, maybe in Fossil area.  Sarah asked if all the trainings are the same or are they being tailored for the specific needs in areas?  David stated that there were specific requests for original cataloging in Wallowa and Ontario areas.  He noted that he thought it was a good prerequisite to level 1 background.  Laurie asked if these had been advertised as she was thinking specifically of Claire at their library.  David noted that Claire was still in level 2 training and would like to see her finish that and work in that area for about a month before doing any training like this.  David noted that he thought Laurie could do training for Claire.  Laurie noted that she would like some training herself and that historically they have gone to Ontario for trainings.  There was some talk of possibly doing some training in Klamath Falls area.  Several people noted that more communication would be good.  Christina noted that they had just decided on a date and so it hadn’t been communicated yet. 

Sarah noted she has not been able to attend any of the webinars yet, but is glad that they are available.  David asked if there was a better day or time of the week that the Committee thinks would work better.  He is planning about 1 per month on various topics.  Three people noted that Mondays were good for them.

Evergreen 2.7.5 upgrade, Evergreen conference:  Beth stated she is hoping to do a blog post on the 007 — David sent out a brief email on the 007 wizard.  David noted that the images are now being drawn from the 007 plus other fixed fields, though the 999 $e is also necessary.  Beth further noted that the format icons are new and improved.  She noted that the conference was very good overall.  She attended some good sessions, including a cataloging interest group.  She will gather her thoughts regarding all of this and send out via email.  She learned about developing some new indexes for improving relevancy.  Laurie asked about Kathy Lussier’s search tune-up session.  Beth noted that she attended it and took lots of notes.  She also noted that we’ve done some of the things.  Sarah noted that she was interested in the metadata records and that we might make that a possible future training.

Sage website cataloging resources (logging in, manual):  Beth noted that the new website is and has both public and staff views.  Everyone logs in the same to the staff side.  Content providers will have another login which will be coming soon.  She asked that if anyone finds anything missing, or content additions, to please let them know.

David stated he has been updating content to be RDA compatible.  He noted that within RDA catalogers have to think a bit differently.  He stated that he would appreciate if Committee members would take a look at these and give him feedback.  David stated that in “General Cataloging Policy” he drew heavily upon Evergreen Indiana’s policy and tried to expound on things.  It was mentioned that this should line up with our current policy and permission levels — Beth will go through this and reconcile the 2 documents for the next meeting giving explanation as needed.

Subject headings (best practices for children’s resources, BISAC headings):  David noted that he is recommending, based partly on what he understands from Beth, that children’s headings, 6XX 2nd indicator do nothing [in Evergreen].  Beth noted that in Millennium we had a separate index for children’s headings, however we didn’t replicated this in Evergreen.  David is recommending 6XX 2nd indicator 0 and $v Juvenile _____ to show age level of appropriateness.  We don’t need both sets when duplicated (delete those with 2nd indicator 1), as it is better to have Juvenile tagged in headings (indicator 0 with $v Juvenile _____).  Sarah asked a question regarding the extra effort needed to strip headings.  Beth asked, stepping back a bit, would it be better to set the system to not display 6XX _1 and Sears headings?  She noted that she would have to look further at the OPAC display options.  David noted that he wants the OPAC to look the best it can.  And that BISAC headings are basically the same issue — they are very broad… and somewhat in opposition to LCSH.  Dea noted that removing things may limit future use of areas such as BISAC if a library wanted to use it.  We’ve always said we shouldn’t remove fields such as 6XX, but a better approach would probably be more of a display issue.  Laurie noted the following in chat:  “Better duplicate SH than having catalogers strip the WRONG SH’s!  What I’ve seen in the past few weeks is that some catalogers obviously misunderstood and have been stripping all of the 650 \0 $a Subject $v Juvenile.  Thereby on our system, making those children’s books unidentifiable as children’s works.”  Beth stated that some of the display issues may mitigate some of this — suggested we need to prioritize our time when bringing in records — fixed fields are probably a bigger issue than 6XX fields.  She will work on this for the next meeting.  Sarah stated she thinks this is a good approach.  Laurie stated she doesn’t want to see folks delete the incorrect fields like she’s been seeing.  David noted he would like to see a standardized approach to assigning subject headings.

Discussion of other improvements and problems we’ve seen in the catalog lately: 

  • Laurie noted that she sent an email to David 5-6 weeks ago stating that she is seeing improvement in records and not having to do as much to records — thanks.
  • Beth noted that she made a change to importing records via Z39.50 this morning.  955, 952, 906, & 907 will be stripped from records on import.  Therefore making it unnecessary to have to delete them before importing.  It was requested that 599, 596, & 029 be added to this list of local fields being stripped.  Beth asked if there were others that people see on a regular basis to let her know.
  • Fiction/Non-Fiction — Seeing a lot of pipes ( | ) instead of ones (1) in records in the Fixed Fields table (008).  The patron survey showed that patrons would like to be able to limit searches via fiction or non-fiction, we can only do this if they are being coded correctly.
  • Beth created a search group for Sage Juvenile Materials based on shelving locations.  It is under Sage Libraries in the filter.  She will be doing the same with YA and any others that people may feel are necessary.
  • Beth also noted that series headings are being added by some folks and summaries added through Marcive with some extra funds available through the cataloging grant needing to be spent by the end of June.

Agenda for upcoming meetings: 

  • David suggested new standards sections to be a topic
  • Laurie suggest search relevancy
  • survey results (Beth will send out…)

Any other topics — please send to Sarah.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:06 pm (PDT).

Next meeting:  Monday, August 3, 2015, at 11 am (PDT) – via GoToMeeting software.