Cataloging Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 3, 2014 @ 11am (PDT)
(via telephone conference call)
[minutes corrected at 4/7/14 Cataloging Committee meeting]
Attending: Leeann Baldwin (Hermiston), Heather Estrada (BMCC), Katrina Gaines (EOU), Valerie Gardner (Ontario Comm.), Jayne Guidinger (The Dalles-Wasco Co.), Molly Hamlin (Planetree Health), Darlyne Johnson (Ontario Comm.), Beth Longwell – System Administrator (Sage), Dea Nowell – Recorder (Umatilla Co. SLD), Laurie O’Connor – Co-chair (Harney Co.), Sarah Samuels (Hood River Co. LD), Perry Stokes (Baker Co. LD), Barbara Telfer (The Dalles-Wasco Co.), Christina Trunnell (TVCC), Catherine Wick (Pendleton), Ann Zuehlke – Chair (Hood River Valley HS).
The meeting was called to order 11:01 am by Ann Zuehlke.
Discussion/Approval October 2013 Cataloging Comm. minutes: Sarah Samuels moved to approve the October 2013 minutes as presented. Barbara Telfer seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as presented.
Cataloging Contacts on Wiki: Ann Zuehlke stated that she had sent out some emails using this list & found that many are out of date. She has sent a list of these to Dea Nowell for correction. Dea will be updating this list. Please everyone look to see if you can fill in any missing information.
[Action item: Dea Nowell will update the Cataloging Contacts on the SageLibraries Wiki.]
[Action item: Everyone – please look to see if you can fill in any missing information.]
Cataloging Training Certificates: Ann Zuehlke noted that she has been passing along information of those who have contacted her to state that they haven’t received their certificate. Perry Stokes asked if we could post the list on the Wiki of those who have completed the training?
[Action item: Christina Trunnell will post the list of those who have completed the Cataloging Training on the SageLibraries Wiki.]
LSTA grant for Cataloging Specialist: Ann Zuehlke stated that she feels this is a top priority for the Committee, though she feels the Cataloging Committee is too large to handle it. She suggested a subcommittee. She also noted that she doesn’t feel she can continue as Cataloging Committee Chair as she can’t do justice to this. Perry Stokes suggested 3 people work on job description, timeline & interview process. Someone asked what the timeframe would be for the subcommittee. The response was 2 years or a few months. Perry suggested a hiring committee be first. Christina Trunnell agreed, noting that this is an initial time commitment; follow up for Specialist is a lot of training and may even be working with another subcommittee or mentors. Volunteers for Hiring Committee: Sarah Samuels, Barbara Telfer, Perry Stokes & Beth Longwell.
Cataloging Comm. Chair: Sarah Samuels stated that she was approached by Buzzy about chairing the Committee. She further stated that she feels pretty new to all this & would like someone more experienced with the group be the chair. Beth Longwell asked if the grant position could chair. The consensus of the group was that it would be a conflict of interest. Christina Trunnell volunteered to co-chair with someone. Sarah agreed to chair with Christina as co-chair.
Hiring Committee: Dea Nowell noted that the hiring committee needs to involve the mentors at some point if the intention is to use them or rely on them for training. Laurie O’Connor noted that we probably need to revisit this group and the list of mentors. She also noted that getting a periodic update from this committee would be very helpful.
Where to post the position/advertisement: There was much discussion regarding this with some of the highlights listed. Where would this person be located? It doesn’t have to necessarily be in Baker City, though Baker Co. Library District is the fiscal agent. Probably needs to be located within the Consortium area, due to traveling. Recruitment could occur through different MLS programs, however person needs to live within the region. We would have to be up front about this being a 2 year contract. Libs-OR & Washington list, and Idaho list maybe. Residence & amount of travel within the region & which library can provide some office space are issues. Beth Longwell suggested she could possibly share office space at Pierce Library (EOU). [MOU that will be signed by EOU will leave Beth office space & servers, etc. at EOU.] Hiring Committee will work on setting a date for meeting via email.
Priorities for this position: Beth Longwell asked if as a group we are going to talk about priorities for this position, as it may be helpful to the subcommittee? Laurie O’Connor suggested the subcommittee could prioritize the list & post it, and then the catalogers could respond. Christina Trunnell asked if this person is charged with cleaning up the database & training — as they are very different tasks. Do we want to do some training before then, as it may be 6-8 months before they can do training after learning the database? We need to have some idea what we really want to have happen and where to have them go. It was noted that training is a big deal. It was noted that one to one is very helpful especially for smaller libraries. Laurie stated she would not discredit some really high quality online training and having the grant position be the contact person for this, etc. It was further noted that we need to focus on how they will hit the ground running and then following beyond that. Barbara Telfer suggested that maybe we need to do another basic training. Laurie asked if there was some money within Sage to assist with this? Beth said some, however we’d need to really look at and set some guidelines. Perry Stokes noted that in the new budget there has been no money set aside for cataloging due to it being built into the grant. Someone suggested the next 6 months need to look at some basic training available. Dea Nowell stated we need to consider the RDA issue and implementation or not, at this point. Someone also asked the RDA subcommittee where are we with that. Beth stated they will try to get together via email with some suggestions.
[Action item: Hiring Committee will work on setting a date for meeting via email.]
[Action item: RDA Subcommittee – try to get together via email with some suggestions.]
Action items from last meeting:
authority work/linking: Beth Longwell thinks she sent out email, will need to check on. Also not sure if posted to Wiki.
RDA info available: Something posted on Sage Evergreen blog — probably needs to be more prominently positioned.
cataloging using parts: This was also sent out on the list serve and posted on the blog. Beth will send out new email regarding all the action items with links, etc. Laurie O’Connor would like to see more discussion on parts after this information has been posted — are we looking at having to re-catalog, seems ridiculous. Sarah Samuels noted that using parts gives patrons a bit more control & is cleaner. Laurie stated she would like to see feedback from Evergreen community and then we make our own decision as a group. Perry Stokes noted that we can’t really mix up parts & non-parts on the same record, as it doesn’t work well. Beth noted there is nothing to stop you from designating the whole season, etc., as a part. Laurie stated we would need to be bringing in full season, etc., bibs rather than individual sections (505 tag listing all the sections). She further noted that this is especially a consortium issue.
updating CIP records based on RDA document: Dea Nowell reported regarding this action item that she is working on it, however it is not quite ready yet.
[Action item: Beth Longwell will send out new email regarding all the action items with links, etc.]
[Action item: Dea Nowell will finish up & post to Wiki updating CIP records based on RDA document.]
Meeting was closed at 12:03 pm (PDT) with Ann Zuehlke thanking all those who have stepped up to co-chair Committee and/or serve on the Hiring Subcommittee.
[Next meeting: Monday, April 7, 2014, at 11 am (PDT) – via teleconference.]