Cataloging Committee-December 7 2020

Sage Cataloging committee meeting minutes – December 7, 2020


Celine Vandervlugt (La Grande, chair), John Brockman (Baker County), Barbara Telfer (The Dalles), BoDean Warnock (Baker County), Dea Nowell (UCSLD), Heather Estrada (BMCC), Heather Spry (Baker County), Jenny Simpson (Nyssa), Jon Georg (Sage), Laurie O’Connor (Harney County), Leeann Baldwin (Hermiston), Lisa Hauner (OTLD), Marsha Richmond (KCC), Mary Reser (Gilliam), Valeria Gardner (Ontario)

Celine opened with thanking John and introducing herself as incoming chair.

Celine referred to Dea’s corrections to the October minutes.

Dea motions to approve minutes, and Heather and John seconded minutes. Minutes approved.

Celine called for general cataloging questions or concerns.  Laurie O’Connor called for a discussion on clarifying series titles and Sage precedent.  Celine mentioned that a few agenda items were not on the currently displayed agenda, but would be discussed later in the meeting.

New Business:

                When sourcing a website in a 500 note for series information (e.g. FantasticFiction, GoodReads), other URL information (e.g. www, .com) should not be included.

               Some Z39 import sources have been missing essential MARC fields as of late.  One notable example is the 300 and 264 fields from Seattle.

               A reminder that large print ISBNs (020) fields should be deleted from records for regular print. eBook ISBNs are to be left in but the subfield should be “z” instead of “a.” John reminded everyone about 775 and 776 fields that also contain ISBNs for other formats.  They should be retained.

               A book club kit template will be created so that catalogers won’t have to make as many changes to the existing “kit” template.  If using the “kit” template for a book club record, it was discovered that if fields from the “kit” template are left in by mistake, Marcive can and will add fields that are incorrect.  In this case, it was an 007 field that Marcive used to add in/change 33X, 340, 344, 655. Lisa Hauner raised a question about the graphic icon in the OPAC and why it wasn’t corresponding to the 007 in the example. Dea clarified that in this case the graphic corresponded to the Item Type (kit) and not the 007. Not all graphic icons come from the same field information.

               Please continue to add 999s appropriately to imported records.  The list of 999 terms is available at the following link on the Sage website à While capitalization does not matter, do not add punctuation or pluralize the terms, as that will index as a different term.  It is important to keep this controlled vocabulary consistent.

               Regarding GMDs, the consortium is no longer adding these to records.  The GMD is contained in subfield “h” of the 245 field, and is replaced by 33X fields.  Please be sure that imported records have appropriate 33X fields, and do not add the GMD.  Next year, the transition to RDA-only will be finalized.

               Sage precedent for series titles is that the book title is put in the 245 $a subfield and NOT the series title (with an exception being graphic novels), despite the prevalence of the series title on the title page. The example given below was from Brandon Mull’s Dragonwatch series. Note no period at the end of 246.

=100 1\$aMull, Brandon,$d1974-$eauthor.

=245 10$aChampion of the Titan Games/$cBrandon Mull ; illustrated by Brandon Dorman.

=246 30$aDragonwatch :$bchampion of the Titan Games

               Laurie reminded catalogers to please follow Sage precedent and guidelines, and asked if anyone wanted to discuss Michael Connolly and his series antics.  No one took the bait.  A few of his series have inconsistent title and numeration across multiple authorities, which create nightmare situations for catalogers.  Lisa Hauner referred to the recent series guidelines put out by the mentor committee, and asked if a cheatsheet was in the works.  Celine asked about Library of Congress’s Name/Title authorities and how often they are updated.  Dea clarified that they aren’t comprehensively updating them anymore, and Heather mentioned that it ends up being a “fun surprise” when they do. It was clarified that Library of Congress is the primary authority, but we use secondary authorities for series information when it is absent/unavailable from Library of Congress.

Pending Business:

               The mentors committee is encouraging catalogers to apply for higher cataloging levels.  The competencies/requirements documentation is listed on the Sage website at the link below. Please contact your mentor if you are interested in pursuing a higher cataloging level. Mentor contact information is posted at

               Before adjournment, Laurie asked the committee to share what their libraries are currently experiencing in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic.  Celine shared that La Grande has closed down again to curbside.  Laurie shared that while Harney County remains open, morale is low due to disagreements with some patrons over restrictions and safety protocols.  Circulation is holding steady, however, and an outdoor book club program that was successful in the summertime, but not successful when being held virtually.  In Baker County, Heather brought up cleaning protocols, masks, limited browsing/computer time, and social distancing requirements. Barbara Telfer in The Dalles mentioned they also opened up, but had to shut down to curbside like La Grande.

Move to adjourn. Heather Spry motions, Barbara Telfer seconds. 11:45 Adjourn.

Next meeting date: Monday, February 1, 11:00 am PST

Meeting recording link: