Cataloging Committee-December 3 2012

Cataloging Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, December 3, 2012 @ 11am (PDT)
(via telephone conference call)

Attending:  Heather Estrada (BMCC), Katrina Gaines (EOU), Valerie Gardner (Ontario Comm.), Molly Hamlin (Planetree Health Resource Center), Darlyne Johnson (Ontario Comm.), Beth Longwell – System Administrator (EOU), Laurie O’Connor – Co-chair (Harney Co.), Dea Nowell – recording (Umatilla Co. SLD), Elizabeth Rice (Ontario Comm.), Jenny Simpson (Nyssa), Perry Stokes (Baker Co. LD), Catherine Wick (Pendleton), Ann Zuehlke – Chair (Hood River Valley HS).

The meeting was called to order at 11:02 am by Ann Zuehlke.

October minutes – reading, discussion, corrections, approval:  Laurie O’Connor noted she had some spelling issues on Oct. 1st minutes she’d get to Dea.  Laurie moved to accept the October 1, 2012, minutes as presented (with typos fixed).  Catherine Wick seconded the motion.  The minutes from October 1st meeting were approved.  Laurie O’Connor moved to approve the October 26, 2012 minutes as presented.  Dea Nowell seconded the motion.  The minutes from the October 26th meeting were approved.  Ann noted that Buzzy Nielsen had emailed her that he had run the Cataloging Policy by an attorney and that it looked okay.

Potential Subcommittees / Action Items / Volunteers?

Discussion, report from Katrina Gaines, others:
Katrina Gaines noted that she emailed her report in October [to a few people] following the class.  There was some discussion and the report will be sent to the Sage-Cat list.  Katrina in the meantime gave a brief run down, noting that after attending the class she didn’t feel RDA was as major in terms of changes as she’d thought — there is some new coding & tags, you don’t have to remember as many abbreviations, etc.
[Action item: Katrina Gaines will post her report to Sage-Cat email list.]

Dea noted some tips for implementation that were on a webinar about RDA that she recently viewed  [RDA: Are we there yet? NCompassLive with Emily Nimsakont (Sept. 12, 2012)]. 

Tips for Implementation:
Decide when you will implement
     – Be prepared to deal with RDA records in copy cataloging (how to handle)
Talk to ILS vendor
     – How to display & index new fields
Think about Authority Control
     – If you outsource this, talk to your vendor
     – If not, make decisions about what you will do
Plan for Training
     – Who?
     – How?
     – When?

Dea was asked to post this to the Sage-Cat list.
[Action item: Dea Nowell will post these tips for implementation to Sage-Cat email list.]

Beth Longwell noted that the Evergreen Community has started this discussion already & she is following the discussion on the email lists and the bug launch pad.  She noted that it is just ongoing work.  Beth also spoke a bit about where things are with respect to the authority control issue.  The authority records that were sent out to LTI in the spring will be loaded into Sage in December & January.  [Beth noted that she was waiting for 2.2 & working with Equinox to figure out how to load them.  They will be loaded during evening hours so as not to impact the system so much.]  These authority records are currently built under AACR2 format.  LTI, the vendor we use for authority control, is ramping up development of authority records for RDA.  They have a couple of phases: 1) continuing work on authority records & sending AACR2 updates out when doing updates (so as to cause no mix), 2) first quarter of 2013 will be moving forward with mixed records (AACR2 & RDA).  They will be doing a special run at no cost to update AACR2 to RDA format (projecting this to happen in May).  We will need to let them know by March 15th if we would like to be included in this special run.
[Action item:  Beth Longwell will be loading LTI updated authority records into Sage in December & January.]

Laurie asked about what conflicts would arise with having RDA authority records in the database without moving over to RDA in a timely manner. 

The discussion turned to the flexibility of the free run with LTI.  We need to ask & clarify this with LTI.  Beth further noted that she asked permission of her San Jose State advisor (MLIS program) for permission to join the RDA class earlier than would usually be in her track.  The class would run March through May if she is given allowance.
[Action item:  Beth Longwell will ask for clarification from LTI regarding the flexibility of this free run.]
[Action item:  Beth will also monitor Evergreen discussion groups for guidelines on proceeding with RDA.]

Volunteer(s) to lead RDA prep?:
Ann asked for 3 volunteers to lead the RDA subcommittee to consider discovery and discussion of Sage’s eventual RDA conversion and to find acceptable training options for Sage catalogers, etc.  Katrina noted she is willing to share any resources she comes across.  Beth noted the same.  [Heather Estrada emailed Dea that she was on the conference call listening but unable to be heard – she said she would be the 3rd volunteer.]

Sage Cataloging Trainings:
Certificate of completion:
Ann asked for clarification on this.  Laurie noted that Christina Trunnell had volunteered last April to do this.  Laurie & Dea have created spreadsheets for those who attended the video class and the May & June trainings, though they still need to be combined.  Laurie noted that she will work on getting these combined and contact Christina to see if she is still interested in doing this.
[Action item:  Laurie O’Connor will work on getting the spreadsheets of those who participated in trainings last spring combined.]
[Action item:  Laurie O’Connor will contact Christina Trunnell to see if she is still interested in working on getting certificates of completion out to participants.]

Tracking cataloging levels within Sage:
Ann stated she feels that we need to be tracking training as we continue to move forward.  Others agreed.

Future training — needs and opportunities — suggestions:
Ann noted that she has a colleague who is working through the video class & wondered if there were going to be any additional trainings such as we had last spring.  Laurie asked Dea to consider future trainings around the consortium this spring such as she did last spring.  Laurie also stated she feels we need to bring in some additional outside professional training.  Dea noted that we really ought to determine when our RDA implementation date is before we move forward on planning too far for training as we need to determine whether we’ll have further training under AACR2 or RDA.  Laurie noted that she was thinking early fall 2013 for RDA conversion, as she wants to be sure we avoid any fiscal year changes, etc.  Beth agreed with this.  Ann asked if the training could precede the conversion, like maybe have training in August, as it would be better for the schools.  Ann asked Laurie to check on cost/time frame, etc. for some training with someone like Deborah Fritz.  Laurie will send Ann what she has already gathered.
[Action item:  Dea Nowell will consider whether she will be able to provide additional trainings this spring.]
[Action item:  Laurie O’Connor will send to Ann what she has already gathered in terms of Deborah Fritz’s cost and time frame for scheduling professional training.]

Grant proposals: LSTA Grant for 2014 — report from Laurie:
Laurie stated that she has been in touch with Ann Reed (Oregon State Library).  They have talked twice & Ann Reed stated that the State Library & the State Library Board does want to see Sage prosper.  The feedback is that we need to think larger than we currently are.  Ann Reed’s feeling, whose background is in cataloging, etc., is that we are under proposing for what needs to be done.  The timeline is that a brief proposal needs to be submitted in April 2013, with a full proposal submitted in August 2013.  Ann Reed would like to meet with some of the Cataloging Committee and any interested Sage Council representatives via video in early to mid-January and then face-to-face with a subcommittee in mid-February to review all of this.  Laurie stated she is not sure who will volunteer to accomplish something of this scope.  Perry Stokes stated that a project manager can be budgeted into the grant application.  Laurie stated that we need to clearly identify the goals, budget, and process.  She noted that Ann Reed suggested a 3-year project, as she felt a 2-year project was too short a time frame.  Laurie noted that she felt a full-time cataloging specialist needs to be at the center ($110,000/year minimum), we need to do a professional re-write of the manual, make corrections in the database & clean up duplicates (1st year).  Laurie further noted that she feels this is too large for a Cataloging Committee sub-committee.  Perry noted that he hopes the Sage Council would pull together a grant committee, which would probably include some directors that have had experience with LSTA grants.  Laurie will continue discussion with Ann Reed & ask Buzzy Nielsen to query interest from the Sage Council.  Beth asked Laurie to send out information regarding the discussion with Ann Reed to date — Laurie will send this out & also notices about the video conferences if we choose to move forward with this.
[Action item:  Laurie O’Connor will continue discussion with Ann Reed.]
[Action item:  Laurie O’Connor will ask Buzzy Nielsen to query interest in participating in this process from the Sage Council.]
[Action item:  Laurie O’Connor will send out information regarding the discussion with Ann Reed to date.]
[Action item:  Laurie O’Connor will send out notices about the video conferences if we choose to move forward with this.]

Cataloging assistance — regional mentors, assistance to small libraries, etc.:
[This is an ongoing discussion.]  Dea was asked what pieces of information would be needed from a small library in order for a mentor to add bibs to Sage for them.  Dea will send a list of the information she requests from District Libraries to the mentors & to Ann.  Then we can discuss this further.  Dea expressed concern over the fact that this could quickly become overwhelming if we aren’t careful in how we approach this.
[Action item:  Dea Nowell will send to cataloging mentors & Ann Zuehlke what information from materials that she requests from her District Libraries in order to add to Sage.]

Updating Sage Cataloging Standards Manual — volunteer(s) to lead/organize?:
Discussion on this was tabled for now due to the LSTA grant & RDA discussions.

Wiki–Sage Cataloging Wiki — improve structure, keep current:
Laurie noted that she’s not sure what we can do about it but that it is hard to find things on the Wiki.  Beth agreed that the Wiki needs some work overall, in general.  Laurie recommends it continue to be pushed forward to the Council.

Report from System Admin, Beth Longwell

Authority control:
Beth reported on this earlier [in the discussion under RDA].

Weekly tip:
Beth noted that it was her desire to put out a weekly tip, but her work load has not allowed this.  The blog site has been created it just needs to be populated.

Empty bibs:
Beth noted that she has been working on getting rid of empty bibs associated with electronic resources and that there are a lot fewer.  She asked if there were any specific questions.  Laurie noted that it is an on-going issue, not just with e-books.  Beth asked for examples of what is being found to be sent to her.  It was noted that if a volume was left attached to a record the bib would remain in the system.  Perry asked if there could be a library permission setting that was overlooked that is preventing a volume from being deleted when an item is the last item on a bib.  Beth will check on this.
[Action item:  Beth Longwell will check on whether there is a library permission setting preventing a volume from being deleted when an item being deleted is the last item attached to a bib.]

Ann noted something a bit different that she has been seeing lately.  She has 2 copies of a title (Unwind) to add to Sage, but when she brings up what looks like the correct bib it shows electronic resource.  It was noted that this is due to an 856 in the bib and that the item itself is not an electronic resource, just that there are links associated with this item.  Ann said it is a bit confusing to both staff and patrons.  There was some discussion about the possibility of changing the display to not be so prominent (currently the link is surrounded by a darkish gray box).

Anything additional?
Ann & Laurie both brought up the topic about the possible need to formalize the committee.  Laurie noted that it would be helpful when setting up and preparing for the meetings to have some idea as to who would be attending.  Ann agreed.  Is there a need to have a listing of a core that attend?  Laurie recommended putting this on the agenda & contacting the Sage Council for recommendations and/or suggestions.

Next meeting: February 4, 2013, at 11 am (PST)

Meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:15 pm (PST).