Cataloging Committee February 6, 2017
Recorder, Laurie O’Connor
Attending: Dea Nowell—Chairperson (Umatilla Co. SLD); Laurie O’Connor—Recorder (Harney Co. Library); Valeria Gardner (Ontario LD); John Brockman and Carmen Wickam (Baker Co. LD); Barbara Telfer (The Dalles-Wasco Co. LD); Catherine Wick (Pendleton PL); Ann Zuehlke (Hood River Schools); Jenny Simpson (Nyssa PL); Lisa Hauner (Oregon Trail LD); Tracy Hayes (Lake Co. LD); Molly Hamlin (Planetree); Beth Longwell (Sage).
The Cataloging Committee meeting minutes from December 5, 2016 were presented. Motion to accept them as written was made by Beth Longwell; second by Carmen Wickam; none opposed.
Report on Authority Record Loads—Beth Longwell
All of the authority records created in the past year were exported to our vendor, LTI, and updated records were then entered into Sage. Beth is also working on updating all of the subfield zero fields to make sure they are showing all of the current records. In the process of doing this authority work, there were a lot of duplicate records cleaned up.
Beth also ran an “authority linking script” to utilize the Evergreen “see also” ability. To use this feature on the OPAC, go to “Browse Catalog”, select “Author” as your search input. To test this, put in Quick, Amanda. You will see all of the other names that this author writes under. We still cannot “see instead” references, to correct variations or misspelled search terms. Sarah Samuels has pointed out that variations in author names and entries may not always give patrons link to items they are looking for. Not perfect, but this is an improvement.
Duplicate bib records—Laurie O’Connor
Monthly scans of new records still yielding 10-15 true duplicate records. About half are just done in error, incomplete searching or perhaps forgetting to switch their searches from their home libraries to Sage at large when looking for a bib match to add their items. But the other thing that is happening quite often is that the same library imports two identical records within just a few minutes, and then attaches to one record but leaves a duplicate without any items attached. Some catalogers think there is some delay during batch imports, so they repeat the process almost immediately, assuming their import failed. Catalogers should please allow several minutes, at least, after a batch import, before doing it over. And, just in case, do look for any possible duplicates you may have created before moving on. Other catalogers are also sending me lists of duplicates that they run into during general cataloging, generally older books and older records. Even though we have done a global duplicate cleanup, and David Sales spent a lot of time cleaning up lists of duplicates, there are really too many duplicates on Sage; we all need to work toward ending this problem. Otherwise, we are faced with constant cleanup issues.
LTI also made corrections to non-filing indicators in the 245 and 7XX records, cleaning up about 200 records out of 20,000 submitted during our recent authority records. Many of these were Spanish items, with incorrect indicators not allowing for the leading Spanish articles.
Book Standards Cataloging Manual—Christina Trunnel, Beth Longwell, Dea Nowell
There has not been a lot of progress, the mentors hope to find more time to revise the manual in the near future.
CAT1 Requirements, Advancement—Dea Nowell and Laurie O’Connor
Mentors have been working to outline the process to advance to CAT1 status on Sage. Mentors have a draft proposal that will hopefully go in front of the Sage Council on their March 21 meeting. No comments, feedback, on this from cataloging committee today. Mentors will finalize the document at their March 2 meeting. We are striving to keep the document flexible enough to allow for different approaches needed due to geographic restraints and limited resources.
Request for Cataloging Training funding in Sage budget—
Mentors decided we need to revise a line item for training money in the Sage budget, so Dea sent this proposal on to the Sage Budget Committee. This expenditure was removed during our two-year LSTA period with a cataloging specialist. Now, catalogers moving up to CAT1 level will need to use some online classes, and the mentors thought it would be appropriate to offer some matching funds to those requesting help, as budget allows. Also, this budget line could be used for any Sage catalogers who identify a professional development class that will advance their skills. Mentors also continue to search for some appropriate group training opportunities. Laurie asked that catalogers share any potential trainings with the cataloging group at large. Beth reported that the cataloging training request was approved in the draft budget.
Analyzing Bibs for Import into Sage—Dea Nowell
Not all bibs being imported onto Sage are adequate. Dea demonstrated how to analyze Z39.50 options, in order to find the best record, not to settle for the first record that you find. To follow Dea’s demonstration, you can find her tips at 20:00 minutes on the video at
Some of the highlights from Dea’s demonstration:
- Enlarge the z39.50 screen, hide the top panel, to get a fuller shot of the records you are considering.
- We have added more sources, but don’t select so many that you are overwhelmed
- Do a quick review, look, at all of the bibs returned, to see which ones have obvious omissions, to narrow down your best choice. Be aware if required fields are absent, you cannot import without serious edit work.
- Pick the fullest level bib available, and be aware of needed edits.
- Watch for corrupt symbols and correct as needed! Especially 245, 264, 5XX, and 7XX fields for diacritics.
- Fix or add GMD’s as needed—not all systems use the same protocol, but still required on Sage.
Many catalogers really appreciated this demonstration, and asked that the mentors strive to provide more Sage trainings, workshops, using GoToMeeting. Please send suggestions to Dea or other mentors. These can be recorded and stored in Cataloging Resources on the Sage web page.
Other Items:
Beth is still working to cleanup online resources that did not get entered correctly and therefore display to all, instead of restricting the links to particular holding libraries.
Tracy Hayes asked if the mentors could clarify what catalogers should do when records have both the 260 and the 264 fields. Should we delete the older, 260 field? What if there are discrepancies between the two fields? Beth still needs to confirm which field is currently the default field on our system, but she is assuming it is now the RDA 264. However, until Beth makes sure the 264 is now fully functional and is the default display field, catalogers can leave both in a record. Be aware that a full RDA bib will only have the 264 field(s), and RDA bibs are the preferred, full quality bibs to select.
Discussion on replacing Brent Mills, concerns that his replacement will present new obstacles for our system. Beth reported the hiring committee is preparing to go over and update the job description. The committee is weighing whether to emphasize systems administration or library experience? Laurie requested a copy of the job description be circulated so anyone on Sage hoping to find the best candidate, “Brent’s clone”, can follow the process, offer feedback. The committee is hoping that Brent may help us find a good replacement.
Next Cataloging Committee meeting will be 11 a.m. April 3, 2017 via GoToMeeting. Mentors meet on 1st Thursdays of every month, so their next meeting will be March 2, 2017.
Meeting adjourned at 11:50 am.
Video recording: